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My Little Pony
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Everything posted by KarpetRydOFunk

  1. Wait, no one said it was racist. Or did they PM you? It's not racist. You were a punk, and made fun of a non-English speaking man's attempt at English, but that's not an issue of race. Anyway, the Rev wins for the funniest comment. Sorry, Cody.
  2. FuckWhitey was actually my second choice.
  3. It's good to know you got your son watching the classics already. Last night he and I watched the re-run of "Sharknado," so I felt I had to expose him to something quality to counteract it Heh. I've got "Sharknado" downloading. Maybe watch it tomorrow.
  4. RPM - Photogenic RPM - RPM Jillson - Deadly Girl (Retrospect)
  5. It's good to know you got your son watching the classics already.
  6. Please take the time to stop over and sign up at the JustJason Forums. See what I did there? I missed it. Can you go back and do it, again?
  7. Stryper - Second Coming We As Human - We As Human
  8. I gotta see that one. Looks ridiculous!
  9. Wow, Terry. Really? I'm sorry, mate, but you just lost all film recommendation credibility with me. That film was terrible. You realize it is unanimously being considered one of the worst films ever created? Naw I got's all kind of film cred. C'mon just cause everyone else thinks its bad doesn't make it so. And don't get me wrong the movie is cheeky as all hell, but that's what makes it good and as I said so anti-blockbuster main stream middle America that it is killer. Open your mind REAL WIDE and enjoy Hugh Jackman's chin testicles... Most films I watch are either indie or foreign or both, so I'm already well versed in anti-blockbuster features. Movie 43 was still fairly blockbuster. Still Hollywood.
  10. Upon further review, this is a boot or a "second Press". The matrix numbers you listed are not even close on mine. I know I paid $120 for it but still, I thought I was getting a deal because it was an original. Time to file a claim I guess...damn, seems to be happening a lot lately... I haven't even touched eGay in... well, a long time. I still consider myself a novice, and stuff like this just scares me away.
  11. Toast. Not cinnamon toast. Just toast. And butter, of course.
  12. Yeah, neither do I. But I never knew you. I think what it is is you were once a prominent member of the board... and then you weren't. Stories have been told, lives have been shared, Eric Brittingham has been worshiped in communion, so it's like a family member leaving. It definitely feels like family around here. At least with the core members.
  13. Shit! Someone grab him!
  14. 7th Heaven - Synergy (again. I'm really enjoying this)
  15. Is that the same chant they open Lethal Dose with. That's annoying.
  16. I'm tempted to respond and tell him that I only accept payments in malt liquor and Hastings gift certificates. : I'll take an Esox Cobra Magnum Jig Toilet as well. Malt liquor will be sent Fedex asap. I'll take a case of malt liquor, too.
  17. Wow, Terry. Really? I'm sorry, mate, but you just lost all film recommendation credibility with me. That film was terrible. You realize it is unanimously being considered one of the worst films ever created?
  18. 7th Heaven - Synergy Strange Talk - Cast Away Capital Cities - In a Tidal Wave of Mystery
  19. That would be one short album for me... Yeah, I can't think of any tracks.
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