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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Zombieland - coulda been better
  2. While I agree to a point on the Kiss connection, however Ace didn't sell a whole of solo discs when he had the solo band from 87-89 where Ratt sold in the millions. Ace's label did do a good job of getting his cd in Walmart and Bestbuys and he did a lot of TV and online interviews so there was a whole lot of promotion. I just figured with Ratt's sales history they would of maybe sold more like 30,000 the first week but I guess in this day and age and with downloading that 14,000 isn't that bad but I was just expecting a little more. But, with the current popularity of Kiss with the younger generation, Frehley had a much better chance of being checked out, especially as it was released at almost exactly the same time as the new Kiss album as well. Kiss is selling to old school and new school fans, where as Ratt would not be as popular with "the youth" of today, so would probably only sell to fans from the 80s who are still buying this sort of thing. I see what part of the problem is today when I was shopping. I went to a Walmart, Best Buy, Target and a local whole in the wall music store and I didn't see the new Ratt at any of these places. I find that strange since it's basically on a major label or at least a very big middle sized label. It's hard to sell cds if you don't get them in stores. I remember when the 1999 Ratt self titled disc was released on Portrait Records there was promotion for it and the Great White "Can't Get There From Here" disc in many stores including Sam Goody's in the shopping malls. Not sure why this cd is hard to find. It might just be the limited stock in the stores here in Wyoming but I was very shocked to not see this cd at any of these stores. I didn't see it in Walmart or Target, but my sister found it in the first Best Buy she checked in the twin cities. I think the actual brick and mortor stores are losing so much business to the online stores that unless they think it is going to be a major seller in that particular store, they will only carry it online or not at all. (thank goodness for the internet)
  3. Thanks everyone! I spent the day driving back to Wisconsin from Nebraska where the ol' man and I were turkey hunting. The hunt was a success and I arrived home to some great wishes on voicemail, text messages, emails, Facebook, this message board....and to top it off there were a couple cd's waiting as gifts. A good day.
  4. I got my copy today as well and I agree that the Dave tribute was classy. I've given it one good spin and it kicks ass just like I knew it would. I want to crank it up on the PC 'cause the wife is out of town but the neighbors invited me over for dinner at 5p!!! Ahhh, they are great neighbors, luv 'em to death, but I'll just try to explain to them (a retired couple) how I need to leave right after I eat so I can go listen to my new Crashdiet cd. "your new what?"
  5. Ha, it was in the mail today as I hoped. I am ripping it to the PC as I type this, then I will load it over the the Ipod for my long drive to Nebraska for turkey hunting. One initial comment is that I really liked popping the disc off the tray and seeing the "We love you Dave" and the picture. That caught my eye right away and I think it is cool. Then of course I pop the front insert out and it flips open the band pic and I am being flipped off. Classic.
  6. I have not picked this one up yet for 2 reasons... 1. The samples I have heard, I don't care for. Granted they are just short samples. 2. The opinions seem a little hit and miss with the folks here This doesn't mean I won't grab it some day and I might like it but it is not a priority with the other stuff that is on my list to get.
  7. LOL...I look up out of my cubicle every day and think the same thing. (then duck back down and continue working and listening to my tunes)
  8. Die With Your Boots On - Iron Maiden
  9. You didn't vote for it though? 2-0 for TREAT (after my vote went to them too). Ah, I must have typed the reply and never clicked "Vote", thanks for the heads up, I actually voted this time.
  10. I am hoping mine arrives today. NEH sent a shipment email last Thursday. Some pretty positive reviews so far (as expected).
  11. I don't own either cd yet but I checked each song out on Youtube. Tough call here for me. I had to go back a few times to each to listen a few times. I like the pre-chorus and chorus a bit better for Treat. I like everything else a bit better for Pretty Maids. I went with Pretty Maids because my initial gut reaction was to pick that one. After a few listens to each they are both very good songs and could have went either way.
  12. Be careful who's seat you grab. Welcome!
  13. Tough crowd, tough crowd. I liked Poison back in the day. Their later releases didn't do anything for me though. As for Bret, well I saw parts of Season 1 of Rock Of Love. Mrs. Jeff thought he was an "idiot". Other than that I don't hear much about him so he doesn't bother me one way or the other. Here's to a speedy recovery Bret.
  14. Well, Turkey is certainly not the center of the universe for used cd's (or new for that matter) when it comes to our music. I only spent a few hours in downtown Ankara and here is what I found: 1. There are a few of those hole in the wall "stores" that download the mp3's and make CDR's with printed artwork. I came across one of those stores and they had some stuff we listen to. I didnt bother buying any of it. I think they wanted $10 for 4 CDR's. I did flip through them quickly and saw Wig Wam, Tora Tora and a few others. 2. Most of the new cd's are in book stores. 3. I was told Istanbul was my better chance for new and used cd's. Makes sense. 4. I found every single Twisted Sister release at each store which I thought was strange. So I grabbed You Cant Stop R&R, Love Is For Suckers and Come Out And Play. All brand new and appear to be originals (one printed in Germany). 5. I also bought 2 Pentagram cd's, Anatolia and 1987 6. James, you must be lucky, my wife asked about Comma at every store went to and she found you a cd called "Free As God". I'll PM you later. 7. Also had my wife and brother in law ask about Badluck and one store that new music said "good luck" ever finding that one. Maybe Istanbul if I really searched all the stores. 8. Finally, the best for last. They happened to have the grand opening of the 2nd Best Buy in Turkey while I was there. So I had to see what that was about. Not a lot of CD's but I did happen to find Sebastian Bach's Angel Down for what was the equivalent of $9. I get back to the house, rip open the plastic and right away I can see fingerprints on the inside of the booklet. I then check the cd and someone had taken a sharp object and purposely scratched the daylights out of the playing side of the cd. So I ended up back at Best Buy a few days later and they dont have a return policy I guess. So I exchanged it for Faith No More's We Care A Lot Greatest Hits....which I think is used too but in Like New condition so whatever. Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. I will have to try Istanbul someday when I return for the next inlaw visit.
