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The F*%K Thread


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All the fuckin' snow has mysteriously fucked off..........


fuckin sunny Thetford eh??

Fuckin' afraid so.........


Nothing lasts long in fucking Thetford, heh Wott! :lol:

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7 fucking consecutive strikes on the Nintendo Wii Bowling, I`m well chuffed but my arms and body are so fucking sore and achy

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Fuck my luck....bought some new fucking headlight bulbs for the fuckin car as one had gone ping! Now the access to the dipped headlight section on these cars (Rover 75) is a fuckin nightmare...the main headlights are fine but to get to the dipped you have to take off a fuckin panel behind the front wheel either side to get to the lamp unit.

Now I've fuckin done this before and okay its a little fuckin fiddly but generally done in 15 mins...all bulbs changed.

So this time I changed the fuckin side lights ... no fuckin problem. Changed one of the main dipped bulbs on the passnger side...no problem.

Come to changing it on the fuckin driver side and the retaining clip flies out of it's seating. No big deal I fuckin think and I try to reseat it.......after three fuckin hours of dicking about trying to get it in and hands cut to shreds I fuckin gave up!!! It's a fuckin sealed unit and the point where the end of the fuckin clip needs to go is fuckin impossible to see - or reach. Your working through a hole with a diameter of about 4 inches. Fuck an obstertrician couldn't fuckin do it.

I ended up sticking the bulb in place using metal fuckin tape which doesn't fuckin please me one fuckin bit. I checked a few fuckin forums and it looks as though you have to take the front fucking bumper off and remove the unit to reseat the clip!!!!! My fuckin arse!!!

Big fat fucks...and my bulb warning light is still on in the car message station even though all the lights are now working and that's fuckin annoying too!!!!


Apart from that I'm fuckin very well thank you!

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Fuck my luck....bought some new fucking headlight bulbs for the fuckin car as one had gone ping! Now the access to the dipped headlight section on these cars (Rover 75) is a fuckin nightmare...the main headlights are fine but to get to the dipped you have to take off a fuckin panel behind the front wheel either side to get to the lamp unit.

Now I've fuckin done this before and okay its a little fuckin fiddly but generally done in 15 mins...all bulbs changed.

So this time I changed the fuckin side lights ... no fuckin problem. Changed one of the main dipped bulbs on the passnger side...no problem.

Come to changing it on the fuckin driver side and the retaining clip flies out of it's seating. No big deal I fuckin think and I try to reseat it.......after three fuckin hours of dicking about trying to get it in and hands cut to shreds I fuckin gave up!!! It's a fuckin sealed unit and the point where the end of the fuckin clip needs to go is fuckin impossible to see - or reach. Your working through a hole with a diameter of about 4 inches. Fuck an obstertrician couldn't fuckin do it.

I ended up sticking the bulb in place using metal fuckin tape which doesn't fuckin please me one fuckin bit. I checked a few fuckin forums and it looks as though you have to take the front fucking bumper off and remove the unit to reseat the clip!!!!! My fuckin arse!!!

Big fat fucks...and my bulb warning light is still on in the car message station even though all the lights are now working and that's fuckin annoying too!!!!


Apart from that I'm fuckin very well thank you!


I had to change my fucking headlamp bulb last month and it was a fucking piece of piss on a Mondeo mate, 10 mins and fucking ows ya father!! :gone:

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I had a quick look at my headlight lamp the other day and quickly dismissed the idea of fucking bothering. My car is in at the Auto-Electrician today for the fucking fucked up central locking and the fucked up power windows. I also have no fucking brake lights or front right headlight and I'm silently hoping it's all connected but easy to fix. Fuck I hate fucking cars that cost you money you couldn't dream of actually fuckin' having.

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I had a quick look at my headlight lamp the other day and quickly dismissed the idea of fucking bothering. My car is in at the Auto-Electrician today for the fucking fucked up central locking and the fucked up power windows. I also have no fucking brake lights or front right headlight and I'm silently hoping it's all connected but easy to fix. Fuck I hate fucking cars that cost you money you couldn't dream of actually fuckin' having.

Going back to the fucking bicycle?? :whistle:

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I had a quick look at my headlight lamp the other day and quickly dismissed the idea of fucking bothering. My car is in at the Auto-Electrician today for the fucking fucked up central locking and the fucked up power windows. I also have no fucking brake lights or front right headlight and I'm silently hoping it's all connected but easy to fix. Fuck I hate fucking cars that cost you money you couldn't dream of actually fuckin' having.

Going back to the fucking bicycle?? :whistle:

Not a fucking chance. Where I am working at the moment, it would take me about three days to get into work every day. Plus, I kind of broke both bikes I was using. They weren't man enough to deal with the punishment I handed out to them.


