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The F*%K Thread


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Does someone care to explain this fucking shit? I barely get sick ever, temperatures are soaring in the mid 40's (celcius) and yesterday afternoon from out of fucking nowhere I get this sore throat and runny nose. And I still have it today. Seriously, what the fuck? Why waste my fucking time? Does this shit think it's going to hinder my plans? No, it's just going to fucking annoy me as I do what I was going to do anyway. So "cold" or whatever the fuck you call yourself, just fuck off would you.


Geoff, you're off the hook. Go ahead and fucking drink my friend as there is no better way to kick a "cold" in the fucking nuts than a few shots and brews.

Don't you worry about that mate. Got a double episode of 'Survivor' on TV tonight which'll go well with a few beers and then my mate's 30th on Sunday which is going to be a fucking flood of sweet liquid. I just have to figure out either where I'll stay that night or how the fuck I can possibly get back home. Either way, I'm going to go out on a limb and say this coming Monday will be the worst ever. :)


Fuck beer, drink whiskey! B)

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i actually get to make an escape tonight!


This post is missing the key fuckin' word Widda :tsk:;):lol:

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Not feeling too fucking ace this morning. Having my mate's 30th on a Sunday afternoon/night has delivered mixed fucking results.

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Unfortunately, the fuckin` clowns got voted off The X Factor :bananamac::bananamac::bananamac::bananamac::bananamac:


Thank fuck for that, the fucking embarrasing twats.

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Unfortunately, the fuckin` clowns got voted off The X Factor :bananamac::bananamac::bananamac::bananamac::bananamac:


Thank fuck for that, the fucking embarrasing twats.

How the fuck can clowns be embarrassing twats??

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Unfortunately, the fuckin` clowns got voted off The X Factor :bananamac::bananamac::bananamac::bananamac::bananamac:


Thank fuck for that, the fucking embarrasing twats.

How the fuck can clowns be embarrassing twats??


Clowns, fucking twats, add your own name Chris. These guys are the fucking most embarrassing thing I have ever seen on TV and that includes that infamous footballing 'debacle' called L**on Town. ;)

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Unfortunately, the fuckin` clowns got voted off The X Factor :bananamac::bananamac::bananamac::bananamac::bananamac:


Thank fuck for that, the fucking embarrasing twats.

How the fuck can clowns be embarrassing twats??


Clowns, fucking twats, add your own name Chris. These guys are the fucking most embarrassing thing I have ever seen on TV and that includes that infamous footballing 'debacle' called L**on Town. ;)

If I am not mistaken, you just put these fucking twatted clowns below L**on Town footie... :eek:

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Fuckin` raining, had half a day from work and surprise surprise, it`s fuckin` raining!


I've heard about that fuckin' raining over there... Fuck, that sucks.


What`s the weather fuckin` like where you are?

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