  15. Amazon has a "special edition" MP3 album download which has a extra track called "Scatter" and 3 of the old classics live at Rockline Studio. I might download the Scatter track. Not that 99 cents is a big deal but I hate that when the companies do that...if I am paying for the cd give me all the tracks you release (I know, it has been said before on this board).
  16. I've got a spare original that I'm happy to part with for nothing. Let me know. And I say again, one of the reasons I love being a member of this forum! Also, I have no answers and can only reiterate what Pete said a long time ago. I too had the cassette and once I finally bought the original cd I instantly knew it was different. Of course I prefer the cassette version.
  17. I cannot make this and was disappointed to miss it. Now I recently read on the Edens Curse website they are playing this festival. Now I am even more envious of all of you that are attending. Edens Curse has become one of my favorite newer bands...simply brilliant melodic hard rock IMO. Who knows when they will be back in the US. They are working on their new album this summer so maybe they will be at some US festivals next year. Anyway, they are a kick ass edition to the already kick ass line up.
  18. Jeff


    Since I am travelling I just finished 2 books: Minight by Dean Koontz - this was my first Koontz novel and it was an entertaining quick read. Not sure I will jump right to anything else by him right away but someday I am sure I will try something by him again. The Dirt the Motley Crue autobiography - wow, what a good read this book was. Very interesting read and I would recommend it to anyone here whether you like the Crue or not. And if you do like the Crue and caught them on tour in the 80s then you will especially enjoy certain parts of the book. Example, I caught the Dr Feelgood tour and saw Tommy do the over the crowd drum solo...his recollection of that whole experience was even more interesting...and made me wish I was getting trampled by the crowd back in La Crosse WI once again.
  19. I really like this release as well. My favorite track is probably Lost Weekend with Eat Me Up Alive, Best Of Me, A Little Too Much and Dont Let Go following close behind. The only tracks I could not get into (so far) have been Last Call and Garden Of Eden. Funny Geoff, I am not much of a ballad guy and you of course are very much so. I rarely like most ballads and you search them out. But in this case I really like Take Me Home especially the opening to the first chorus. Funny how that works out. I know it has been said before on here but I have to say it again. With all the new and sorta-new bands coming out and writing good stuff for the most part, if all our old favs are back and write music like most have so far (Whitesnake, Dokken, Winger and now Ratt as few examples of recent years) my only complaint will be deciding how to spend my music budget. In the end the average and below average stuff will get filtered out I suppose. But no complaints here!
  20. Ha! I awake to find a few suggestions, cool, thanks guys. I wish it was for pleasure of the flesh (I like that term Geoff and will steal it to use sometime in the future). Mrs. Jeff is Turkish so we are sightseeing and visiting family. This is my 4th time in Turkey. Though we met in the US, we married in Turkey. This ıs one of the few tımes I have had to rest and relax because her famıly lıkes to show me all parts of Turkey when we vısıt...whıch ıs cool. We went to a popular show last nıght that had some belly dancers that I wouldnt mınd some pleasures of the flesh wıth. James, I will keep an eye out for Comma for you...but I would never charge you (or anyone else) double. I would just convert ıt from Turkısh lira to dollars and shıp ıt on south to ya. Well, the Badluck would seem lıke the one that most fıts but would probably be the hardest to fınd. My wıfes brother says Istanbul would have been a better bet than Anakara for cds. He dıd say thıs band would be easıer to fınd ıf I lıke Iron Maıden and Metallıca: http://www.thepentagram.net For some of you ınto the heavıer stuff (Freddy?), there ıs a poster pıc of a show on thıs websıte that lısts some band names...maybe some to check out.
  21. I am over in the lovely country of Turkey, Ankara to be exact, with a few days to kill. On the off chance any know of any Turkish bands I should try to locate a cd of before I come home? I did find this band called Maskara. The music is ok but the lyrics are Turkish. I might grab it anyway. http://www.myspace.com/maskaramaskara Anyway, any suggestions anyone?
  22. I don't wanna hijack the thread or anything so I will say I do not read Powerplay; however, does anyone have a suggestion for a good mag to subcribe to here in the US? I would love to subscribe to Sweden Rock Magazine but it appears they do not have an English version/US distribution? I do get the Rock Nation paper when I order something from Perris Records, and it is online too, but something where you get an actual mag, occasional CD with sample tracks, occasional bonus EP like Glam Junkie mentioned Sweden Rock Mag did for Crashdiet, unbiased cd reviews, quality article, etc...something like that would be worth the price of admission for me.
  23. Where is everybody getting a copy of this? I thought it wasn't out until April sometime? Looks like April 20 release here in the US. Correct me if I am wrong.
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