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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. This was one I wore the cassette writing off the facing and was one of the first CD's I went to locate when I got rid of the cassettes and went the CD route.
  2. Love this album...Skin To Skin and Daddy's Little Girl are my favorites but all of them are great!
  3. A great underrated album. Agreed...to me it's not one of those albums were every song just kicks ass or anything but it has solid tunes pretty much throughout.
  4. I just grabbed a copy off an Ebay seller. He says it is from the promo cassette, track order is correct and he sent me a sample that sounds WAY better than what I have. $9, with more available. But yeah, somebody just officially release it already!
  5. On your behalf I'll spin: Wildside - Hang On Lucy UFO - Lights Out Saigon Kick - Colors Happy birthday!
  6. Awesome! I have so many questions about that I don't know where to begin...
  7. I don't think many of you on this board had tickets but just in case you did the Rock Gone Wild website disappeared a few days ago. They had no intention of giving a refund even though they had a refund page on the website for awhile. So I called my credit card company and they already had information about this in their database and gave me a permanent refund to my account (it will take 1 -2 business days though but fine by me). They said they will go after RGW for their money (fine by me). So, if you had tickets hurry because supposedly you only get 6 months from the time of purchase to file a dispute. (I'm not sure if that is true or not)
  8. great song.........great album I'll second that. Live in Lincoln: Love the bikini chick with the kid wandering through....I know, I have no shame, so shoot me. The performance is pretty good too.
  9. This release must have went by the boards huh? I am looking for a high quality version of the mp3's of this cd or the CD itself I guess. I see someone on Ebay has 9 burned copies for sale and I asked about them and she said they are high quality. I dunno. Anyone have any opinions or can lead me in the right direction? I do have the 128 bit rate version of the songs on MP3 and the quality sucks but the songs are great...I wish this would just get released so we could buy it.
  10. Something about 'Scared' by Dangerous Toys....I can never hear enough of that tune. Though I gotta say, Charolette Wessels of Delain, her voice is something I cannot explain how when I hear it...it is just amazing, that is all I can say now to keep this reply short. So, for the rest of my life, maybe something from Delain because I can get the soft, the heavy, the electric, the bass, the keys, melody, harmony, meaningful and brilliant lyrics, Charolette's voice and the occasional male vocals as well. As for a particular song, maybe Virtue and Vice.
  11. the funny thing is that my wife just came in and gave me your parcel.... good luck,bro. Are we allowed to do wife jokes on this forum?! Sweet!
  12. There was a time back when if I came home from a pawn shop or Uncle Sax's house with too many cd's that I would hide them under the seat of my car and bring in just a few at time. Or I would take any stickers off and bring in a few and if she gave me a look I would say "these are from my collection I was listening to them in the car and now I'm putting them back!". Which made no sense because I have a 25 minute drive to work there is no way I can listen to 10 cd's in that time. I don't know why I did that, my wife is really cool and she would just roll her eyes at me anyway. Besides, what can a woman say anyway, they have two feet and 200 shoes. I have 2 feet and 2 shoes. Now, I have so many cd's the chances of coming home with so many at one time is not really possible. As for packages from orders, she'll ask "what is that, another Tyketto cd?". She seems to think the only band that makes cd's is Tyketto and I'm not really sure why that is. Maybe because it is one of the few bands she will tolerate out of my collection. If she ever did get cranky about a purchase I have so many excuses it is not funny: "I got it off ebay for way cheap and it is worth like a million dollars!" (exaggeration of course) "I sold something on Craig's list so I used that extra money to order a cd i want" "I had some extra money in Paypal so I ordered this cd" "I traded one of the heavyharmonies folks so it didn't cost me anything" "I found it in a pawn shop for $2 but already have it so I am gonna trade it or sell it."
  13. Hmmm.... Dangerous Toys Dirty Looks Tyketto L.A. Guns W.A.S.P. ...and I'm sure I missed about 100 others. Sorry Wes, couldn't keep it at 2 or 3.
  14. Hmmm, well I have been playing some of the tunes on their website. What they have posted is good. I might check the newer ones out.
  15. Juno - good movie; the girl is funny cute September Dawn - Took awhile to build the story but the ending was good.
  16. I Got My Mind Set On You - George Harrison
  17. I don't wanna hijack this thread but while you are voting and answering what Geoff asks, as a secondary comment I wonder if anyone would maybe offer their opinions of these 2 cd's compared to the self titled 2005 release? I really like the S/T release so if the follow ups are that much better then I want to grab them. If I should just start my own thread let me know...I thought maybe this would fit as long as the thread doesn't get side tracked.
  18. A couple of us from England and one from Germany, Jez could enlighten you on the reliability of the postal service in England! Looks like it just me then matey, if the offer still stands? Would be much appreciated, let me know? Yep, sure will. Looks like it is coming out Sept. 29. I'll check the local store then but PM me though just as a reminder, ok? Then I can get your address.
  19. People so soon forget what this guy pulled the past 5+ years in Green Bay, in particular that last year. He retires. Then says he might want to come back. Thompson and McCarthy plan to head down there to meet with him about coming back (GB WANTED HIM BACK BUT NEEDED AN F'ING DECISION ALREADY!). Oh, he changes his mind again, TT and MM stay put and draft 2 QB's in the NFL draft. Then as training camp is approaching he decides to come back and cause a mess of epic f'ing proportions for the Packers (granted they didn't handle it the best either) and it still remains a distraction (to the fans at least). Not only that he created a division between Packer fans, caused a situation where the Packers are in the media for the wrong reasons....and overall just wants to "stick it" to Ted Thompson by joining a hated division rival. If that isn't a traitor to your fans then I don't know what is. I was a huge THAT EGOTISTICAL MORON fan for years. You could even call me a THAT EGOTISTICAL MORON apologist at times, i.e. when he threw the INT to help send NYG to the Super Bowl I couldn't entirely blame him. But no more. The man is a liar, a me first guy in the locker room, attention seeker, etc. etc. I agree and I think THAT EGOTISTICAL MORON is still a good QB too. Before he pulled the final straw I didn't want him to retire. So yes, I am bitter, disappointed in the way things turned out and feel betrayed by a guy that I loved to watch for 17 years. But I sure do like Aaron Rodgers and wouldn't trade him for THAT EGOTISTICAL MORON at this point. I tell you one thing, I saw him in the Viqueen purple for the first time tonight in live action and it looks pretty messed up to me...gonna take some time to get used to seeing him in that uniform.
  20. Anyone offered to help these fine folks out who asked for help getting this when it comes out? If not, where you all from and more importantly how is your countries postal system...pretty reliable? I've never shipped anything overseas before. I guess I couldn't say how good the overseas shipping for the U.S. either.
  21. More often than not I eat in front of the computer...unless the Mrs. is home, then dinner table or couch depending on if the meal is easy to eat on the couch or not.
  22. Damn, I didn't even know they were in town, I would have went.
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