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do you realise how difficult this thread is to understand?

Is the rest of this thread in a different language? :yikes:

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could it be more to do with the unusual amount of questions being posed?

I thought that was the whole point of this thread. To answer each "question" with another question. Is it not?

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If someone posts in a non-existant thread, can anybody read it?

I can. And based on one of Ty's recent mind-reading posts, can he also?

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Why is everyone posting in the old Introduction threads?

Missed opportunities? :unsure:

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Why is everyone posting in the old Introduction threads?

Missed opportunities? :unsure:

This stumped me too. I guess it was a slow night (or day for you foreigners) on the board?

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Is it strange that I never did an introduction thread?

Are you happy to have nothing to regret, like some of us?



Am I ever happy about anything? :unsure:

Funny you say that. On the way to work this morning I felt inspired to again write a novel (if I could ever find the time) and I was going to start it with a little verse on how miserable the majority of us (not on the board, I just mean generally) are and how little we (me included) do about it. I had no idea where I was going with it after that, but that's how my best work always started?

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Is it strange that I never did an introduction thread?

Are you happy to have nothing to regret, like some of us?



Am I ever happy about anything? :unsure:

Funny you say that. On the way to work this morning I felt inspired to again write a novel (if I could ever find the time) and I was going to start it with a little verse on how miserable the majority of us (not on the board, I just mean generally) are and how little we (me included) do about it. I had no idea where I was going with it after that, but that's how my best work always started?



Is this the statement thread or are we still in the question thread? :whistle:

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There was a question mark there... don't playa hate?


just becasue you put a question mark at the end of a sentence it doesn't necessarily make it a question?

In my world it does?

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