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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Geez, all the way to Sweden but not to Wisconsin? Sweden has plenty of great acts to see live...share the love!
  2. I watch both FlashForward and V and would rather they keep FlashFoward than V...damn.
  3. Well, last nights show in Medina, MN gets a thumbs up for slightly more than the first half, then a thumbs down for the second half and surely the ending. They started with You're In Love, Lay It Down and Lack Of Communication. It was great, the crowd was loud singing along the chorus of Lay It Down and LoC. At the ticket booth they said it was a sell out but I have no idea how many that place could hold. A few songs later Eat Me Up Alive kicked ass and then my favorite tune to see RATT play live, Lovin' You's A Dirty Job. It is a fun song live not only for the sing along but I've seen RATT a few times now and though Robbie Crane is always energetic and animated, this song he seems to take to another level...good stuff. Then, just over half of the way through they played Way Cool Jr. and things seemed to take a shit from there. It sounded like mostly noise and they seem uninterested in being there anymore. Best Of Me didn't sound that great near the end and then Pearcy says something like, "Well, let's just get staight on with it and go Round N Round". They played it, said goodnight and that was it. No encore. From what I remember off Infestation, they played: Take A Big Bite Eat Me Up Alive Last Call Best Of Me A Little Too Much I wished they would have played Lost Weekend as that is my favorite along with Eat Me Up Alive. Some songs I wish they didn't play at all as they are just not good as live songs IMO, like Wanted Man, Slip Of The Lip and Way Cool Jr. Good songs, but boring live.
  4. Thanks for the info, I am marking this one down on my calendar.
  5. I hope they get the bugs worked out by this Friday. I saw them around 8-10 years ago at an outdoor festival and they were energetic and seemed to be having a good time. I can't recall how they actually sounded though. Do you happen to remember what songs they played off Infestation? (aside from Eat Me Up Alive and Best Of Me) Did a band of any mention open up for them?
  6. I read an interview a magazine had with the Lost writers and they basically said when the finale is over they will leave you with many questions and we can interpret for ourselves. They know a lot of people with be disappointed that exact answers were not given. Mrs. Jeff was asking "who is that crazy lady that was on the island?" and "what is that stuff she had Jacob drink?", "how did SHE get there?", "how does SHE know these things?". My opinion is that we will never get those and many other answers. Not only because of the magazine article I read but because of what the "crazy lady" sharply said to the pregnant mom: "stop asking questions because each answer only leads to more questions". I think that dialogue right there was also meant for us viewers. Good episode, bummer the show is almost over.
  7. Jeff


    The band (or at least their Facebook admin) has been pretty active lately posting various stuff...live recordings, accoustic, old demo songs, etc. Here are a few I have enjoyed watching: Hot All Through The Night (demo) - I'd like to see this on a release someday, good stuff Generation Wild (accoustic for radio show) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sC41HBB72c Live at Sweden Rock Festival 2007
  8. Looks like another Heavy Harmonies entry is the opening act for RATT this Friday: Knight Crawler http://www.heavyharmonies.com/cgi-bin/band.cgi?BandNum=1116 http://www.myspace.com/knightcrawlerusa Starting out as a Deep Purple tribute band in the early to late 90's, our band has emerged as one of the best bands from Minneapolis, MN. Listen to one of our songs above, and you will see, or hear!
  9. I quit satellite radio a long time ago. Both channels played the same stuff over and over. Once and awhile they threw an obscure track out there but mostly it was Ozzy, GnR, AC/DC, Motley Crue, some more Ozzy, maybe Warrant or LA Guns, more Ozzy, etc. etc. They didnt even do anything fun, for example play audio clips from movies/TV or comedian clips. I could have so much fun with a radio station but not the people who ran these channels. I would totally play the clip from Leave It To Beaver "Ward dont you think you were a little hard on the Beaver last night?" and lead right into Sportin A Woody by Dangerous Toys. Endless possibilities on satellite radio. Both channels = boring, IMO. I went back to my cd's during drive time.
  10. I'll be finding out this Friday. I just bought a couple of tickets for their show at the Medina Entertainment Center in MN.
