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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. Dead Planet


    I can't really criticize as 20 years ago no one could change my mind on anything either ..... I will just have to hope that the majority of Americans are sick and tired of the Trump Show and throw him out in November....I never did like reality tv shows..
  2. Dead Planet


    I get that you don't like the Dems but fear of what might happen is not the best way to view the political landscape in the US....there is literally nothing that can be done in 4 years that can't be undone in the next 4 years....surely having a president that is respectable and who cares about something other than himself is worth a 'leap' of faith' ...
  3. MLB is still trying to get the season completed...they are saying that not all the teams will actually complete 60 games and picking the playoff teams will mean going by winning percentage! So a team that plays 10 games more than another team may lose out on the playoffs because their winning percentage is slightly below the other team...it's not bad enough that they are having a ridiculously short season , now the season will be even shorter for some teams and other teams will lose out because they stayed healthy...what a fucking mess....are the tv revenues really worth the blow to baseballs reputation....?
  4. Dead Planet


    True fact that all presidents take credit for positive things no matter who was responsible for them at the beginning...however those same presidents also took responsibility for the negative shit that happened on their watch unlike Trump who has never taken responsibility for anything bad that has happened while he has been in office....it is always someone elses fault...usually he drops the blame on the previous administration despite the fact that he has had the reins for the last 4 years....if you're gonna take credit for the good stuff have the courage to deal with the bad....
  5. The site is really slow at the moment....getting 504 gateway timeout...

  6. Dead Planet


    Banning Chinese air travel was a good decision despite the silly opposition to it....he should have gone farther and banned everyone with a Chinese passport as all they did was fly to Europe and then come to the US...he just delayed the spread in the end....I suspect the numbers of dead were lessened by that delay....
  7. Dead Planet


    I freely admit to disliking him as I prefer politicians to at least try to appear honest something Trump is unable/unwilling to do...as for the positive things he has done over 4 years, they are few and are heavily outweighed by the negative IMO....
  8. Dead Planet


    There are so many lunatics online these days that it is scary...even scarier is that many people believe this shit and get most of their 'facts' and news from them....as for a second wave, the US will not notice a second wave because the first wave has never stopped....much of the rest of the world where the curve has flattened will most likely see increased virus numbers throughout the Fall and Winter and they will have a hard time telling the difference between covid and influenza...could be a long bad Winter....
  9. 18 Marlins and 2 Cardinals so far with covid...they are not setup in a bubble like the NBA and NHL , travelling around the country and not properly isolating....the season is finished....there's no guarantee the NBA and NHL will be able to finish either......
  10. Dead Planet


    The right believes BLM is evil....it is what they want to believe therefore it must be true....and there are plenty of idiots online that are feeding this silliness with their BS and conspiarcy theories, you just have to look at facebook for that ....
  11. Dead Planet


    I know BLM are getting a lot of blame for the violence and property destruction during the anti-racism protests but to be clear most of them are there to protest peacefully and it is a very small percentage who are causing trouble...many of the troublemakers are white kids who don't care about racism and are just out to stir shit up and of course there are those from the right who just want to make BLM look bad and cause interracial trouble like the umbrella man.... https://nationalpost.com/news/umbrella-man-protester-who-sparked-george-floyd-mayhem-is-hells-angels-linked-white-supremacist-police-say Whether Trump wins or loses I expect the protests to continue as BLM will not stop until they see some serious progress and the right will protest as they will believe Trump BS about having the election stolen from him if he loses....
  12. Dead Planet


    The troops are in Germany to deter Russian aggression which means Trump is doing his buddy Putin another favor....
  13. I'm a gun owner myself and I believe everyone should be able to protect themselves , their family and property BUT I would not want to see people walking on the streets of Canada with an AK47 strapped on....the US is welcome to have that sort of thing, I'll pass....
  14. I like what I hear....not hearing 1983 but to each their own....I'll have to pick it up....
  15. He hasn't been around since January of this year...maybe he has moved to another forum....hopefully he is doing okay....
  16. Been a DAD fan since the first release and will definitely get this new solo release.....
  17. Personally I believe that all lives should matter and they would if we lived in a better world....the BLM groups get upset with the All Lives Matter response because they see it as a way to lessen the impact and dilute the importance of their message which I can understand....
  18. Dead Planet


    Normally I like straightshooters and to have a leading politician that is frank and honest would be fantastic....unfortunately Trump would not know how to spell honesty let alone understand the word....90% of everything he says is a lie or complete bullshit...and if that is not 'playing games' then I don't know what would qualify as playing games....
  19. Dead Planet


    There isn't enough to worry about...now I have to worry about pothers!....wait aren't they from Poland?
  20. Dead Planet


    I give him credit for at least trying to do something about China....the Dems would never have had the courage to tackle the issue....has he succeeded , no at least not yet but this issue is not one that shows immediate dividends .....and yes it caused problems around the world but he was concerned with US trade not world trade.....lets be clear globalization has not worked out so well for many countries, allowing the majority of your manufacturing to be done in foreign countries because of cheap labor doesn't look so good today....
  21. Dead Planet


    I view voting a bit differently...if the party in power is lying, screwing up, taking the country for a ride or just plain stupid then I put my vote elsewhere to punish them so they hopefully come to their senses...the issue right now in Canada is that the 2 parties that I would normally consider voting for, the Liberals and the Conservatives, are either too far to the left or too far to the right for me to be comfortable....so when the election comes around I can say fuck it and not vote which is a non starter for me or I can look closely at the party in power to see if it deserves my vote and if it doesn't then I hold my nose and vote for the other party....after all you get to toss them out in 4 years if they don't perform well....I just don't believe that you reward bad government and in the US the republicans IMO do not deserve another 4 years...
  22. Dead Planet


    One good thing that I think he has done is to stand up to China when it comes to trade, trying to lower the trade deficit and bring companies back to the US from China.... I'm curious about the good things that you have seen?
  23. Dead Planet


    It has gotten to the point where people are set in their opinions on both sides and are never going to change their minds....whenever they see or read something they don't believe or don't want to believe, they just search online for info that justifies their opinion....open minded people are hard to find these days.... everyone has a right to their personal opinions but rational discussion is basically dead....
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