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Everything posted by heavyharmonies

  1. Well dip me in shit and call me stinky.... this is some pretty damned interesting stuff. Never heard of 'em before. Is this song representative of their previous 5 (?!) albums? If so, I'll need to track down their stuff. It's definitely not cookie cutter.
  2. I think FB has a lot to do with it. A lot of forums on various topics have been replaced by social media.... but... I don't do social media, and really do not like the format for discussions and searchability. I prefer the traditional forum format. I think another contributor is that I really haven't added any new functionality or given a visual overhaul to the main site. I simply don't have the time.
  3. And then people can congratulate you on congratulating people on their posts totals, and then you can congratulate them on congratulating you on congratulating people, and then...
  4. My, how Bill Belicheat's chickens have come home to roost. Who thought this whole Deflategate story would have legs? Now that 11 of 12 New England balls tested as deflated at halftime during the game, there are people speculating that Belicheat might be either suspended for the Superbowl and/or the entire 2015 season. Sports talk radio is all over the shit, and previous NFL quarterbacks are coming out of the woodwork chiming in on it. The dumbest thing is that of all the games the Deflatriots might have needed "an edge", this wasn't it. They would have won easily regardless. $5 says they blame it on some $15/hour ball boy...
  5. Ok, now after hearing samples of all the tracks... still "meh". There are moments, but overall it leaves me cold.
  6. I probably should have said "Earlier"... I posted samples on the main site back in July: http://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=32528 I guess this tells me how much people pay attention to those posts...
  7. Phibbleglarb the Yabloobloo! Yarpmif skans ptood! (or something like that) P.S. The video above posted yesterday has already been blocked for copyright.
  8. Yep. It was one of my top 5 contenders early on in the year. Makes my honorable mention list.
  9. Song is ok. Like the restrospective video though... bring back memories. I saw them in 1985 on the Theatre of Pain tour at the Richfield Coliseum in Cleveland. We oohed and aahed over the 90-degree tilting drum cage. It was something new at the time.
  10. Yearly? Not that I'm aware of, other than manually noting your total on January 1 and then comparing it the following year. If you're talking about the forum in general, same thing applies. I do know that traffic is down overall.
  11. Well, my top 5 is figured out as far as which 5 albums... now my issue is that I keep flip-flopping #2 and #3. I guess it doesn't matter in the global scheme of things, but dagnabit, it just pisses me off that I keep waffling. Looking back through the threads on the 5 discs I've chosen, I don't think my top 5 will match anyone's, although based on comments, if Stefan has a top 5, we *might* be close on several... he had positive things to say about several of my choices. The top 5s from Mike and Pete are due to me today, so hopefully I'll have everything posted by this weekend. -Dan
  12. Not even close. This was a choke job of EPIC proportions by GB. Horrific coaching by McCarthy going ultraconservative and not utilizing his resources on MULTIPLE drives down the stretch, Bostick losing his fucking mind and forgetting that his job on the on-sides kick team was to BLOCK not catch. GB had that game locked and bazookabarfed it up.
  13. And as exciting as the first game was, the second is the epitome of anticlimactic... what a snoozefest. Never in doubt from the first snap.
  14. Wow. That was a game and a half. First half all Green Bay. Second Half all Seattle. I'm disappointed in the outcome... not that I'm a Green Bay fan, but I just despise Seattle. Outside of Wilson, a bunch of cocky douchebags. I don't like the personas that comprise the team, or the coach.
  15. From the sound of the vocals, I'd wager it's Marc Storace from Krokus.
  16. Dasfunny, I don't recall accepting a bet... Akshually, you're both correct. In this case, you're right. It's White Widdow, although it provokes the same reaction as Vega did earlier this year. Repeated listenings just don't "click" for some reason. There's no logical reason for it, as the execution is well done and the production is good, but 5 minutes after I get done listening, I've forgotten the album. I don't find myself absently humming or re-hearing in my mind; there's no staying power... Same thing with the In Faith album. I can't point to anything wrong with it at all. Yet it doesn't provoke the reaction I expect or want when an album resonates with me. If I can't get songs out of my head or I find myself relistening to songs or the entire album repeatedly, that's how I know an album has "it". The albums albums in question, while technically execellent, don't provoke "it" for me. We all have our listening preferences and/or idiosyncracies. You dislike anything with strongly accented vocals or lyrics in another language, whereas I don't find those to be immediate disqualifiers. As incomprehensible as my not loving White Widdow or Vega seems to you, there's a particular album that (IMO) craps all over both of those from an ear candy perspective, yet you and others have it in the mid 70s and have barely discussed it, which I don't understand. The answer: We don't all hear the same things or focus on the same aspects of the music, and certain things resonate more strongly than others with each of us. In all fairness, if an album doesn't appear anywhere in my lists, it says nothing about the quality of the album, but rather that I didn't get to hear it that year. One last thing... regarding artists that release similar/identical albums over and over, i.e., "The AC/DC Effect". Why is that considered a positive for some artists but a negative for others? Geoff, earlier you said the following in my response to Amaranthe being in my top 20 or so for the year: Presumably that was meant as a negative... so why does Harem Scarem - Thirteen get as much love as it does? Let's be honest: the HS album is nothing new from them. It's the same damned stuff they release every album... ... but it's GOOD. I love the album. It's in my top 10 for the year, as it seems to be for most here. So why does "saminess" (for lack of a better word) not penalize Harem Scarem, but is portrayed as a negative for Amaranthe? Is it the length of the discography, i.e., Harem Scarem has so many albums that being similar isn't a bad thing, whereas Amaranthe has a small discography so you're expecting still innovation and/or evolution?
  17. Song is ok, but uber-formulaic. With the guest lineup on the album, it will be interesting to hear how other songs compare...
  18. I'm hating this. I have 6 albums for my top 5 and for the life of me I absolutely CANNOT decide which one to boot. But I'm going to be fair and cut it to 5 at some point, since I've insisted that other participants in the HH Top 5 process keep it to 5. My top 5 is looking NOTHING like the lists I posted in this thread earlier in the year. The second half of the year was very strong as far as my acquisitions are concerned. A couple that will make my list are surprisingly (to me) not ranked that highly on some of the lists here or are missing entirely. There's one in particular that is top notch melodic ear candy that I'm baffled isn't getting more acclaim. Then again, there's at least one that people are ranking high across the board that gets a resounding "meh" from me. There's just no accounting for the filtering that one's ears provide... P.S. Lest anyone assume I'm sticking with a predictable or previously revealed formula, shockingly neither Within Temptation nor Babymetal are in my top 5.
  19. Video not available in the U.S. Fuckers.
  20. You live by the refs, you die by the refs... reversal of last week's karma.
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