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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. There is one area where I think Trump has done a good job and that is when dealing with China...the trade balance between China and the US was $419 billion in 2018 which is a ridiculous amount and Trump was right to try to do something about it...I'm not sure he has actually made much headway but at least he is trying.... Also Trump is trying to get American companies to return their manufacturing back to America and this is something all countries in the West should be doing....this pandemic has highlighted the reasoning for this as we are in a terrible position when it comes to PPE and pharmaceuticals...China makes over 80% of the worlds PPE and China and India make over 80% of the worlds pharmaceuticals and that has to change as they now control how we fight illness and pandemics since they can stop exports of this necessary equipment whenever they want...not that I can blame them for this as all countries are going to look out for their own people first and the rest of us a distant second...so lets see if we learn a lesson from this mess...personally I doubt it as the billion dollar companies are all about profits and don't give a damn about anything else...
  2. Dead Planet


    I'm not so sure about him being a great negotiator...where is the evidence? Other than what he says about himself...
  3. Nope...I'm sure the most powerful country in the world and the bastion of freedom and democracy can do better....
  4. Dead Planet


    Does anyone believe that if Trump was a Democrat that there would be any less criticism? (And lets not forget that Trump WAS a Democrat for years before he switched sides) That the media and the right would not be shitting all over him? This is not really about politics , it is about the suitability of the man in the oval office....if he was capable of acting presidential then the majority of the crap surounding him would not exist....he is his own greatest enemy...not the media as he keeps saying....the media is simply doing what they would do no matter who sits in the oval office....the media is not a propaganda arm of the the government in a democracy...
  5. Dead Planet


    I think the whole 'Biden is senile' thing is exaggerated...does he look and sound like an Einstein...no and you would be hard pressed to find a truly intelligent politician anywhere these days... is he saying nice things about the left of the party, of course he is, he wants Sanders supporters to come out and vote for him on election day instead of sitting at home whining about their candidate not running in the election...that doesn't mean he will actually do anything for them if he gets elected...it called politics...
  6. Dead Planet


    I agree the Dems aren't that great but I don't see how an asshat is better than Biden...he is not a socialist like the 2 others you mentioned and appears to at least be a decent human being....actually I think the U.S. needs a third (centrist) party that could maybe keep the worst of the left and right at bay...
  7. Dead Planet


    I have no love for the far left in Bernie and Alexandria as they are idiots IMO....but I'll take Sleepy Joe anyday over a selfish fool....
  8. Dead Planet


    So I wonder how many Trump supporters are going to inject themselves with disinfectant?
  9. Nice...thanks for sharing...love the No Easy Way Out version.....the other 2 are good as well....
  10. Dead Planet


    The problem with opening up in some areas and not others is that people will foolishly come from all over, from places without openings so those places with low numbers will see a definite increase ...
  11. Dead Planet


    I'm a stay at home kind of person as well and the situation hasn't bothered me much either....I can understand people being concerned and even angry about the restrictions to their freedom but it really comes down to common sense stuff like .... your money or your life...your freedom or someone elses life....your selfish concerns being more important than anything or anyone else....have politicians gone overboard, maybe but I suspect that question will be argued about for years to come, personally I think the majority are doing what they believe is best for everyones well being and yes some of their actions are probably influenced by their political beliefs but does anyone except the conservative right believe that freedom should come at the expense of everything else....
  12. Dead Planet


    So how is everyone managing the stay at home crap? Are you losing your mind and protesting stupidly on the streets like I see happening in several states or are you actually enjoying it?
  13. Underworld (2003) Underworld Evolution (2006) Underworld Rise Of The Lycans (2009) Underworld Awakening (2012) Underworld Blood Wars (2016) My favorite Vampire/werewolf flicks although the writing quality drops off after the first 2.... Call of The Wild (2020) - wasn't expecting much from this but it turned out to be a decent family film... Sea Fever (2020) - watchable sci-fi flick...
  14. Finally got around to listening to this and it is quite good....not amazing but worth checking out IMO
  15. Dead Planet


    Looks like it's all over for the XFL as they have filed for bankruptcy .....
  16. Vinyl has returned from the dead and I expect a few years down the road, cds will return as well....at least that is what I keep telling myself...
  17. Love the Power release and I like the new music as well...let us know if there is a cd release....
  18. It definitely sucks...won't be returning to vinyl that is for sure...I believe there will be enough cd buyers around for quite some time to come so once again the death of cds is overstated IMO...
  19. https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-end-of-owning-music-how-cds-and-downloads-died?utm_source=pocket-newtab
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