  11. For me, what I see the good news here is that Britny Fox is working on a new release, period. It just backs up the trend of our favorite bands making a comeback along with all the great new bands out there with that 80's rock sound. Hopefully they are writing a solid release like others have the past few years (RATT, Winger, etc.). If some of the radio stations could stop playing the same old GnR/ACDC/Ozzy/etc. tunes and starting playing some of singles from these other bands then people like my sister would get into them and the bands would be even more successful. It would be the 80's all over again! Well, ok, nothing could be the 80's again. My younger sister for example likes Godsmack, Disturbed, GnR, Journey...pretty mainstream stuff. I played some of the new RATT mp3's for her and now she is going with me to see them next Friday at the Medina. She's also a Dirty Penny fan after hearing them and going to the show with me this winter. But no thanks to the radio. There are too many people out there that would love this stuff...if they only knew anything other than Paradise City, Back In Black, Crazy Train and Round And Round.
  12. I wait for the day they make it over to the US. Hopefully it is more than a few shows and somewhere I can drive. I'm curious to know how many fans they have outside of Europe. Hopefully many. If only someone could get Nikki Sixx to include Crashdiet, Hardcore Superstar and Crazy Lixx on the the next Crue Fest. If something like that were to happen I might even consider a plane ticket! I hear you. I sure wish one of those guys could come to DRF but their lineup is actually looking pretty good now. Speaking of DRF are you still planning on making the trip over? Initially I was a little down on the lineup but was still considering coming down to meet you guys and check out this "beerbarrow" I hear so much about. Now that the lineup has filled out with some artists that I am interested in (specifically Talon, Farcry, Bombay Black, Tango Down) it is back on my radar again and that VIP pass is looking more inviting. I just need to pull the trigger. I think tonight is a good time to run this past Mrs. Jeff.
  13. FYI for those who have not yet seen the SleazeRoxx headline: Tokyo Blade Offer Free Downloads Of Classic Albums May 8, 2010 NWOBHM rockers Tokyo Blade are offering fans free downloads of four of their classic albums. Available are the band's first three albums "Tokyo Blade', 'Night Of The Blade', 'Blackhearts & Jaded Spades' (the later two feature Johnny Crash's Vicki James Wright on vocals) plus the second Tokyo Blade release with original vocalist Alan Marsh, 'Night Of The Blade - The Night Before', and of these downloads include lots of bonus tracks. For a link to download these albums, and to make a donation if you like what you hear, visit http://tokyoblade.com/TokyoBlade.com/Merchandise_and_free_stuff.html
  14. I've always liked Toni Braxton's "Another Sad Love Song". (I don't know why I answered this thread)
  15. Happy birthday Geoff, here's to it being a good one!
  16. I wait for the day they make it over to the US. Hopefully it is more than a few shows and somewhere I can drive. I'm curious to know how many fans they have outside of Europe. Hopefully many. If only someone could get Nikki Sixx to include Crashdiet, Hardcore Superstar and Crazy Lixx on the the next Crue Fest. If something like that were to happen I might even consider a plane ticket!
  17. I wait for the day they make it over to the US. Hopefully it is more than a few shows and somewhere I can drive. I'm curious to know how many fans they have outside of Europe. Hopefully many.
  18. I'm late to the party...hope it was a good one!
  19. Jeff


    FYI for those of you who didn't see the Sleaze Roxx headline you can download the Buckcherry single All Night Long for free from their website. You need a Facebook or Twitter account though. http://www.buckcherry.com/ I'm gonna need to play this song a few more times before I get really into it. It is a grower I think.
  20. A guy on my softball team told me last night he has been looking to buy the new RATT cd at Best Buy over the past few weeks and they never have. He's not much for internet shopping so yeah...they are missing out.
  21. Sounds interesting actually. It would be interesting to see what the pros and cons are at all levels (not just money). I was curious why you initially thought it was the stupidest thing you ever heard?
