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My Little Pony
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Everything posted by KarpetRydOFunk

  1. Agree 100% REALLY good song, but I would say more of Higher/Weight than the debut/Mood.Defo Higher to me. And I say Mood Swings/Higher to me. Has the aggression of Mood Swings, and the production of Higher.
  2. Never heard of this. I'll have to check it out.
  3. I'd have to check album lengths on my compy, but I think Extreme cracked 60 minutes a couple times. Anberlin's "Devotion" also did with 18 tracks. I don't skip songs on any of those.
  4. Aw, that's sad. But he was 90. He lived a full life, and his legacy is immense!
  5. So, what is this? Just a solo outing? Is XYZ dead?
  6. Great news! Have they told Jorn, though?
  7. Ron Jeremy did music too? Weird stage name. This looks absolutely amazing!! What is it?
  8. Yeah I dig it but I think it's a trend. Their covers have been getting better but the albums worse! Nothing has been in the same stratosphere as "Hellfire Club" for me. A few songs here and there but nothing even close to that masterpiece. Apart from Rocketride of course which is far better Out of curiosity, you guys haven't rated their albums, hey? I did, and shocked my balls off with the results. FYI; 1. Tinnitus Sanctus - 76% 2. Rocket Ride - 74% 3. Space Police - Defenders Of The Crown - 73% 4. Age Of The Joker - 65% 5. Hellfire Club - 64% 6. Mandrake - 48% The thing with them, is their fillers are so shit and they have very few truly ball-cracking tracks. So nothing rates really high, but the fillers are so shit that it's basically impossible to rate one of their albums too high. The thing with 'Tinnitus Sanctus,' though, is there is no terrible filler on it... unlike their other albums. Hence it escaped with the highest score. Hardly a glowing endorsement, as in my mind I think 'Rocket Ride' has their best tunes... but I guess as an entire album, consistently, 'Tinnitus Sanctus' is their best... allegedly. No f way in a million years is TS better than Rocketride Yeah. Pretty much all the proof you need to know your rating system is completely phukked!!
  9. Yeah I dig it but I think it's a trend. Their covers have been getting better but the albums worse! Nothing has been in the same stratosphere as "Hellfire Club" for me. A few songs here and there but nothing even close to that masterpiece. Hmm. I dunno. I think Mandrake was the best, followed by Rocket Ride, then Hellfire Club, then Space Police. But really, that order could change depending on the day.
  10. ... What Geoff said. I was all, "Holy shit! I didn't expect this!!" And then I was, "Oh, well that's unfortunate." I haven't heard the snippet, yet, though.
  11. No tracklist yet. Last time he posted on his Facebook he said the tracks were still un-named. Ollie is back! Ollie is incredible! I would love a duet with him and Nikki Flores on an FM-84 track.
  12. I hope it's good. Has he posted a tracklist, yet? Do we know if Ollie Wride is involved?
  13. That's how I've felt, and I wonder how long they can carry on before people get bored.
  14. Found the disc at my local Valu Village, but it was beat to shit. Haven't seen it since. I guess I could just find it on eBay.
  15. Let's spam their f/book page with messages of re-releasing/re-recording "Early Years"! You mean all three of us? Won't that be a bit much?
  16. Just sell a couple of your blazers. ;}
  17. Holy shit! That album cover is awesome!! I'm def getting this, and prolly the limited edition. Depending on just how extensive this book is.
  18. I have not been here much at all. What happened to Lonnie? Haha! What. Happened. To Lonnie? That's a great question. Someone wanna fill him in?
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