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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Impulse Records ranks right up there with the worst of 'em. Tried dealing with them once about 6-7 years ago and they didn't have the CDs I wanted in stock, and when I tried contacting them about it, I got no response. Wasn't like the phone was busy when I called there...it just rang and rang and rang like either there was nobody there to answer the phone, or whoever was there to answer the phone just didn't give a rat's patootie. After about a month, I finally received notice from them that the CDs were in stock and shipping. What they didn't tell me was that they were being shipped by Pony Express and that the only pony available at that time was apparently prone to taking a wrong turn...or two or three...because it was almost 6 weeks before that package showed up at my door. Screw Impulse...I'll stick with NEH or AOR Heaven, both class acts.
  2. I'm just sitting here...at work...watching the clock...waiting for 3:30pm to roll around...so I can go home...
  3. Being a correctional officer would be a lot fucking better if there were no fucking inmates to deal with...
  4. Good morning, Questionable Questionaires. Quadrilateral quacking quails qualify queer quirky quarantined queens. Righteousness.
  5. I have learned that eating Life cereal every morning for 3 weeks straight will make you long for a different breakfast routine.
  6. Honestly, I couldn't remember, and nothing turned up on a Search. It sure feels like something we would have done by now, though. But hey, whatever.
  7. Geography was never my strong point, but I believe it's somewhere on the other side of the ocean...
  8. Their debut album, "Safe From the Losing Fight," was pretty good (and features one of my favorite Christian rock/metal songs, "Scars That Save"), but their sophomore release, "Apparitions of Melody," was a huge change in style, falling into that heavy screamcore-metal territory, and, quite frankly, sucked big time. Wasn't sure what to expect from this new one, but looks like the third time's the charm, because these guys have really delivered a super-catchy melodic hard rock (with some modern touches) album.
  9. Pretty self-explanatory. Bands whose names start with the letter "A." Which one's your fave? (As always, if I overlooked your personal pet favorite, feel free to verbally punish me like a rabid dominatrix and then write in your pick.) My vote goes to Adriangale, but if Aces High's follow-up albums had been as good as their debut, I probably would have swung that way. But Adriangale, in addition to just being a kickin' melodic hard rock band, is more consistent, so they get my nod.
  10. Apparently I liked that last one so much I posted it twice!
  11. Could it be because the presence of your pseudo-divinity causes us mere mortals to flee like cockroaches from the light? Or, uh, could it be because your breath smells like a gorilla's diarrhetic asshole...?? (Dunno...want me to stop tossing out theories?)
  12. Gotta back up the above comments. This is stellar stuff, one of the best Christian hard rock CDs of the year, quite possibly beaten only by Skillet: "Collide." Just take one listen to "Sugar" and tell me it's not a totally killer melodic hard rock tune. Here's the link to their PureVolume page where you can hear 4 tracks from the new CD: Kids in the Way Excellent stuff.
  13. Good morning, Perspirating Polygamists. Perhaps persnickety persons peer purposely at purple-prosed pollops. Quack.
  14. Nice one Pete Jr. Cool, best compliment of my life.
  15. Fuck me, I'm really craving a fucking pizza with extra cheese and pepperoni right now. No, no, it's not just a craving...it's a fucking obsession. Gotta fucking have some!
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