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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. This is a really good release...probably too heavy for most people on this forum however....
  2. Dead Planet


    News Flash... A tiger at the Bronx Zoo has tested positive for the new coronavirus, in what is believed to be the first known infection in an animal in the U.S. or a tiger anywhere, federal officials and the zoo said Sunday. So can someone tell me how in hell a tiger got infected? What idiot got close enough to pass it on? WTF!
  3. Dead Planet


    There are still shortages in the stores even though there are limits as to how much you can take...I haven't been able to find Lysol wipes anywhere....the grocery stores limit the number of people allowed in which is why I go at less busy times although when I asked the checkout person about it she said it wasn't busy all day which was a bit of a surprise but I guess people around here are actually staying home unless they have to go out....also the first hour is reserved for the elderly and handicapped, not sure about emergency workers although that would be a good idea....I have no patience or sympathy for those breaking the rules and if there are people trying to fake being elderly to get into a store , I would be quite happy to see them taken out back of the store and be beaten to death, I guarantee that once word got out it would be the last time it happened...
  4. I don't have one favorite film but there are a few that I rewatch on a regular basis.... Die Hard (first 3 flicks) Pirates of the Caribbean (all of them) Home Alone (first 2) Predator Those are the ones that immediately come to mind but there are others....
  5. Dead Planet


    Canada still hasn't hit the apex yet, although they are saying we should hit it over the next few weeks... I expect we will be staying at home for another 6 months at least...I think we will be dealing with this virus until there is a working Vaccine in place which will be until at least Spring 2021 maybe even Summer 2021...a lot of numbers are being thrown around where we could have as many as 25000 deaths before it is done.....we still aren't testing enough to get a real understanding of the spread.....the economy will truly be screwed for years to come...one good thing to come out of this is that Canada will not have to depend on other countries for health care equipment after this virus as we will make sure that we make our own equipment instead of outsourcing it... latest numbers.... Total: 12,954 (18 presumptive, 12,936 confirmed including 214 deaths, 2,502 resolved)
  6. This is the only forum I bother with as most of the others have too many idiots... the only place to find new music IMO... although I agree with CureTheSane that it leans farther into AOR than I care for but that is okay as I try to stay open minded about music...hopefully everyone here will remain safe and healthy....
  7. Dead Planet


    The latest Canadian numbers are 7414 cases and 92 deaths which while not great is a lot better than what is happening in the U.S.....the main reason it has not exploded here is that social distancing seems to be working , of course there are fines and possible arrest for groups of more than 5 to make people think responsibly .... of course we still haven't reached the peak yet so it will get worse...the biggest issue here is that we still need to ramp up testing to find out who is actually carrying the virus, we won't get a grip on it until we can isolate everyone who has it.... Australia seems to be doing a better job at dealing with the virus than Canada, their numbers are lower and they have tested more people per capita than almost anyone exept South Korea..... Two things that are irritating me at the moment.... 1. People who went on vacation while this pandemic was ongoing and now are stuck everywhere all over the world especially those on cruises....they are all crying for Canada to come and rescue them and I can't turn on the news without at least one of these idiots whining about being abandoned....fucking morons... 2. All the info in the West about how we don't need and shouldn't be using face masks to avoid getting the virus...what a load of bullshit!...of course we should all be wearing masks to slow the spread...its common sense....Asian countries have been doing this for years whenever their was an issue, heck they need them for pollution in some areas.....the problem here in the West is we weren't prepared for this outbreak despite the fact that is was obviously coming our way since the middle of January and we don't have enough masks for the front line medical staff let alone everyone...so we have to listen to the outright lie that we don't need masks....
  8. Dead Planet


    Man this shit is getting REAL....I've got to stop watching the news!...it's fucking depressing....
  9. Bad Boys For Life (2020) - another fun entry in the series...if you enjoyed the first 2 films you should like this one...
  10. Star Wars - The Rise of Skywalker (2019) - it was okay much like the previous 2 films in the trilogy...I still prefer Rogue One and Solo to the last trilogy... Underwater (2020) - this was a decent flick although it could have been better... Spies In Disguise (2019) - fun animated flick... Onward (2020) - another good animated fliock... Spencer Confidential (2020) - really enjoyed this one, I hope they make it into a regular series of films...
  11. Iron Maiden, Poison, Journey and Motorhead off the top of my head....
  12. Dead Planet


    I know the restrictions may seem extreme to some, especially when Nova Scotia only has 28 cases so far. BUT if you want lessons in what not to do then just look at Italy where they did not take it seriously , did not act quick enough and now transmission of the virus is rampant through the country...800 dead yesterday alone...personally I think we need to take extreme measures now before the numbers get crazy, after all it's not much use trying to close the barn door after all the horses have bolted....most provinces in Canada have declared a state of emergency although the rules vary between them...
  13. Dead Planet


    Ignorance is no longer an excuse and yes the new rules were put in place because of young people ignoring the distancing rules....at least the majority of people ignoring the rules were young....
  14. Dead Planet


    Nova Scotia declared a state of emergency today....no groups over 5 people or you could face fines or arrest...this has come about mainly because of millenials ignoring the social distancing orders and congregating in large groups...Canada has closed the borders to everything but goods shipments...everything is closed except for drug stores, grocery stores, gas stations and some restaurants have take out....welcome to the future...
  15. Nice song....may have to pick this one up....
  16. Dead Planet


    An interesting article about our possible future.... https://www.technologyreview.com/s/615370/coronavirus-pandemic-social-distancing-18-months/?utm_source=pocket-newtab
  17. Dead Planet


    I agree, a lot of countries are not testing enough if at all so the numbers are meaningless, also there are countries who are not being honest about the severity of the virus such as Iran and Russia.....
  18. Dead Planet


    I hope you are right about the time frame but if they rush it out it could cause more problems than it solves...
  19. Dead Planet


    They are hoping that it will die off when warmer weather hits but even if it does it will most likely hit again next winter so we will be dealing with it every year like normal flu...hopefully we can get a vaccine out asap so that when you get a flu shot you will be covered...unfortunately they are saying it could take 18 months before there is a working vaccine....
  20. Dead Planet


    I know people like to compare corona to sars but the difference is that sars was contained, it did not reach pandemic proportions...corona is not contained and is a pandemic...the regular flu is really a pandemic every year but it is not as deadly as corona....at the moment corona is not as widespread as the regular flu and lets hope it does not get to that point which is why countries are closing borders etc...
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