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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. I like the first song but the second is average.... I may have to look into more music from this artist....
  2. Here are a few of the things he has done but as with everything he has done, it depends on what side of the divide you are on as all the issues brought up in this article are probably fine with his supporters... https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/12/28/1908276/-The-10-worst-things-that-Trump-has-done-in-2019
  3. I think he does have it but I expect him to be fine and we'll see him on the campaign trail again in 10-15 days....he will say that all he had was a headache and that the virus is no big deal...and he won't be wearing a mask..
  4. I doubt that as he has the best care in the world and they have advanced in caring for people since the virus first started....I certainly hope he is okay as there is enough chaos in the election without this being serious....
  5. Helion Prime - S/T Helion Prime - Terror Of The Cybernetic Space Monster
  6. I don't see how he wins by not actually debating Biden....he came across as afraid of Biden....BUT overall it probably doesn't matter...people see/hear what they want to see/hear these days because of the political divide...I don't expect any of these 'debates' to change minds in the election....
  7. Did you watch the debate? Trump spent the entire debate interrupting Biden everytime he spoke...why would he do that if he thought Biden was senile, all he had to do is let Biden talk and show the world that he is not up to the job....the only reason I can think of for Trump to not want the country to hear what Biden had to say , is that he knew that Biden would come across as more intelligent, competent and prepared than himself.....
  8. The whole senile thing is 100% fake news...I have seen him in many interviews and he is fine...does he occasionally say the wrong words, yes but so what, the guy has fought stuttering his entire life so I give him a pass on that...I'm pretty sure Biden has not said that Trump is responsible for all the dead from Covid...what he has said is that if Trump had a plan to combat it instead of acting like it didn't exist earlier in the year then there would be less deaths....comparing him to a man that spews lies and nonsense everytime he opens his mouth...he looks pretty good in that comparison...
  9. As opposed to getting all my slop from right wing sources like Fox News? There are no or few unbiased sources of news these days so it would appear everyone is full of shit when it comes to the 'talking points'.....
  10. I can empathize ....you used to trend a bit left and have been pushed to the right and I used to trend a bit right but trump has pushed me to the left...lol...I think we can agree on one thing all politicians/politics are full of shit....
  11. Other than 'trying' to fix the trade imbalance with China which he has failed at.....Trump has been useless...just another crook who makes Nixon look like Mother Teresa....as for 'cities burning to the ground' that has got to be the biggest ridiculous overstatement of the year...the cities that are burning are in California and that is because of mother nature....
  12. The IRS is investigating him for not paying enough tax but he would just get a large fine not jail for it....so not illegal but wrong and maybe immoral(big surprise since he has no morals)....of course you could say that about most of the rich....I know it's foolish these days but I still think that our leaders should set a good example for those they serve instead of trying to screw us for every penny that they can get....
  13. It doesn't bother you that your billionaire buddy pays less tax than you do? Most likely because he has broken every rule in the IRS rulebook... You have definitely been drinking the kool-aid....
  14. So some of Trump's tax records are out and we now know that he has paid NO federal taxes in 11 of the last 18 years... and when he does pay it amounts to no more than $750...must be nice to be a billionaire and pay peanuts in taxes....of course he has said that those who pay taxes are 'dumb'....I'm sure he doesn't mean all of his supporters
  15. Damn triple post ...got to be my first triple fuckup...lol...hit submit 3 times and it didn't show as saved any of the times so reset the page and there they were....
  16. Really 3 times.....I missed the other 2 times lol....good song, I'll try to track down the cd....
  17. Really 3 times.....I missed the other 2 times lol....good song, I'll try to track down the cd....
  18. Really 3 times.....I missed the other 2 times lol....good song, I'll try to track down the cd....
  19. Dead Planet


    I don't think anyone has a real plan to deal with both flu and corona this winter....they are all praying that it isn't as bad as expected...if it gets ugly here in Canada I expect that there will be at least a partial lockdown....
  20. I have the cd but rarely listen to it....
  21. Dead Planet

    NFL 2020

    Watching the first Sunday football of the year.....should be an interesting year...looking forward to see how Brady/Tampa and Newton/Patriots do this season...not to mention seeing if Big Ben can take my team to the playoffs....hopefully they will be able to play the season without virus issues....as for the kneeling stuff all the teams have to do is keep the teams in the clubhouse until after the anthem....
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