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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. Ghosts Of War (2020) - watched this one despite there being no reviews or score on IMDB, something I never do but I thought the setup sounded interesting....5 soldiers in WWII sent to guard a mansion who have to deal with the supernatural...turned out to be a pretty good flick...
  2. Personally I don't eat anything that isn't well cooked and this is a good reason to continue that habit! https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/doctors-remove-live-worm-from-woman-s-tonsil-1.5023719
  3. Gonna pass on this...way too different from their previous stuff....not my cup of tea at all....
  4. Dead Planet


    The reason they did not recommend wearing masks until the last month is that they did not have enough masks for the health professionals....so if they said everyone should be wearing a mask, then it would have been their responsibility to provide those masks to the public....something they couldn't do so they said you didn't need one as they were not very effective....now that masks are more widely available they are telling us the truth...it was obvious from day one that masks would be a good thing but the media and most everyone bought into the bullshit.....
  5. My Spy (2020) - decent family flick starring Dave Bautista The Irishman (2019) - waited quite awhile before watching this one as it is 3.5 hours long....if you like gangster films then you should like this one. 1917 (2020) - excellent WWI film
  6. Black Oak County - S/T Edge Of Forever - Native Soul
  7. Dead Planet


    Just because we haven't figured out how to travel between worlds doesn't mean that other civilizations, possibly thousands of years older than ours haven't figured it out....I believe we are being visited today by aliens and hopefully someday soon we will get real evidence of that....there are just too many credible sightings and testimony for me to believe otherwise....while the majority of sightings can be written off as weather or human activity there are still many that are unexplained....and no I don't think aliens will land on the white house front lawn anytime soon .....our Gods over the centuries were probably aliens
  8. Dead Planet


    Aliens do exist and one day the truth will come out as the US governement is hiding the evidence from the world.....
  9. Terrible thing if it is accurate....we are however only hearing one side of the incident...one red flag for me is that the boyfriend was armed...what's up with that? Makes me think there is a lot more to this story than we are hearing...
  10. Dead Planet


    I'm not seeing any conspiracy theory ... fact is that they are still figuring out this virus and the overall effects on the human body and it will take a 'few years' before they are certain enough about it to put it down in a medical journal....
  11. Dead Planet


    I must admit I do not understand how so many intelligent people can constantly defend Trump and his policies....he is mainly a selfish narcissist....his main concern is re-election and he sees that happening if the economy gets better....blindness may be a problem but it is not the anti-trump groups that are wearing rose colored glasses....
  12. The latest song is pretty good...I may have to look closely at the new release.....
  13. Dead Planet


    I agree the US is weathering the storm but you don't have much choice since many states have virus numbers that are surging due to social gatherings ... you've got to admit that if things had been handled better and there was leadership from the top instead of denial , the country would be much better off.... As for destroying statues...that shit pisses me off...there is no advantage in trying to erase history and the rioting and other destruction is outrageous and should have been dealt with harshly especially that bullshit in Seattle where people were allowed to take over several city blocks....and I would be willing to bet a small fortune that the people who vandalized the Frederick Douglass statue were of a 'pale persuasion' ...the only surprise is that it took them this long to do it...probably because they had a hard time finding a statue of a black man...
  14. Dead Planet


    Thank God for Trump, without his incredible leadership and forsight the virus would be running out of control in the US....fortunately everything is beautiful and everyone can go about their normal business....
  15. Good song...sounding a bit like Foreigner.....which is a good thing....
  16. https://getpocket.com/explore/item/kiss-forever-40-years-of-feuds-and-fury?utm_source=pocket-newtab
  17. Good band....most likely a pick up for me....
  18. Not bad but not interesting enough for me.....
  19. I like the new song....I need to hear a few more before buying though....
  20. I agree it is impossible to change everyones opinion on anything but if you can change the thinking of the majority about racism then you have done a good thing IMO.... As for the police, I've never been a big fan...too much power in the hands of too few and because of the way the justice system is set up they seem to get away with crimes the rest of us would be sent to jail for....that said they are necessary unless you want anarchy to reign supreme....they are being criticized for the actions of the few these days and if there were better rules/regulations concerning their actions then I think most of the issues would eventually go away..... As for the media, I agree the mainstream media does not provide enough balance and are waaaaaay to quick to jump on whatever PC bandwagon is around....the sad fact is that the line between PC crap and common sense has disappeared...part of the problem at least in the US is that Trump declared war on any media outlet that did not kiss his ass and they have pushed back against him and in the process have become less reliable as unbiased sources of news....
  21. The human race sucks...I think that is obvious...I do not feel any guilt over what people thought and did a hundred years ago...those people were a product of their time....we are not the same as our ancestors....I do feel bad about what we do today if those actions mean that we do not treat everyone fairly....we do not live in the past and we should be concerned with how to make society better today and for the future....throwing up our hands and saying it is not our fault or ignoring realities is not the best way for the human race to move forward....
  22. Kung Flu....is that racist? A poor joke maybe but if that is racist then I'm losing the plot or the plot is losing me....
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