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Everything posted by KarpetRydOFunk

  1. I have heard 'shame on me.' I think. I'm not sure now. I just know it shouldn't be 'bad on me.' Heaven's Edge say 'Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and I'm the fool.' They're smart. Everyone else should be like them. I don't know, mate. Everyone knows the saying but I've never heard it worded like WET word it, and I don't like it. Just a sore thumb in an otherwise killer tune. Yeah I agree that HE lyric is better by far, but the WET lyric does flow nicely in that chorus, and listening again I think they are simply mirroring the first statement. Isn't it effectively saying (looks) bad on me. I hadn't really noticed it until you brought it up lol The idiom is, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." I, too, cringe every time I hear Soto sing bad on you/bad on me. I feel embarrassed to have that blasting through my stereo on the job site. And, Glen, it's not about us being nit-picky, the lyric genuinely irks me.
  2. Preach. You know it would help if you quit being a smart ass and jump in and help me make my point so I dont have to preach, smart ass! Nah, I'm good. ;}
  3. How's the packaging on this one? I'm thinking to order but almost $14 for 5-6 songs, maybe hold off for a full length, unless this is done nicely. $14?? I don't recall paying that much. I think it was like 3-4 Euro (cheap, I know) then like 6-7 Euro to ship to the US...Euro to Dollar conversion, it was something like $13.75. You located in Europe? Probably a lot cheaper to ship. Nah, I'm western Canada, and I think it only cost me around 5 quid in total. Its £4.99 without the postage, so not sure how you would have got it for £5 ... even to the UK it cost me more than £5. Alright, ladies, I'm pretty sure I prefaced that with a notion of uncertainty. But £4.99 sounds correct, and shipping was uncharacteristically cheap. Let us say it was around £7 for me, and return to praising the music.
  4. You gotta see them. I just got back from the MOR Cruise, where they had two shows and killed both of them. They sound incredible. Todd is incredible.
  5. How's the packaging on this one? I'm thinking to order but almost $14 for 5-6 songs, maybe hold off for a full length, unless this is done nicely. $14?? I don't recall paying that much. I think it was like 3-4 Euro (cheap, I know) then like 6-7 Euro to ship to the US...Euro to Dollar conversion, it was something like $13.75. You located in Europe? Probably a lot cheaper to ship. Nah, I'm western Canada, and I think it only cost me around 5 quid in total.
  6. Wow mate, if you don't think there's any melody on this, and can confirm it, I'll tear my balls from sack and join you for a spot of badminton. I heard this today and it's pretty damn good stuff. Might even rate alright overall this year. There are a tonne of great, killer melodic rock songs on this disc with some huge choruses not dissimilar to someone like Def Leppard at times. Melody is one thing this album is sure as hell not lacking. Very good stuff. Well, I guess you should be trying to find away to do whatever you want to do to your balls because I dare you to find a guitar solo in the three tracks uploaded here because I could not do it. Call me old-school but if the track ain't got a guitar solo it's complete and utter shit. As for the melody... if you consider a vocal harmony (on chorus), a melody then dude you need professional help. As for tracks samples, blings dings and other modern sounds don't cut it for me. Belonging to HH and liking the song are two completely different things. I even may find some parts of some tracks a bit interesting that doesn't mean that it belongs to HH. Unless it has come to this... No friend, I think it need be you seeking professional help, if you truly can't find melody in these songs. Thinking that the guitar solo somehow instantly = melody? That comment about guitar solos... wow. Enjoy what you can in that pigeon hole you reside in, but in the real world, a guitar solo - whilst nice - really has no affect at all on whether a song is good or not. Does it have to be a well played guitar solo, or just any attempt at all? Seriously, I love guitar solos as much as the next guy, but seeing over-the-top die-hards who need one in every song to make it good for them, it kind of puts me off them a bit. Imagine hearing an otherwise perfect song but kazaam! At the 2 and 1/2 minute mark there's no solo? Does that mean you instantly hate the entire song. Even if you sat there for 2 and 1/2 minutes loving every second of it, you now hate it because there's no solo? Enjoy your love for music then. Why not just buy a bunch of Satriani and Steve Vai discs and live safely with them for the rest of your life? Good points from Geoff and Dan, I'd just say that a I prefer songs to have guitar solos and they can lift a song from good to great. There are plenty of great songs without guitar solos, but there are examples where songs really miss a nice solo. For example, I like the song, 'For Me Sake' from Shinedown's album last year. However, if it had a decent guitar solo, it could be a killer song. For me, that's a bit of a shame. It's a good song, but for me the lack of a solo is disappointing. However, I completely agree that if they'd chucked a guitar solo in there that was really poor, or just didn't fit with the song, that would have made it worse. And it's still my favourite Shinedown song. I can't think of any really killer rock or metal songs that don't have guitar solos at the moment though. There must be some, I'm just struggling to come up with any... I like both sides of this argument, but as James says I can think of plenty of 'great' songs recently which would have been 'better' for me if they had a solo. 2 classic recent examples of this are WET - On The Run and Jimi Jamison - Bullet in the Gun which bizarrely are both CRYING OUT FOR A SOLO at exactly 2 mins 35.....same point in each song. Listen and tell me if I'm wrong. The WET song in particular leaves me wanting........ Of course it needs to be a great solo (not a shite one lol), but Im sure EM could have conjured up something suitable in each case. Would have made both these songs near 10/10 instead of 9/10. Just saying. I disagree Glen--that's a first! ;} I don't think "On the Run" needs a solo. In fact, I think it would hurt the song, rather than help it. I love the track the way it is.
  7. How's the packaging on this one? I'm thinking to order but almost $14 for 5-6 songs, maybe hold off for a full length, unless this is done nicely. $14?? I don't recall paying that much.
  8. I always enjoy your posts. One of the very few that shares some of my musical tastes. Look forward to your impressions of the new bass.
  9. Have to agree with the nutter on this one. I really enjoy it, but it would mean opening the floodgates for other artists.
  10. It's 6 in the AM, and my journey starts now. Oh, the joy of cheap flights. I'll see you ladies tomorrow.
  11. Ian, where are you? I had to dig up this thread. Campbell the Band - Quickly Growing Old
  12. Ooh. Nazareth and Headpins are coming to town July 4. I'll have to call up the boys.
  13. I still have no idea what that is. And you should be thankful for that. Yeah? Okay. Cool.
  14. Really? That's sounds in line with the Geoffrey I know.
  15. I still have no idea what that is.
  16. Circus Maximus - Nine Wild Lies - Jack's Out the Box Amaseffer - Slaves for Life Boom Boom Satellites - To the Loveless
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