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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Hmmmmm...I knew they reunited for some shows, but nothing about a new album, and there's nothing about one on their website (that I can find). I'm intrigued...where'd you hear about a new album, Matt?
  2. I wish I had the time to watch 4 movies in one day. I'm usually doing good to watch one a week!!
  3. You ever do track that puppy down, make sure you don't forget me! Of course, given how much success we've had at trying to find a copy of Latter Reign, I'm not exactly holding my breath...
  4. Good morning, Bavarian Beatniks! Behemoth bigots beguile Bogatan boulder brains. Chutzpah.
  5. L.A. Guns: "Tales From the Strip" (again...this thing rawks!!!!)
  6. Christians, Catholics, agnostics, atheists, Wiccans, Satanists, hedonists...regardless of your religious faith (or lack thereof), we all know that some truly kickin' melodic hard rock/metal has come out of the Christian metal arena. Here's a list of some of the more beloved names in the genre who haven't released an album in a long, long time...which one would you most like to see start rockin' for the Rock again and release another studio album? My vote went to Fear Not. To put out one album that spectacular and then just disappear is truly criminal. I want another one!!!
  7. Not my favorite CD by a long shot (matter of fact, I'm not even sure I still own this), but still a pretty good helping of melodic hard rock. I voted for "Two Sides of Love," but I was oh so close to selecting "Candyman." As I said, pretty good stuff, but I thought it needed a few more killer tracks. Gonna have to dig this out again (assuming I still have it) and give it another spin. Maybe it's better than I remember. Then again, given my tastes now lean towards stuff with a harder, heavier edge, maybe I'll like it even less...
  8. I ordered a "Zom-B-Gone" shirt for my brother from Cafe Press last month that was direct-to-garment and it had all sorts of colors on it (well, mainly green and red) and it looked great. Based on my admittedly-limited experience with Cafe Press' shirts, I don't think anyone will be disappointed in how the colors look, regardless of which option you choose.
  9. Good morning, Avionic Aardvarks! Aerial arenas anticipate activated android assaults. Bellicose.
  10. Methinks if you go to bed with Widow, you won't get much sleep, and then you'll just be more fucking tired. Why fucking risk it?
  11. That's good mate, but aren't we in 2007? Fucking good song though. Been wanting to ask him that myself, but was afraid I would find out that Geoff is actually a fucking time traveler which, combined with his devastating good looks and sexual prowess that puts pagan deities to fucking shame, would make his awesomeness too fucking much to bear for a mere mortal like me. Sometimes, just sometimes, ignorance truly is fucking bliss.
  12. The little Hispanic guy that runs the taco cart at the corner of 9th Street? Dude makes a mean spicy beef chalupa that also works as one hell of a colon cleanser.
  13. BOURNE ULTIMATUM This is the kind of film for which the hypberbole "edge of your seat excitement" and "adrenalin-fueled thrill ride" were invented. If the Waterloo Station "meet the reporter" sequence doesn't have you chewing your nails, check your pulse, 'cause you're probably a corpse and really shouldn't be polluting a movie theater. And the bathroom brawl between Bourne and an assassin is one hell of a fight scene. If I had a complaint--and I don't want to give too much away--it's that Bourne shows a little too much compassion during the climatic scenes, taking away some of the visceral impact I was hoping for. I'll leave it at that. And by the way, while much of the story is wrapped up quite nicely, they did leave room for further sequels, and despite what Damon is currently stating (that he's done making Bourne films), I'm not sure I really believe him. Stallone said there would be no Rambo IV (coming out next summer), Gibson said there would be no Lethal Weapon IV, and Willis said there would be no Die Hard 4 (probably still playing on a screen near you). So, uh, yeah, excuse me if I don't totally believe the star of a hit action franchise will never return for another sequel. Somewhere down the road Damon's career will be sagging or they'll offer him an obscene amount of money and then, mark my words, Bourne will be back.
  14. Good morning, Cool Kids! Killer crackers kick the cosmos' crumbling cookies. Definitive.
  15. Good morning, Betty Beaver! Barely burns the baking barley briar. Catfish.
  16. OK, that was mildly interesting, and as such, I'm pretty sure it doesn't belong in this thread. I suggest it be moved to somewhere more appropriate or just outright baneed.
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