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Everything posted by lettard

  1. I don't mind it nor his vocals,the last track on it "This Is Over" is pretty good.
  2. Gave this a good listen to today,its very nice,maybe a bit repetitive but alas still very nice,sound wise fine for being a self produced album,my only qualm is length wise I would have preferred 3 or 4 less "nice" songs and 10 or 11 very good songs,when you give it a listen you'll know what I mean about that...maybe? still a "nice" addition anywho.
  3. I went on ahead and got it from itunes...sounds brilliant thus far,the songs have been well cleaned up by the sounds of them as compared to the youtube uploads found in this thread Stage Dolls meets Def Leppard meets early Dare etc to my ears
  4. This arrived this morning 2nd hand from ebay...even though the release date isn't until 8th February? Definate Steel Panther vibe throughout which isn't a bad thing and seeing that I'm going to see Panther on Thursday night then this was well timed release
  5. John Diva & The Rockets Of Love - Mama Said Rock Is Dead Wild America - Gasoline Gathering Of Kings - First Mission First Night - s/t (itunes download)...can't wait for the physical cd!!! Toby Hitchcock - Reckoning
  6. You can hear Martin Sweets influence all over this btw but it really reminds me more so of Reckless Love. Also a new video
  7. Full album available for download only (atm) from spotify & itunes etc... Although they do say that the cd is currently being printed https://www.facebook.com/FirstNightEst/
  8. arrived this morning Wild America - Gasoline
  9. Gathering Of Kings - First Mission arrived today from AORheaven managed to find today Joker - Ecstacy on cd for a fair price also & John Diva and The Rockets Of Love,,,been sent...and on their way
  10. Picked up Freak Of Nature-s/t & Gathering Of Freaks for £3 sold these myself years ago but wanted to revisit and at the price for both original discs I couldn't turn it down
  11. I never really got into the debut cd but like this one quite a lot,they have definitely evolved and sound better to my ears,I bought this direct from the band a while back,think it was about £24 all in with postage. You can buy from their facebook page & all items are based in South Africa,not suprising seeing thats where they are from. Shotgun Slinger is also on ebay but again from South Africa and would be around $32 for customers in the US https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/L-A-COBRA-Shotgun-Slinger-SOUTH-AFRICA-Cat-LACobr1/253218960837?hash=item3af506b5c5:g:tl0AAOSwm3pZ6vPC:rk:1:pf:0 same price from Discogs(same seller) https://www.discogs.com/sell/list?artist_id=5156027&ev=ab
  12. Thanx Glen,will keep an eye out for it,thought that Ghost Protocol was on Netflix but its been removed again,was gonna watch that tonight.
  13. Mission Impossible Rogue Nation was on telly last night,had never seen it so gave it a watch. I haven't seen Ghost Protocol but I really don't think that would matter does it?Unless characters missing from this were killed off in it thus me knowing their fate before I watch it It was what it was,mega leave your brain at the door action/spy thriller type thing,but I enjoyed it...will await GP and Fallout coming to my tv at some point and give em a watch also.
  14. Yeah,ill give this a listen,liked all of their output but the more heavier direction of third album "Love Machine" was probably my favourite release from these guys.
  15. Got it this morning,still on the fence,its definitely more AOR than his debut release and production sounds very good indeed,repeated spins are called for before a more balanced opinion.
  16. Very good,but Ive already heard most of these...just want the actual cd to land and I'll be a very happy bunny,but any progress as a band is progress I suppose so I hope that through this they find others that never knew they existed and gain more admirers
  17. Im the same as pretty much everyone else here when we say we want the Double Eclipse type material,but also like most of us im aware we aint gonna get that,last few albums have been ok at best and I expect this to follow a similar vein.
  18. A different feel to this newer material,but Im a big fan of the Damned Nation & Feel The Shake discs so ive ordered Born To Fly and took the chance.
  19. This is apparently released today,has anyone heard it? like the track "forever and a day" featuring Björn Strid on vocals,just reminds me of NFO but curious as to what the rest will sound like?
  20. Sounds great,looking forward to another new release and so soon after "The Missing Peace"
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