Or I was too fucking muscular or fat aka heavy. :(

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I'm back at fucking work after 3 weeks off with a fucked leg (which is still a little fucked by the fucking way). 1 of the weeks I was off sick was booked as holiday, so I have been given that back and I have been ofered it for next fucking week. What a fucker. :headbanger:

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I'm back at fucking work after 3 weeks off with a fucked leg (which is still a little fucked by the fucking way). 1 of the weeks I was off sick was booked as holiday, so I have been given that back and I have been ofered it for next fucking week. What a fucker. :headbanger:

I read the start of that post in a hurry and at a glance I thought it said, 'I've been batting off for 3 weeks.'


Good luck being back at work. Hope you party as fuckin' hard as I do here.

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I'm back at fucking work after 3 weeks off with a fucked leg (which is still a little fucked by the fucking way). 1 of the weeks I was off sick was booked as holiday, so I have been given that back and I have been ofered it for next fucking week. What a fucker. :headbanger:

I read the start of that post in a hurry and at a glance I thought it said, 'I've been batting off for 3 weeks.'


Good luck being back at work. Hope you party as fuckin' hard as I do here.


Back for 3 fucking nights, then a week off - I fucking like this job sometimes.

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I'm back at fucking work after 3 weeks off with a fucked leg (which is still a little fucked by the fucking way). 1 of the weeks I was off sick was booked as holiday, so I have been given that back and I have been ofered it for next fucking week. What a fucker. :headbanger:

I read the start of that post in a hurry and at a glance I thought it said, 'I've been batting off for 3 weeks.'


Good luck being back at work. Hope you party as fuckin' hard as I do here.


Back for 3 fucking nights, then a week off - I fucking like this job sometimes.

Any plans for the week off? Fucking hit some shit up and wreck that week, mate.

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what the fuck ever. i am so fuckin over it.

You serious? You're honestly going to sit here and hate on those fucking seaguls, just for sitting on your window sill and peering in at you while you play badminton with the wall using the TV remote? Poor fuckers.

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I'm back at fucking work after 3 weeks off with a fucked leg (which is still a little fucked by the fucking way). 1 of the weeks I was off sick was booked as holiday, so I have been given that back and I have been ofered it for next fucking week. What a fucker. :headbanger:

I read the start of that post in a hurry and at a glance I thought it said, 'I've been batting off for 3 weeks.'


Good luck being back at work. Hope you party as fuckin' hard as I do here.


Back for 3 fucking nights, then a week off - I fucking like this job sometimes.

Any plans for the week off? Fucking hit some shit up and wreck that week, mate.


My leg still a little fucked, so a marathon or long bike ride is on the cards I think ;) . Hmm! will have to think abut what to do, as I hadn't planned this at all. Decisons fucking decisions. Hows about going to the pub, Music, DVD's and beer - sound good?

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what the fuck ever. i am so fuckin over it.

You serious? You're honestly going to sit here and hate on those fucking seaguls, just for sitting on your window sill and peering in at you while you play badminton with the wall using the TV remote? Poor fuckers.



brother, you aint fuckin kiddin. ;)

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I'm back at fucking work after 3 weeks off with a fucked leg (which is still a little fucked by the fucking way). 1 of the weeks I was off sick was booked as holiday, so I have been given that back and I have been ofered it for next fucking week. What a fucker. :headbanger:

I read the start of that post in a hurry and at a glance I thought it said, 'I've been batting off for 3 weeks.'


Good luck being back at work. Hope you party as fuckin' hard as I do here.


Back for 3 fucking nights, then a week off - I fucking like this job sometimes.

Any plans for the week off? Fucking hit some shit up and wreck that week, mate.


My leg still a little fucked, so a marathon or long bike ride is on the cards I think ;) . Hmm! will have to think abut what to do, as I hadn't planned this at all. Decisons fucking decisions. Hows about going to the pub, Music, DVD's and beer - sound good?

Sure as fuck sounds better than work. Come down here and we'll go for a beer over lunch one day next week. Bring swimmers and we'll go for a dip in a toilet bowl or something. It's what we do out here in Smith-fucking-field.


Just bought my tickets for Soundwave. $140. If you're planning to kill me, do it now, while my defences are down. I think most of me is dead anyway. What's left will be murdered by the auto-electrician this afternoon when he castrates, rapes and muders me financially.

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what the fuck ever. i am so fuckin over it.

You serious? You're honestly going to sit here and hate on those fucking seaguls, just for sitting on your window sill and peering in at you while you play badminton with the wall using the TV remote? Poor fuckers.



brother, you aint fuckin kiddin. ;)

I never fucking do. Straight down the line hardball serious motherfucker here. *WHOOMP* That was the sound of my ball-shaped fist destroying the life of a motherfucker that tried to disagree with me.

