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Captain Howdy

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Everything posted by Captain Howdy

  1. Not as catchy as some of their tracks, but still a very good track.
  2. i am not sure if you know much about them, but they actually pre date Steel Panther and their only album actually came out the same year as Hole Patrol. One of the guys went on to form Tragedy and both bands operated at the same time, with singer/guitarist from Tragedy joining the band as well. Have not heard anything from Satanicide in years though, and not sure Phil Costello (the guy in the green outfit) is still in the business as he left Tragedy several years ago as well. Satanicide were not as crass as Steel Panther, but I agree that they might work as a support act for one of their tours, but maybe two parody bands might be too much for some people and the fact that their humour is tamer might go against them with SP crowd. Tragedy though is still an ongoing concern, and continue to put out music and tour. They are brilliant live.
  3. I think We love you is the metal equivalent of free form jazz
  4. Yeah Stage wasnt a bad album it was just a bit "meh". Don't think a single song stood out. On the new one, stuff like Nobody is great, but I thought We love you was bloody horrible.
  5. Fuck it, meant to post this in Music videos ... oh well
  6. Not the biggest rap fan but I don't mind it in small doses. Not the greatest song, but not as bad as I expected
  7. Not really. I mean other than being a ballad, it doesn't really make me think of I still think about you. There is one bit that reminds me of another song, but cannot for life of me work out what it is. We all hear different things I guess, as I have said in songs before that they remind me of something else and others just dont hear it
  8. Lost my dad when I was 2. He was 38 and died from electricution. So yeah, while I do have three siblings, my mother had to raise all of them on her own. The oldest was just short of 15 when he died, and the youngest was 9 months old. While I obviously do feel sad I lost my dad, I never really got a chance to know him but I have known my mum for 52 years, so yeah it hits hard.
  9. Thanks for the well wishes. Everyone has their own way of grieving and mine comes across as being somewhat emotionally detached I think. For the most part I am trying to carry on as normal but obvs not working as got so much shit to sort out with paperwork, funeral and insurance etc. Trying to just keep myself occupied mostly with my usual things like music, movies and video games. Just my way of dealing with things, and think its this same kind of level headedness that got me through the whole cancer bullshit, and why I never let it get me down.
  10. I know Stand by me and Goonies both feature a cast of kids/teens, but not really the same style of movie with Goonies being a comedic, high adventure type film, and SBM being more of a grounded coming of age drama. Of the two, which would you say Crater is more like?
  11. Picked up the dual pack of Hollow Man 1&2 on blu ray. Just watching the directors cut of the first one.
  12. Just released this cover which I believe is part of a special edition vinyl release of Impera and Phantomime. Shakespears Sister - Stay
  13. For me the first album is still their best. All of the albums are great, but that debut still stands out to me because it was the most instantly hookable and the songs still hold up as some of their most catchy.
  14. It's pretty much classic Malloy. Nothing ground breaking, but he has not gone on off in any other directions musically.
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