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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. I learned that one hour with a screaming baby is 10 times longer than one hour without one.
  2. HARD CANDY One of the best thrillers I've ever seen, featuring a cat-and-mouse game between an innocent-looking-yet-not-quite-what-she-seems 14 year-old girl and the pedophile who wants her. Razor-sharp dialogue, some gallows-humor sarcastic one-liners, and a torture sequence that no man can watch without squirming.
  3. Good morning, Otherwordly Opiates. Outraged orcas orchestrate original organic origami. Pods.
  4. HALLOWEEN (Rob Zombie remake) First off, let me say that I'm not a huge fan of the original, which is just too slow-paced and tame for my horror tastes, so I had no issue with Zombie attempting a remake/reimagining. I'm just not sure Rob did a great job. The movie feels split, with the first half delving--quite interestingly, I might add--into Michael Myers' childhood. And then, rather abruptly, we launch into rushed rehashing of the original "Halloween," with absolutely zero character development. Granted, we know who these characters are because we've all seen Carpenter's "Halloween" so many times, but that doesn't let Zombie off the hook. The characters in the second half of the film aren't even cardboard, they're tracing paper. They're there to be brutally slaughtered... ...and that's where this version shines. Zombie likes his horror hardcore & hard-hitting and his bulked-up version of Michael Myers doesn't f*ck around when it comes time to kill. So it's a movie with a split personality, the first half not really grafting well with the second half, and "split" is also how I would describe my feelings for it. As a remake of "Halloween," it leaves a little something to be desired, but taken on its own terms as a standard-issue slasher film with a high body-count, grungy visuals, and brutal kills, it delivers, even though it still has some problems.
  5. I know, and I really wish you would stop trying to peek in the bathroom window everytime I take a shower. Keep it up and I'm gonna sic my attack ferret on you. Bad enough you mailed me those full-frontal nude shots of yourself. My wife actually got the mail that day, opened the envelope, looked at the photos, and then handed them to me, saying, "Some eunuch mailed you pictures of himself." The latest batch is done using the Austin Powers method of having pink drinks positioned just so in every photo, so as to obscure "that which shall not be named." Geoff hasn't named his...wedding tackle, yet?? Actually, his wife named it for him: 4T, short for T.T.T.T. Geoff thought it was mega-cool until he found out it stood for Teenie Tiny Twat Teaser. After that, he decided to simply refer to it as "that which shall not be named."
  6. I know, and I really wish you would stop trying to peek in the bathroom window everytime I take a shower. Keep it up and I'm gonna sic my attack ferret on you. Bad enough you mailed me those full-frontal nude shots of yourself. My wife actually got the mail that day, opened the envelope, looked at the photos, and then handed them to me, saying, "Some eunuch mailed you pictures of himself."
  7. I had this a few years back. Not bad, and I kept it around for a few months, but it got boring fairly quickly and I eventually dumped it. Honestly, can't say I've missed it one iota.
  8. Good morning, Naysayers of the Nazarene. Neither naughtiness nor nicety negates netherworldly nepotism. Omniscience.
  9. Good morning, Maudlin Mesopotamian Mortals. Meerkats and mermaids meander meaninglessly amongst mountainous meatballs. Neanderthal.
  10. This is unfortunately one of those CDs where I love it the first couple times I listen to it due to a good production and some cool riffs. After repeated listens I realise I don't find the songs to be all that strong and the hooks/melody lines/lyrics a bit awkward. Still not bad at all, a nice slab of good hard rock, but not living up to the expectations set for myself during the first listen. Have to agree with ya there, Pete. It is wearing off on me quite quickly - still 3 or 4 really good tunes, but the rest is becoming a little forgetable. I think the same goes for TIM 2 as well. You can add my name to that list. This wore out its welcome faster than a pushy vacuum cleaner salesman. Reminds me of a quarter horse...comes out of the gate strong & fast, but falters in the long run. Just something about it that prevents it from really sticking with you.
  11. THROWDOWN: "Venom & Tears" Modern heavy/thrash metal that ranks right up there with the best of the year, completely catching me off-guard with just how good it is. While it doesn't quite put the beatdown on the likes of Shadows Fall or Five Finger Death Punch, it's easily as good (maybe even better than) Sanctity or Soilwork. The production is simply stellar and the songs just flat-out slam. And hey, they use some gang vocals! I love gang vocals!!
  12. Good fuckin' Afternoon to you TWR... And Chris..Donkey Schlongs ??? Well Ian, that's the way my fuckin' Friday went. Donkey schlongs=donkey penises. Well Chris,I have the same fuckin' trouble.... You have a fuckin' donkey penis??
  13. I like this. I will buy this. I will rock and beautiful women will swoon at my feet like they did for Geoff when he saucily sauntered down the seediest streets in Melbourne wearing nothing but Speedos while sipping on the biggest pink beverage money his expense account could buy.
  14. Had to go with Germany. So many great bands spawned in that country, including one of my all-time faves, Bonfire. Could easily choose the good ol' US of A, though, because if the 80s proved anything, it's that America knows how to rock. Hey, any country that gave the world Skid Row and Guns 'N Roses can't be all bad, right?
  15. No worries mate, hope you like it. I know you felt it was a bit 50/50 from the soundbytes but tell me that "Day of the Dog" & "Americana" aren't two of the best Metal tunes of 2007?... Not just liking it--lovin' it. One of those cases where the sound samples simply didn't do it justice. Production is killer and yeah, I love the use of the gang-vocal chants here & there. Love the way they use them on "Hellbent" ("Blood for blood for blood..."). I think this one actually edges out Sanctity for me.
  16. Latest acquisition... Throwdown: "Venom & Tears" (a big thanx to Tim2 for the recommendation!)
  17. Good morning, Lascivious Lollipop Lickers. Lamentable lesions on lollygagging lamas lessens learned leaders. Mogwai.
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