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I'm back at fucking work after 3 weeks off with a fucked leg (which is still a little fucked by the fucking way). 1 of the weeks I was off sick was booked as holiday, so I have been given that back and I have been ofered it for next fucking week. What a fucker. :headbanger:

I read the start of that post in a hurry and at a glance I thought it said, 'I've been batting off for 3 weeks.'


Good luck being back at work. Hope you party as fuckin' hard as I do here.


Back for 3 fucking nights, then a week off - I fucking like this job sometimes.

Any plans for the week off? Fucking hit some shit up and wreck that week, mate.


My leg still a little fucked, so a marathon or long bike ride is on the cards I think ;) . Hmm! will have to think abut what to do, as I hadn't planned this at all. Decisons fucking decisions. Hows about going to the pub, Music, DVD's and beer - sound good?

Sure as fuck sounds better than work. Come down here and we'll go for a beer over lunch one day next week or something. Bring swimmers and we'll go for a dip in a toilet bowl or something. It's what we do out here in Smith-fucking-field.


Just bought my tickets for Soundwave. $140. If you're planning to kill me, do it now, while my defences are down. I think most of me is dead anyway. What's left will be murdered by the auto-electrician this afternoon when he castrates, rapes and muders me financially.


With a fucking bill like the one you described for Soundwave, you would thank me for killing you beforehand. ;)

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I'm back at fucking work after 3 weeks off with a fucked leg (which is still a little fucked by the fucking way). 1 of the weeks I was off sick was booked as holiday, so I have been given that back and I have been ofered it for next fucking week. What a fucker. :headbanger:

I read the start of that post in a hurry and at a glance I thought it said, 'I've been batting off for 3 weeks.'


Good luck being back at work. Hope you party as fuckin' hard as I do here.


Back for 3 fucking nights, then a week off - I fucking like this job sometimes.

Any plans for the week off? Fucking hit some shit up and wreck that week, mate.


My leg still a little fucked, so a marathon or long bike ride is on the cards I think ;) . Hmm! will have to think abut what to do, as I hadn't planned this at all. Decisons fucking decisions. Hows about going to the pub, Music, DVD's and beer - sound good?

Sure as fuck sounds better than work. Come down here and we'll go for a beer over lunch one day next week or something. Bring swimmers and we'll go for a dip in a toilet bowl or something. It's what we do out here in Smith-fucking-field.


Just bought my tickets for Soundwave. $140. If you're planning to kill me, do it now, while my defences are down. I think most of me is dead anyway. What's left will be murdered by the auto-electrician this afternoon when he castrates, rapes and muders me financially.


With a fucking bill like the one you described for Soundwave, you would thank me for killing you beforehand. ;)

There will be awesome bands there. Though $20 says they all play at the same time and I only see one fuckin' band all day, for $140, and I go home at midday to avoid the off-chance of somehow still being there when fucking Nine Inch Nails or Alice In Chains hit the stage.

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I'm back at fucking work after 3 weeks off with a fucked leg (which is still a little fucked by the fucking way). 1 of the weeks I was off sick was booked as holiday, so I have been given that back and I have been ofered it for next fucking week. What a fucker. :headbanger:

I read the start of that post in a hurry and at a glance I thought it said, 'I've been batting off for 3 weeks.'


Good luck being back at work. Hope you party as fuckin' hard as I do here.


Back for 3 fucking nights, then a week off - I fucking like this job sometimes.

Any plans for the week off? Fucking hit some shit up and wreck that week, mate.


My leg still a little fucked, so a marathon or long bike ride is on the cards I think ;) . Hmm! will have to think abut what to do, as I hadn't planned this at all. Decisons fucking decisions. Hows about going to the pub, Music, DVD's and beer - sound good?

Sure as fuck sounds better than work. Come down here and we'll go for a beer over lunch one day next week or something. Bring swimmers and we'll go for a dip in a toilet bowl or something. It's what we do out here in Smith-fucking-field.


Just bought my tickets for Soundwave. $140. If you're planning to kill me, do it now, while my defences are down. I think most of me is dead anyway. What's left will be murdered by the auto-electrician this afternoon when he castrates, rapes and muders me financially.


With a fucking bill like the one you described for Soundwave, you would thank me for killing you beforehand. ;)

There will be awesome bands there. Though $20 says they all play at the same time and I only see one fuckin' band all day, for $140, and I go home at midday to avoid the off-chance of somehow still being there when fucking Nine Inch Nails or Alice In Chains hit the stage.

How many fucking stages they got?


AIC and NIN - Sounds fucking horrendous. I shall remain here and shove sharpened pencils up my nose instead.

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