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Me too but I only have 19 fucking minutes. :banana:

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And back to the fuckin' footie !!!!!!!!!!

Your fuckin' team winning? :whistle:

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The memory of a lovely weekend lies brutally murdered by the realisation of another fucked up Monday morning.

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The memory of a lovely weekend lies brutally murdered by the realisation of another fucked up Monday morning.


I fucking suggest playing PC69's "Monday Again", it always makes me feel better for some reason. :tumbsup:

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The memory of a lovely weekend lies brutally murdered by the realisation of another fucked up Monday morning.


I suggest playing PC69's "Monday Again", it always makes me feel better for some reason. :tumbsup:

The day will be over before I have access to that song. Plus, I had awesome tunes on the way to work and an interesting book... but the day is still like being whacked across the fuckin' face with a bible.

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Fuck yesterday !!!!!!


Yeah, fuck yesterday!!! "...yesterday, all my trouble seems so far away..." Fuck that!

While I'm on the subject: Fuck today!!! One fuck a day keeps the doctor away! :whistle:

Wait a minute....that didn't come out right.... :(








Or so it did! :P










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Fuck work. I am trying to fucking train a person to do my job when I am on holidays in May and June. Guess the fuck what? they have given me a fucking halfwit with as much common sense as a fucking carrot. Who the fuck employs these people. I am so fucking looking forward to getting back in my office afterwards and see what fucking bomb has gone off. For fucks sake!!!!

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fuck it all, i am going to sleep.

If you're going to fuck it all, I dare say you'll be up for a little while longer.

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I can tell it's going to be pissing down rain again this afternoon. Last night I rode my bike home in the pouring rain and was soaked all the way through... plus it was pitch black because daylight saving ended. Fuck not having a license and fuck bad weather.

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