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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. Haven't seen any posts from MartinSane for quite some time.....
  2. I agree, each new generation is more open minded and tolerant and eventually the majority of this crap will mostly go away .... however if you are a minority today that time can't come soon enough...if I was being looked upon and treated as a criminal every time I left my house I would be pissed and want immediate change as well....
  3. They have charged the other 3 cops in the Floyd case and here is my prediction....Chauvin will be found guilty of manslaughter not 2nd degree murder and the other 3 will walk....the increase in charges and the charges for the 3 are just political optics...meaningless once you get into court and have to convict beyond a reasonable doubt...
  4. You need to keep in mind that the results of gatherings do not show up in an increase in cases for several weeks after the event....hopefully there won't be any increases as all of Canada is now reopening the economy...it will really suck if we have to close down again....
  5. Yeah I have mixed feelings about the press...they can be irritating to say the least, getting in the middle of shit and then complaining when they get hurt...we do need them to report on news otherwise we would be in the dark about what is going on....personally I would be reporting from the nearest rooftop, fuck getting down there with the looters and crazies...
  6. Okay that makes sense...about the cherry picking...I came across it in an article about an Australian model in New York who had her home broken into by looters...lol Can't even find the numbers for this kind of thing in Canada...
  7. Just came across this stat online...don't know how accurate it is though... "More than 400 indigenous Australians have died in police detention since a 1991 Royal Commission into the deaths of Aboriginal people in custody. " Makes me wonder what the Canadian stats are like!
  8. Personally I try to get my news from many sources so that I can see issues from all sides...I think the Trump supporters are maybe too close to the issues to see clearly and those that think Trump walks on water and can do no wrong will never change their opinions no matter what he does ... maybe it is easier for those of us on the outside looking in to weigh the issues or maybe we are all biased depending on our influences growing up....
  9. One thing I'm 100% sure of ....I'm very grateful that I'm not black and living in any country that is white dominated....the racism may be more obvious in the US but it exists here in Canada too.... somehow we need to educate everyone about one simple fact...there is only one race and that is the human race....
  10. No one should be surprised that Trump is not acting presidential again...at a time when he should be trying to calm people he is instead doing everything he can to divide and fan the flames...I hope for America's sake that he does not get another 4 years because if he does, the mayhem we see today may be looked upon fondly in the future...
  11. I agree the politically correct assholes pick apart everything you say and do so they can negatively label you...BUT lets not forget the right because they enable every racist, sexist , homophobe and xenophobe in America....
  12. https://www.france24.com/en/20190316-looting-clashes-mark-most-violent-day-yellow-vest-protests-months
  13. Can anyone give me an example of the last time a black cop killed an unarmed white man? I'm sure it has happened... sometime... somewhere... but if it was happening as often as white cop killing unarmed black man I'm pretty sure we would all know about it....probably has something to do with the fact that the majority of cops are white...personally I think that anytime an unarmed person is killed by the police that the cop should at least be fired...I mean what about using tazers? What about better training? The other 3 cops haven't been arrested and charged because there would be no hope of a conviction since they could not have known the guy was gonna die and standing there is not a crime.... the protests haven't stopped for several reasons, the biggest one being that they are upset over dozens of incidences not just this latest case so it would not matter if they arrested the entire police department at this point....also I believe that the majority of the people rioting/looting/burning are not those that actually give a shit about George Floyd's death, they are taking the opportunity to cause chaos...most likely anarchists and other assholes....and lets not forget the russian and chinese fake accounts on social media who are fanning the flames and having a good laugh over the whole situation... No one should have to deal with racism whether it comes from a cops gun or some idiots mouth...I realize that we don't live in a perfect world and racism will always be around in some form but we should be doing everything we can to get rid of the ignorance in the world.... Despite what we see and hear in the western media, fact is that racism is found in every country not just in America....go to asian countries like China or Japan and you will find people who hate white people and I'm sure Africans do not look upon whites with any fondness.... The protests will eventually die down as the politicians make promises and give platitudes but without concrete action it will start up again when the next death occurs...
  14. The US needs to find a way to deal with racism especially from the police...I don't condone rioting, burning and looting but when a large portion of the population feels like 2nd class citizens, it is going to cause anger and outrage leading to all kinds of crazy shit....
