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The F*%K Thread


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I fuckin' hate tablets.......

I fuckin' hear ya Wotty brother,just been told i'm bipolar type 2 so it's"Medication Time".The pills help so onwards i go.


I'm still waiting for my fucking diagnosis

Sooner the fuckin' better !!!!!!

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Those first two days back at work were the worst kind of fucking hell I've known. I think next time I take a holiday I will make sure I don't leave myself two days to close off the fucking month. Although hopefully soon it won't fucking matter if I leave over month fucking end.

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Do I go and work on this fucking short story now? I guess I should. How the fuck do I wind this thing up?

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Fuck me :angryfire:

Purchased MIKE ONESKO'S GUITAR ARMY. "ARMAGEDDON" CD from CD Rare and about a week later I received a refund from them because they don't fuckin' have it !!!!!!!!

Why have it listed on your site....and may I say....."STILL FUCKIN' DO" you dumb fucks <_<


CD has now been purchased from elsewhere !!!!!!!!!

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