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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. Love Me some Honeycomb!!
  2. Alvin and the Chipmunks The Squeakqeul.... Pretty cute and funny actually.....
  3. I honestly wouldn't mind Star Trekkin getting a METAL over haul......
  4. Damn punks got NO respect!!!
  5. OH yea she is smoking hot!!!
  6. Ok ok I Know Bones is in what the 5th Season now?? But the first 4 are on Netflix and I started watching Season one??? DAMN!! Why have I not watched this sooner????? I DID see the episode with that Black/death metal band a lil while ago and liked it..I think I Have a new favorite show.. Well maybe not favorite, as right now that honor goes to Spartacus Blood and Sand, but Bones is pretty damn good!!! Just wanted to say that.. Carry on......
  7. Not the best greatest hits track listing but I will still pick this up, if nothing else for the live DVD!!!
  8. I heard the tune Addicted to Metal and it sounded pretty damn good!! Gotta pick this one up!!!
  9. Dark Star


    Good tune.. Classic Aerosmith!!!
  10. Saw this on Yahoo and had to share.. Trailer and clips for Mega Pirhanna!!!! http://tv.yahoo.com/blog/mega-piranha-this-one-has-teeth--1121 Enjoy!
  11. *Punts this back up, hoping for more of these GREAT pics*
  12. I have a compilation called "Fit to be Tied" That's pretty decent, but I think it's out of print now.. I looked on Amazon and found this though... http://www.amazon.com/Greatest-Hits-Joan-Jett-Blackhearts/dp/B0036SPU3K/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1270797712&sr=1-1 21 tracks for ten bucks?? What a deal!!!
  13. Alright!!! Gotta give props to a dude from MY neck of the woods.. Portland Oregon!! Represent!!!
  14. It was quite interesting, a little dull in spots (and somewhat frustrating occasionally when there'd be subtitles that were hard to read against the background picture) but overall I enjoyed it. I don't think it made me appreciate or understand Black Metal much but it's definitely intriguing, in a "What the f*ck is wrong with these people?" sort of way. That guy Count Grishnakh is a piece of work. He's apparently become Norway's version of Charles Manson nowadays, i.e. a big celebrity murderer/criminal with a cult following. He sez the church burnings were meant to bring Norway back to its Viking origins by eliminating Christianity from the country altogether. Um.... okay. Fenriz appears to be a cool guy who wishes that Black Metal had just stayed underground, stuck to its core audience, and remained just about the music, which was the way it started out, before all the silliness turned it into a "trend." I can sorta relate to that. It reminded me of me around 1992 when Metallica had become the biggest band in the world and all of their old underground fans from the KILL'EM ALL days were bummed about them 'selling out.' I saw the movie on the Sundance Channel by the way, if anybody's interested in checking it out. I'm sure they'll run it again. I saw previews for this and want to see it!! Sundance channel you say?? Will have to see when it's gonna be shown again and fire up My DVR!!!
  15. Always look forward to a new Maiden release.. Let's hope this kicks ass!!!
  16. Angels and Demons... Just a great film.. If you liked The DaVinci Code You should enjoy this one too....
  17. The Collector.. Pretty good horror flick.. Kinda like Home Alone meets Hostel....
  18. Overkill "Ironbound" Fucking Excellent!!!!
  19. Oh Speaking of Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus?? It IS on Netflix so I can and WILL Watch it for FREE on My computer!!! Actually started it already and so far I LOVE it!!!!!
  20. Watched a Documentary called The King of Kong.... When Steve Wiebe got laid off, he turned to the classic arcade game Donkey Kong for solace; soon, he decided to challenge Billy Mitchell's long-standing record score. So began the bitter rivalry that lies at the heart of this curiously compelling documentary. Providing a history of competitive video gaming and a look at some of the key players, The King of Kong is at its best when revealing just how far Mitchell will go to retain his crown. Was actually kinda cool.. Love retro games, so I enjoyed it....
  21. Man I gotta watch that again Myself.. I Haven't seen it in a few years and it's pretty damn funny.... Wasn't there a line in it.. something like.. SO many assholes, so few bullets?? something like that.....
  22. Well I Loved it when it came out.. Hell You couldn't turn on the radio and NOT hear a song off that album I swear.. It's still pretty damn good though I don't listen to it all that much, but yea I like it....
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