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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. THE HILLS HAVE EYES 2 (Unrated) The hills may have eyes, but I was really wishing I didn't when that disgustingly-graphic opening birth scene was playing on the TV screen. That said, this movie was a passable time-waster, never boring, but never anything special either, and never even comes close to matching the masterful intensity of the first one (the Aja-directed remake). But being the gore-hound I am, I was amused by the graphically-violent set-pieces, especially the ending when they kill the main mutant (sorry if you consider that a spoiler); man, they really messed that guy up!! Bastard had it coming, after that nasty (and totally gratuitious) rape scene...
  2. Aw, fuck me sideways. Our new shift assignments for the upcoming quarter (beginning Sept. 24) just came the fuck out and looks like I'll actually have to fucking work for the next 3 months rather than sitting around with nothin better to do than surf Heavy fucking Harmonies. Might be able to check in once a fucking week or so, but that'll be about fucking it. Ya'll better fucking enjoy me while I'm still here...and fucking miss me when I'm gone. I swear you fucking better or else I will NOT be fucking responsible for the fucking shitstorm Eric Brittingham will call down on your fucking asses. Don't say you weren't fucking warned, compadres.
  3. Anybody heard this band? Apparently these guys realized that in the 80s, all the choruses had gang vocals, and the chorus was the only part anybody actually remembered (they point out that everyone knows the chorus to "Pour Some Sugar On Me," but hardly anyone can sing the verses). So they wrote a whole bunch of 80s hard rock/metal tunes, didn't bother with verses, and have anywhere from 12-20 singers belting out big, catchy, over-the-top choruses. Yes, you read that right: no verses, just choruses, all done with constant gang vocals. It's interesting, and they certainly capture the spirit of those 80s metal choruses, but I can't honestly say it's something I would listen to much, but it's definitely worth checking out. I think some folks 'round here might just like what these guys have to offer. Myspace Page Bang Camaro Home Page
  4. MAGNUM FORCE A little classic Clint a.k.a. Dirty Harry. "A man's got to know his limitations."
  5. Good morning, Keepers of Kinky Camels. Kamelot's killers keenly keel-haul kosher Klingons. Lamentations.
  6. Fuel: "Angels & Devils" Lovin' this one. Never expected an album this good from these guys.
  7. FUEL: "Angels & Devils" New CD with a new singer pretty much sounds like a new band. This is light-years ahead of the group's previous output, none of which ever made it into my collection. But this...this is great modern hard rock, loaded with hooks, memorable choruses, layered vocals, and that love-it-or-hate-it bass-dominated modern production sound that it so popular these days. It probably won't be for everyone, but those who dabble in the modern hard rock pool, those who enjoyed recent Saliva, Papa Roach, Nickelback, Daughtry, etc., will find this right up their alley.
  8. Choose the 1 that has the fewest songs on it. (Sorry, couldn't resist). Man, I knew a reply like that was coming eventually...
  9. Prepare to be impressed. I loved this movie. Better than the first, with more action and more gore. The best way I can put it is to say that "28 Weeks Later" is to "28 Days Later" what "Aliens" was to "Alien." Make sense? Ah, hell, just watch the damn thing...it's great.
  10. Backed. I damn wish I'd caught this one at the cinema. I actually did see this in the theater when it came out. I still have the indentation on the bottom of my chin from where my jaw kept hitting the floor.
  11. Oh, how thou temptest me. No, seriously, thanks for the offer, but even if I were a social butterfly, I couldn't make the show. Just a legion of things preventing it.
  12. My choices look like this: 1. Warrant 2. DRFSR 3. Cherry Pie (still one of my all time fav pop-metal albums) 4. Dog Eat Dog 5. Ultraphobic (yeah, I like it...sue me ) 6. Bell to Belly (an ear-shredding abomination)
  13. Latest acquisition... FUEL: "Angels & Devils" (excellent modern hard rock)
  14. 300 Best movie of the year so far. Larger than life, hyper-stylized, super-bloody, entertaining as all hell...what's not to like? Just about a perfect cinematic (or in this case, DVD) experience. Love this flick.
  15. I thought when this concert was first announced, tickets sold like wildfire and area hotels booked up faster than Rosie O'Donnell tears through the buffet line at Golden Corral? Dan, do you have any behind-the-scenes info. you can (or are willing to) share in terms of number of tickets sold? As for why I'm not attending...besides the usual reasons (excuses), I'm an antisocial SOB who hates crowds. Seriously, I despise crowds with a passion. Just going shopping at Wal-Mart is enough to make me grit my teeth so hard the enamel cracks and requires a trip to the dentist.
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