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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. The more I listen to these sample, I think this is going to be really good!
  2. Holy shit I remember that movie!!! I haven't seen it since about 1988 or so.
  3. Love just about all the Mel Brooks movies, this being my #1
  4. That's not my fault, and is not an adequate excuse. Nah, I must have confused him with someone else raving about Degreed. I noticed a lot of guys have changed their avatars, and I recognize avatars more than names. seriously tho, do you guys really rate Jettblack. They are a pretty fun live act but their boring straight ahead no frills rock style is a little drab. Would like to hear more stuff like 'Never Gonna Give It Up' but fear this was a one off for the band. Would LOVE to hear more stuff like PRISON OF LOVE and NEVER GONNA GIVE IT UP
  5. These are my favorite kind of action movies. Straight forward, some gun fire, some explosions and car chases. You don't always need cgi and special effects. Lethal Weapons Die Hards Eraser Just to name a few of my favorites.
  6. These are my favorite kind of action movies. Straight forward, some gun fire, some explosions and car chases. You don't always need cgi and special effects.
  7. From the snippets, they are moving from Melodic Rock to Melodic Metal. If that's good or not to early to tell. I will check it out for sure,but really liked the direction Sultans was going! That could be just me.
  8. From the samples, that's what I got out of it to! Good stuff!(fingers crossed) Just got this from itunes, need to give it a proper listen.
  9. From the samples, that's what I got out of it to! Good stuff!(fingers crossed)
  10. The Dynazty is called 'Renatus' You hear anything else about it Glen?
  11. This is a classic, I have had the vhs version forever! Cool, man. I hadn't seen "Dead Heat" since it made the HBO rounds back in the day, so when it popped up on Netflix I sez "Hell yes!"... it's quality B-movie cheeze and I was pleased to see that it has held up very well, I laughed all the way thru it... B movie for sure , but still classic!
  12. Nice list, didn't expect for you to have so much love for the new Crashdiet. Sure it's good but thought it's out of top 20 Never heard of Madman's Lullaby and The Jokers, will check em out The songs are so strong on Playground that I am able to overlook the rough production. I just find myself continually spinning this one. Great album IMO. Production isn't as bad as people make it out to be, BUT not as good as it should/could have been. I also like it, even with the not so "perfect"production. In my top 15
  13. R.I.P.D.- Just a fun movie to watch(MIB type) Kids loved it!
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