  15. After spending nearly two weeks in a coma fighting COVID-19, Death Angel drummer Will Carroll has revealed that during his battle with the virus, he had bizarre dreams of the afterlife, where he would be sent to hell and meet Satan. Carroll tested positive for the novel coronavirus shortly after the conclusion of Death Angel’s most recent European tour. The illness left him in a critical state where he was put on a ventilator while lying unconscious in a California Pacific Medical Center hospital bed for 12 days before recovering. In an exclusive interview with the San Francisco Chronicle published on May 15 — just days after the musician’s 47th birthday — Carroll revealed that in his dreams, the devil would punish him for the “deadly sin of sloth.” The musician said Satan would transform him into a creature similar to that of Star Wars‘ Jabba the Hutt, and that he would vomit blood until he ultimately had a heart attack. During the first few days of his treatment, Carroll’s heart failed multiple times as a result of the intensity of his medication, according to a medical staff member. Carroll told the San Francisco Chronicle that “what he went through” allowed him to change some of his typical lifestyle habits, including his once-heavy alcohol and cannabis intake. “I’m still going to listen to Satanic metal (though), and I still love Deicide and bands like that,” joked the musician after admitting his experience battling the virus felt like “returning from hell.” Carroll later admitted that after beating COVID-19, he doesn’t think “Satan’s quite as cool as (he) used to.” Between each of the band’s members and crews, 10 others were diagnosed with COVID-19, including Testament frontman Chuck Billy, according to the San Francisco Examiner. The Bay Strikes Back tour kicked off on Feb. 6 and concluded on March 11 — one day before the band headed back to California, and only a few before President Donald Trump called for a travel ban in the U.S. Though the bands were aware of the concern surrounding the novel coronavirus, mass gatherings were not yet banned at the time, meaning they were able to power through the five-week tour anyway — with only one cancelled gig in Milan, Italy, on Feb. 25. “The last couple of days were tough,” Carroll recalled of the tour. “Not that we like shows to be cancelled, but in that situation, we just wanted to go home.” Front-line health-care workers treating Carroll told the San Francisco Chronicle that his situation was a “wake-up call” for them. “We realized in that moment that COVID-19 is here now, and (that) this is a disease that can really do some serious damage to otherwise young, healthy people,” said Ritik Chandra, an emergency medicine doctor at the institute. On March 30, Carroll finally awoke from his unconscious state and said he received a standing ovation from those treating him. Additionally, he recalled the first words he said upon waking up. “I woke up on the hospital bed with tubes coming in and out of me, and there was a nurse right there and my first words were, ‘Am I still in hell?’ She ignored me,” he said.
  16. CROBOT - Motherbrain MICHAEL SWEET - Ten DIE KRUPPS - Vision 2020 Vision EXHORDER - Mourn the Southern Skies PRETTY MAIDS - Undress Your Madness ROCKETT LOVE - Greetings From Rocketland SAINT DEAMON - Ghost MASTERS OF CEREMONY - Signs Of Wings TYGERS OF PAN TANG - Ritual BLACK SABBATH - Seventh Star BLACK SABBATH - Born Again (Remaster) BLACK SABBATH - Cross Purposes BLACK SABBATH - Dehumanizer (Remaster) BLACK SABBATH - Forbidden BLACK SABBATH - Headless Cross BLACK SABBATH - Mob Rules (Remaster) BLACK SABBATH - Tyr KILLSWITCH ENGAGE - Atonement THE DEFIANTS - Zokusho LIV SIN - Burning Sermons MORGANA LEFAY - Knowing Just As I BLACK SABBATH (2 CD) - The Eternal Idol DEAF RAT - Ban The Light METALITE - Biomechanicals SINNER - Santa Muerte
  17. 21 Bridges (2019) - pretty good police drama... The Last Full Measure (2019) - really good film about a bureaucrat trying to get a medal of honor for a dead hero of the Vietnam war...something real for when you get tired of the superhero crap...
  18. BPMD — the new heavy metal juggernaut featuring vocalist Bobby "Blitz" Ellsworth (OVERKILL), drummer Mike Portnoy (THE WINERY DOGS, SONS OF APOLLO), bassist Mark Menghi (METAL ALLEGIANCE) and guitarist Phil Demmel (VIO-LENCE, ex-MACHINE HEAD) — will release its debut album, "American Made", on June 12 via Napalm Records. The 10-track homage to some of rock music's greatest treasures is turbocharged by the experience and enthusiasm of its four creators, and its first single, "Toys In The Attic" — an AEROSMITH classic just begging for a heavy reimagining — is only the first boisterous sliver of proof.
  19. Crashdiet have put out some good music but personally I'll take Reckless Love, Kissin Dynamite and Crazy Lixx over them....
  20. Dead Planet


    It would be nice if everyone was on the same page in dealing with this worldwide crisis but tribal issues between societies have always been divisive....I wish that politics, optics and bullshit were not the driving factors in how we deal with it...maybe once we get past the pandemic we can come together a bit more and realize that we are one community of people that needs to work together on issues that affect us all but of course we would have to be living in the utopian world that you mentioned... As for the world economy...well it is going to be fucked for years...I've never understood how the world financial system works, how can all countries be billions and some trillions in debt at the same time...it looks like a big house of cards to me...lets hope it doesn't collapse any time soon...
  21. Dead Planet


    Another topic where we will have to agree to disagree....countries around the world have spent trillions already because of this virus ...whats a few billion more....I also said that we 'should' test everyone not that we 'would' test everyone for the reasons mentioned above...I believe that the countries that do the most testing and tracing will be much better off in the long run than those who do the minimum in that area....
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