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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. good movie. kind of a prequel to the tv show Yes really good straight forward action flick!!!
  2. Great list, how awesome of an anthem song is ABOVE THE LAW?!Very awesome - in fact there are several great songs on that album! I have to admit, really not an overall fan of the band(select songs) but I do really like the new album! I think their last 5 albums are all awesome - hardly a filler in sight I'll have to do some more sampling.
  3. about as odd as Pretty Maids having a new disc out in 2014 True, but even more odd with Adriangale as there has been many years between releases... isn't it almost a decade between 3rd and 4th discs? Oh well, good news anyway... and about PM too - didn't know that one! And rumor has it that on the best of(also due out in 2014)there will be a couple of new tunes on there
  4. Great list, how awesome of an anthem song is ABOVE THE LAW?! Very awesome - in fact there are several great songs on that album! I have to admit, really not an overall fan of the band(select songs) but I do really like the new album!
  5. Great list, how awesome of an anthem song is ABOVE THE LAW?!
  6. The difference here is this came out a year and a half later than the European release. Are you saying people should have waited a year and a half just in case there was a Japanese version with an extra bonus CD? Yes thats what he's saying, I just buy the fucking cd, whichever cuntry it comes out in, if it pops up with bonus tracks in another country, I'll buy that one, jesus christ, whats the fucking debate about, sell the rip off gay version, and order the bonus track loaded oriental version, or just give up all around, and seek it out on a torrent sight, that way your getting the upper hand, you paid for your copy, right? then they have the audacity to release the same copy, only with 3 additional songs, and on top of that, those songs, are probably better then a quarter of the songs on the version you bought, so it's only fair, that you discard 3 tracks off your original cd, go to the torrent, download the 3 bonus tracks that you deserve, because you paid for your 1st cd, and enjoy them, and know that you can still send your fucking small loan amount to the japanese, for the original copy, if you want, but you dont have to, you have evened up the score! now thats' the way I plan on getting my 3 bonus tracks! Not all of us have the fucking money to blow on 2-3 different versions of one album! Exactly. Especially when the Jap version is probably gonna cost stupid money. To anyone who does not like digital downloads, you have to bite the bullet and either download it or spend money over again (and this is no different if its a Jap release or a re-release of the domestic version like Reckless Love did with their first album) Plus, my original copy is signed by the band, so its not like I will just be selling my copy off. Its shit like this that just encourages people to download shit illegally. Correct
  7. Agree 100% I never listen to them first 2, and don't plan on it anymore.
  8. The difference here is this came out a year and a half later than the European release. Are you saying people should have waited a year and a half just in case there was a Japanese version with an extra bonus CD? Yes thats what he's saying, I just buy the fucking cd, whichever cuntry it comes out in, if it pops up with bonus tracks in another country, I'll buy that one, jesus christ, whats the fucking debate about, sell the rip off gay version, and order the bonus track loaded oriental version, or just give up all around, and seek it out on a torrent sight, that way your getting the upper hand, you paid for your copy, right? then they have the audacity to release the same copy, only with 3 additional songs, and on top of that, those songs, are probably better then a quarter of the songs on the version you bought, so it's only fair, that you discard 3 tracks off your original cd, go to the torrent, download the 3 bonus tracks that you deserve, because you paid for your 1st cd, and enjoy them, and know that you can still send your fucking small loan amount to the japanese, for the original copy, if you want, but you dont have to, you have evened up the score! now thats' the way I plan on getting my 3 bonus tracks! Not all of us have the fucking money to blow on 2-3 different versions of one album!
  9. You may have the Johnny Lima already, but it is a 2014 release.
  10. Love hoodwinked,.Was hoping the 2nd was going to be just as good, but was just ok.
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