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Everything posted by heavyharmonies

  1. This album is turning out way better than I was expecting. Excellent heavier side of hard rock.
  2. Ok, who hacked Glen's account? Buying and selling of used CDs, whether on eBay or in a CD store/pawn shop/flea market has been going on LOOOOOOOONG before the decline of the physical CD. In fact, there's less of it going on now (in my opinion) than at its peak in the 1990s and early 2000s. Filesharing and digital streaming are far greater causes for CD sale decline than the sale of used CDs.
  3. Yeah, it won't be in my top 10 either. Possibly honorable mention status. It doesn't have nearly as much staying power as "The Unforgiving".
  4. I guess I'm the only one who's watched the Blu-Ray thus far. Just another masterpiece of concert footage. My only complaint is some of the songs that were omitted from each concert. I can't imagine how much it cost to tour with that Elements group (full orchestra, choir, and effects). The stage setup is massive.
  5. I'll bite. How much? Seriously though, I wouldn't mind picking it up. I only have the promo digital audio from Frontiers, and I'm curious as to how the fidelity actually stacks up comparisonwise.
  6. Looks interesting from image and instrumental standpoints, but a teaser with no vocals at all? It could be Geoff's cat screeching...
  7. Quoted for posterity. So you were hoping it would be different from HS's signature sound? What could they have done that would have been an improvement in your ears? I suppose next time around they could do a thrash album....
  8. I've always found his vocals raspy. The choruses more than make up for it.
  9. Christmas came early. That was an ass-whupping on Dallas's home field. Sanchez played a very solid game.
  10. Adequate musically, but agree that it's demo quality. Oh, and somebody call an image consultant. This band needs a makeover.
  11. Nice eye candy in that first vid, but yeah those lead vocals are horrific. *wince*
  12. My experience with them is that many of their releases are CD-Rs. Their artwork is fine, although minimalist.
  13. If someone sent me CDs in FUCKING SHIT condition, I'd feel the same way. So... receiving subpar condition CDs in a trade makes you feel justified in deliberately committing fraud to the tune of $750 (I don't care what you ended up refunding, your original intent was to get Peter for 750 large). Got it.
  14. Never gunna happen. As long as eBay and PayPal place 100% of all liability on the SELLER in all transactions, sellers have no choice but to track and insure or leave themselves completely vulnerable to scammers.
  15. Just as a singular data point, I sent off a single CD to Germany yesterday. The package was 5 ounces in weight. I charged $14 shipping. Subtracting $1.26 eBay fee just on the shipping portion, and $0.41 Paypal fee just on the shipping (I allocated the base $0.30 payment fee to the CD itself) leaves $12.33. After bulk eBay discount, the USPS out-of-pocket shipping cost was $11.49, leaving $0.84 for packing materials, labels, and insurance. After insurance, I effectively lost money on the shipping costs. So if the international shipping costs from the U.S. seem outrageous... they are. But this seller isn't getting rich on them by any means...
  16. No sorry, just on Live365. Dumb question: Why do you need to use Winamp? Can't you just use the web-based player the link takes you to?
  17. Yeah, the Eagles sucked it pretty bad this weekend across the board. It's not looking good.
  18. Excellent! One of AOR's great "One hit wonders" (albumwise at any rate).
  19. Am giving this one a thorough listen... and I don't know what happened between last year and this year to my perception of Threshold. I *really* enjoyed March of Progress, but this one bores me to tears. I have a hard time making it through the album in one sitting, as all the songs blur together. It's too "samey" across the board. I think I need to let it sit and come back to it after a few days/weeks, because I'm really NOT enjoying it and I'm not entirely sure why.
  20. In all fariness, isn't that going to be true of ANY project that Sweet does lead vocals for? He has such a distinctive voice. If you don't like his voice, you won't like any of these projects. Personally, I think the samples thus far sound fab. P.S., Yes, the cover art is cheesy as hell.
  21. I'm enjoying it. Good melodies, nothing earth shattering. It sounds like every other Nickelback album, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, just not evolutionary or revolutionary. Geoff... that's two today: :baneed: Shinedown just average modern rock? Sound of Madness and Amaryllis are two of the best modern hard rock albums of the last decade. Unless that wink at the end meant (to use the across-the-pond vernacular) your taking the piss. -Dan
  22. Geoff, you voted Harem Scarem's Overload higher than Lipservice? Seriously, that is the ONE choice above which is an absolute no brainer, do not pass GO, do NOT collect $200. Harem Scarem is easily an across-the-board winner, but in that one album comparison, Gotthard destroys HS by 18.7 miles.
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