  22. After getting this in the mail last Tuesday it has been the only thing I have listened to since. Honestly, if I had done a "First Spin Impression" I would have said something like "a few really good tunes and the most are decent or average". But after finally getting some good listens to this without distraction, I love it, great disc, start to finish! #1 of 2010 so far in my book. My favorites: So Alive - "I'm on my way, never awake in the light of day, I'm on my way, in the dark let's play", I can't resist songs with lyrics like that Save Her - Somewhere in between a ballad and a rocker this a great song with a great sing along chorus. Chemical - this starts as just a good song, has you humming along, tapping your foot, until the 2nd chorus finishes...then it just leaps to a whole new mind blowing kick ass level. Native Nature - this is the song with some nasty attitude. I like it. The good: Armageddon - good rockin' start to the disc after the "concert crowd" 442 opening. Generation Wild Down With The Dust Bound To Fall Beautiful Pain - If I had to pick a least favorite track it would be this one only because of the chorus words. I love everything about the song except those words "beautiful pain". There are some phrases in songs that just turn me off and for some reason the phrase "beautful pain" is one of those phrases. I get over that though and this is still a good song. Great guitar intro. Rebel - I agree with Glen as he puts it best above, it has a "throwaway chorus". Still a good rockin' song though. The forgettable: None; I can play this beginning to end without wanting to skip a song The questionable: How could they not put "Caught In Despair" on this release? It was a download from their website in 2009 as a demo song for Generation Wild. It is on their myspace page, check it out. It would be my favorite tune off this release...if it was on there. The debatable: This release has attitude but doesn't have a really high level of the nasty attitude. Native Nature has it, So Alive touches the surface. The rest, not so much. It is missing the well placed f-bombs and motherf*ckers in some "angry" songs. Not that this is a bad thing when the songs are so good, I'm just saying. I try to imagine if I handed insert centerfold photograph of the band to someone who knew music but didn't know a Crashdiet song. They would probably guess the songs are all loud and profanity laced. Your thoughts?
  23. May is always a bad month for me because I am usually busy but I might try to get to this one. Anyone else? May 14 Medina Entertainment Center http://www.medinaentertainment.com/shop/ratt/
  24. While I agree to a point on the Kiss connection, however Ace didn't sell a whole of solo discs when he had the solo band from 87-89 where Ratt sold in the millions. Ace's label did do a good job of getting his cd in Walmart and Bestbuys and he did a lot of TV and online interviews so there was a whole lot of promotion. I just figured with Ratt's sales history they would of maybe sold more like 30,000 the first week but I guess in this day and age and with downloading that 14,000 isn't that bad but I was just expecting a little more. But, with the current popularity of Kiss with the younger generation, Frehley had a much better chance of being checked out, especially as it was released at almost exactly the same time as the new Kiss album as well. Kiss is selling to old school and new school fans, where as Ratt would not be as popular with "the youth" of today, so would probably only sell to fans from the 80s who are still buying this sort of thing. I see what part of the problem is today when I was shopping. I went to a Walmart, Best Buy, Target and a local whole in the wall music store and I didn't see the new Ratt at any of these places. I find that strange since it's basically on a major label or at least a very big middle sized label. It's hard to sell cds if you don't get them in stores. I remember when the 1999 Ratt self titled disc was released on Portrait Records there was promotion for it and the Great White "Can't Get There From Here" disc in many stores including Sam Goody's in the shopping malls. Not sure why this cd is hard to find. It might just be the limited stock in the stores here in Wyoming but I was very shocked to not see this cd at any of these stores. I didn't see it in Walmart or Target, but my sister found it in the first Best Buy she checked in the twin cities. I think the actual brick and mortor stores are losing so much business to the online stores that unless they think it is going to be a major seller in that particular store, they will only carry it online or not at all. (thank goodness for the internet) I agree it's gotten bad. I would of just guessed with them being distrbuted by Roadrunner Records and most stores carrying the majority of their releases and considering some of these stores carry Ratt's greatest hits and maybe a couple of others that they'd have the new one. I remember the same thing with the last Sebastian Bach disc "Angel Down" with it being on the EMI label and all the hype with Axl being involved but every Best Buy I went to had one copy and it was just mixed in with the other B's and didn't even have it's own section. I asked my sister how many copies they had at Best Buy and she said the one she bought was the only copy and it was tucked in behind some other band. Wow. Now on a better note, the local radio station has a fairly long advertisement for Ratt playing at the Medina Entertainment Center on May 14. It seems about a 30 second radio ad where they announce the "Infestation tour" and are playing Best Of Me in the background. Of course they play a little Round and Round in the background during some of the info too.
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