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Everything posted by heavyharmonies

  1. ??? I am still seeing a file upload option, although you have to be viewing the full editor, not just the Quick Reply function. Can anyone else confirm, or am I only seeing that because I am an admin?
  2. I gave the whole disc a listen today. I'm sorry guys, but while I like the music itself, the production is just complete garbage. Tinny drums, echo-ey vocals and ambiance.... it ruins it for me.
  3. The links are on both the band pages and the individual CD pages. Right now it's just the .com, not .de or .co.uk. I need to check into those affiliate programs. BM = BrutalMetal.Com, not what you were thinking.
  4. Amazon links are back on HH and BM on a trial basis. I know that some folks were upset when I removed them after Amazon fired all of the Illinois affiliates. In case you don't realize it, when you decide to shop on Amazon or eBay, if you click through from HH or BM and actually buy something, I get a tiny commission on the sale. It doesn't cost you anything, but cumulatively it helps support the site. All the pennies, nickels, and dimes from everyone's purchases add up. It's the only way I can afford to keep things going given the shortfalls on the donation drives. I'll have to see how the Amazon links affect the eBay revenue. If it ends up being a net decrease, I will pull the Amazon links again. So for now, enjoy the old functionality back again, and when you go to Amazon or eBay, please go through Heavy Harmonies to do it, even if what you are shopping for has NOTHING to do with music... it's the conversion and proximity in time of the clickthrough to the sale that matters, not specifically what is purchased. Thanks! -Dan
  5. Instrumentally it soudns solid, but the vocals seem uninspired.
  6. I know for a fact that it is a 100% homemade bootleg. That record label never existed, and the title of the album was just taken from one of the song titles. Any you see with this artwork are CD-Rs.
  7. Quite good! Album should be interesting.
  8. I'm finally geting around to listening to this, and... well... I'm disappointed. Technically, there's nothing wrong with it, and it is unmistakably Toto, but it just leaves me flat. None of the songs really grab me. It's no IV, that's for sure. (Heck, it's not even Tambu.) I'll give it some more spins over time, but for now: meh.
  9. Actually, this one is a bit of a grower. Very Stratovarius-esque (of course), with slightly less metal and more emphasis on keys and orchestration. Better than I expected. Won't be top 5 worthy, but solid.
  10. Kinda dig the song, although the lead singer looks goofy. He reminds me of Hacksaw Jim Dugan from back in the day... kinda crazy.
  11. Better cover with great vocals (there's a bunch of covers of this tune out there... a new cottage industry apparently): And another cut from the soundtrack, an instrumental. Holy 80s synth, Batman!!!
  12. Other than the fact that Mandy Lion can't carry a tune in a bucket, I suppose it's not the worst thing since Yoko Ono. (That's about the most positive thing I can say about it.)
  13. I can understand both sides of the equation, to a certain extent. Banner advertising revenue has been on the wane for years now, as there are channels to "get the word out" that don't require extensive cash outlay. Unless you are talking about the highest of profile sites that still garner 5- and 6-figure advertising contracts, the arrangements are now along the lines of 2 figures per month. If the bandwidth for the page(s) in question actually are costing Andrew more than he would receive from Frontiers, then Andrew seriously needs to renegotiate his hosting contract. By way of comparison, HH gets between 2,500 and 3,000 unique visitors daily. Not as high traffic as MR, but not insubstantial. My hosting contract comes with 2.5TB (terrabytes!) of bandwidth per month. I use perhaps one quarter of that amount. So either that claim on the cost is inaccurate, or there is something seriously wrong with the contract that Andrew is committed to. That's actually not that uncommon in the hosting business: you sign up with a host for X MB or GB of disk space and Y GB or TB of bandwidth per month (no, there is no such thing as "unlimited" of either, at least at commercial/corporate levels of hosting), and unless you revisit the contract periodically to upgrade the quotas and the hard ware, you can effectively be paying at decade-old hosting rates. I sold banner ad space very early on, but decided to get away from that model, relying on (1) the annual donation drive and (2) the affiliate links on the main site, to foot the bill. Instead, I offer my banner ad space FREE for bands and record labels, and at a very nominal amount for commerical record shops, etc. (nominal as in $50-100 for 6 months). I have, in the past, run into communication issues with people at Frontiers. I think that the language barrier can sometimes be an issue, not to mention the temperment of those fiery Italians. On the other hand, I think that Andrew sometimes overreacts (not a criticism, just an observation).
  14. Musically very promising. The production/mix on Here to Stay is muddy as heck though.
  15. I assume the sound/production company would be listed in the rolling end credits of the movie, which unfortunately I do not have a copy of. From IMDB: Production Companies Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation (presents) Island World Robert Simonds Productions Distributors Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation (1994) (USA) (theatrical) Manuel Salvador (1994) (Spain) (theatrical) 20th Century Fox (1995) (France) (theatrical) 20th Century Fox (1994) (Japan) (theatrical) 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment Japan (1995) (Japan) (VHS) 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment Japan (2007) (Japan) (DVD) 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment (2002) (Germany) (DVD) 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment (2001) (USA) (DVD) Abril VĂ­deo (Brazil) (VHS) Fox Video (1994) (Germany) (VHS) Fox Video (1995) (USA) (all media) (laserdisc) Fox Video (1997) (USA) (VHS) Nippon Television Network (NTV) (2013) (Japan) (TV) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment (2002) (Netherlands) (DVD) (rental) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment (2003) (Netherlands) (DVD) (retail) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment (Netherlands) (VHS) Other Companies Central Casting (extras casting) Chapman/Leonard Studio Equipment (camera cranes and dollies) Fox Records (soundtrack) Howard A. Anderson Company (opticals) MTV Networks (courtesy of: the characters Beavis and Butt-Head) (a division of Viacom International Inc.) Movie Movers (cast trailers) Musco Mobile Lighting Ltd. (lighting) Nina Saxon Film Design (main title sequence) Pacific Title (titles) Palladium (registered to: the trademark "The Lone Ranger") (as Palladium Limited Partnership) Spectral Recording Dolby Stereo Digital (verify theatre format)
  16. Just thinking about this in regard to the Jeff Scott Soto/Inside the Vertigo thread. What are your favorite movie soundtracks that have never had an official release? Mine: 1. Rich Girl (Jeff Scott Soto) 2. Rock N Rule (Cheap Trick, Debbie Harry [including an awesome duet with Robin Zander], Iggy Pop, Earth Wind & Fire) 3. The Chase (Charlie Sheen & Kristy Swanson flick)... completely under-rated flick with a Ron Jeremy cameo. Anthony Kiedis and Flea form the Red Hot Chili Peppers were in the movie. 4. Sons of Thunder (Galactic Cowboys) track from Airheads 5. Highlander (Queen, some of the songs/themes eventually came out on the album "Kind of Magic", but there has never been an official soundtrack release)
  17. Dredging up a 5-year old topic to see if anyone has ever been able to track down a copy of this song... it's GOTTA exist somewhere.
  18. Eyes S/T and the first Talisman album are his best IMO. Honorable mention to the Biker Mice from Mars soundtrack, as well as the never-released "Rich Girl" soundtrack.
  19. Lolwut? In related news, John Elefante is releasing a new album entitled "Bulletboys". Go figure.
  20. Samples of all tracks from the following added to main site. Click on an album cover to go listen.
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