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The F*%K Thread


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I got to go to heaven again today... and it was fucking awesome.


Oh Please don't leave out any Fuckin' Details... :blink:



I dont know how i can describe heaven, except it involved some hugs and a straight razor :D


Fuck Yeah ! :D

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There was a three metre shark at the beach today. Can I get a fuck yeah?


What type of fuckin` Shark?

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There was a three metre shark at the beach today. Can I get a fuck yeah?


What type of fuckin` Shark?

A fuckin' three meter one............ :lol:

Fuckin' :rofl2:

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There was a three metre shark at the beach today. Can I get a fuck yeah?


What type of fuckin` Shark?

A fuckin' three meter one............ :lol:


Must of of fuckin` overlooked that bit :fu:

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There was a three metre shark at the beach today. Can I get a fuck yeah?


What type of fuckin` Shark?

Don't know mate. I forgot to tune into the fuckin' news that night to see if it made the news. Probably did as there were helicoptors around. Definitely the first time I've ever been asked to leave the water by a lifeguard on account of a shark, though. Shame, 'cause the surf was fucking awesome. Oh, no, wait. I haven't seen a decent fucking wave for about a fucking year now. Still, it was a hot day and it was fucking nice out there.

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Slow fucking week - fuck off. Actually, speaking of it why don't the next 25 days all just fuck off. Too many people are pissing me off too much lately and I'm too tempted to slice throats.

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Slow fucking week - fuck off. Actually, speaking of it why don't the next 25 days all just fuck off. Too many people are pissing me off too much lately and I'm too tempted to slice throats.

A fuckin' tad fuckin' tetchy me fuckin' thinks !!!!!!!!!!!!

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