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Everything posted by lettard

  1. Was lukewarm on the first album but interested enough to preoreder Untamed...from what Ive heard thus far its better,production is great and to my ears its a Monster!!!!
  2. Temple Balls - Untamed Preordered this,sounds great...Ball & Chain...what a tune
  3. Metallica - … And Justice For All Whitesnake - Slide It In Thunder - Robert Johnsons Tombstone
  4. I like it,but I certainly hope there are many better tunes on the cd...but its nice tune
  5. Tora Tora - Bastards Of Beale Pump - Much Against Everyone's Advice Blood Red Saints - Pulse Tangier - Four Winds Mama's Boys - Power And Passion Icon - S/t
  6. I enjoyed Shy and also thinking back the Siam release,I dunno,its just over the last while his vocals aren't for me...think it started with the State Of Rock cd,the Frontline sound was there but for me the whiny sorta vocal ruined it...the music is brilliant on his last couple of solo releases and don't get me wrong I can listen to it...but every now and then it just grinds on me.
  7. Mine wasn't autographed...even though I requested it Is that Snow disc good,thats the Carlos Cavazo band aint it?
  8. First Night - S/t Care Of Night - Love Equals War
  9. Hmmm...its pissing down here...so summer is a longs ways off
  10. Mine arrived this morning,should be waiting when I get home from work
  11. It all started well...then he began to sing,,,sorry but I just aint a fan of his voice,at times its ok but generally not for me
  12. Think the discs shipped yesterday...fingers crossed
  13. Of the options available in the vote id have to go with Resurrection Kings also.
  14. Enjoyed the debut to an extent but Ive found that so far this new release plods along a bit for my tastes,disappointed thus far.
  15. Ordered mine direct from the band,so im still awaiting its arrival
  16. Took the family a drive to The Dark Hedges at the weekend,not having watched Game Of Thrones I have no idea of their importance? My wife enjoyed it... On the way home we stopped off and took the kids to see Lego Movie 2...my youngest son loves Lego and the movies so it was a hit with him...the rest of us could've done without it
  17. Def Leppard - Animal has been the same for years,previously it was Vince Neil - You're Invited
  18. +1 they used to mean something...e.g being an unrealeased track that never made the album...now these acoustic versions are not much to write home about
  19. Yeah,looks like the new songs will fit right in with the fans
  20. Cats In Space -Daytrip To Narnia West Bound - Volume 1 Find Me - Angels In Blue Blood Red Saints - Pulse Pump - Against Everyone's Advice Rain Or Shine - The Darkest Part Of Me
  21. Have to agree also,dont mind the new stuff but that energetic spark just isn't there.
  22. This looks good,hopefully not as cheap looking as the Def Leppard film they made for VH1 years ago,which I enjoyed but it could've been so much better,just like Leppard the Crue have so much history both bad & good to make a great movie from,will defs check it out come March
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