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My Little Pony
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Everything posted by KarpetRydOFunk

  1. Absolutely does not need to be re-recorded... but HOLY SHIT THAT IS GOOD!! Absolutely does..........as previously mentioned this is purely to re-gain the recording rights. No, I meant it already sounds so good, it doesn't need to be updated, unlike the debut, which could use a little help production-wise.
  2. So, I got back from my vacation on Friday. My fam stayed in a little house right on the Okanagan Lake in Summerland. If you're not familiar with the area, it's considered the Napa Valley of Canada. Many of the vineyards and wineries were selling calendars of the Winery Dogs of BC. This girl was in the calendar.
  3. Yeah, I'm not a big superhero guy anyway, and that animation kills any chance I might watch it.
  4. Yo, Yesterday & Today, we talk about the upcoming album all the time. Mind you, it's just remarks of anticipation. But it should've been enough to suggest they're still around.
  5. Oh. Haunted Heart. I looked at the title and thought, "What the hell is Haunter Heart? Is that a new song? Holy shit! Did Alias reunite?" Alas, it is but a typo. Damn.
  6. hey ho, up he pops lol. Glad all OK with the kid, and the move etc. Re the music......I do hope, but I fear for that Waltham release. Me thinks it will be a major disappointment, but I do hope I'm wrong. Personally I can see stuff like WoA and Brother Firetribe crucifying it. Over and out.... I'm expecting Work of Art to provide the greatest album of the year. Apart from Earth, Wind & Fire, that is.
  7. Yeah, Geoff, you found the door on your way in. Now find on your way out.
  8. I enjoyed this one. Not what I expected. It definitely gives you the feels by the end.
  9. So...What I got from this is you're big into Wham!, Cody? That makes all of the senses. Everybody knows I ADORE!! Wham! and if this is a backhanded reference to me being the new guy G-Off just met, you sir are incorrect, everybody on this board knows G-Off never even had to buy me dinner, my schlong was available the first 30 seconds we met, but you do seem to be well steeped in gaydar, and noticing and recognizing the many category's of detecting men and their audio features and promiscuity level as in according to what type of music will surely get you the trouser monster the quickest, that is a helluva talent, you should be getting compensated for your unique and excellent talents. Cody, you're always one step in front. But I guess that's what you prefer.
  10. Absolutely does not need to be re-recorded... but HOLY SHIT THAT IS GOOD!!
  11. Let's just say North Americans, 'cause us Canadians can be little bitches, too.
  12. The Heat Incomprehensibly hilarious! Who knew Sandra Bullock could be so funny? And the chemistry with Melissa McCarthy is simply brilliant.
  13. No.Care to elaborate? It appears you may know more. Two different bands, two different sets of schedules. AdrianGale vocals were done over a few days while Vic was wrangling everything else. Jamie flew into NY and tracked all his vocals then flew home a few days later. It had no bearing at all on Guardian's progress. Then what the bloody hell is the hold up with Guardian?
  14. Maybe, maybe. But I'm still digging these tracks. Yeah, don't get me wrong; there's nothing wrong with these. I guess I was just expecting something different.
  15. No. Care to elaborate? It appears you may know more.
  16. Yup. And how shit does Jabba look in the updated version? I only ever watch the original theatrical version; so much better. Clearly Mr Lucas doesn't believe in the maxim, 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'! I fell asleep before the end of 'Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World' at the weekend. Very silly, but good fun ... and the list of half-watched films grows to 894. Spott Cilgrim was great! Have you read the graphic novels? The opening five minutes followed the first few pages verbatim. Including camera angles. It was incredible.
  17. And it has one of the greatest depictions of bromance ever committed to film. Ever. Period.
  18. So... What I got from this is you're big into Wham!, Cody? That makes all of the senses.
  19. BTW, love that one! I'm also really liking this. Not particularly summery, but not rock or metal: Were you already familiar with Strange Talk? Actually, what is radio like over there? Not one of these tracks is, or will be played on any of our radio stations. Nope, never heard of them. Some of this stuff might get played on Radio 2, which is the BBC's more conservative radio station. It plays a mixture of modern and older music, but none of the dance / R&B rubbish that dominates the other stations. I don't know about these songs specifically, but that Lissie song was on there and they play stuff that sounds similar to Strange Talk, etc. BTW, wtf am I doing wrong? Why don't my Youtube links post as video clips any more? Yeah, our CBC has a Radio 2, as well, which plays a good mix of music, but still wouldn't feature any of the aforementioned, save Grouplove. They don't play any Melodic Rock, however, but Lissie is someone that would definitely get airtime. In fact, that may be where I first heard about her. As for the YouTube video embedding, I admit, I have been having issues, too. What I've done to 'remedy' the problem is, I copy/paste the url to the Facebook status bar. Without posting it, I select and copy it, again, and then paste it here. It's a bit tedious, and I don't know if my method requires Facebook, but it's been working so why change it.
  20. BTW, love that one! I'm also really liking this. Not particularly summery, but not rock or metal: Were you already familiar with Strange Talk? Actually, what is radio like over there? Not one of these tracks is, or will be played on any of our radio stations.
  21. With over 38,500 posts, he's earned the right to be known by only his first name and have his own thread. The man has his own HH smiley for Christ's sake! backed I back your backing.
  22. If H.E.A.T. was the passion project of his dreams, why does following his dreams involve him leaving H.E.A.T.?
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