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Fuckin' COFFEE!! Right fuckin' here, right fuckin' NOW!








how's that for fucking devotion;)

:rofl2: Don't let Geoff know....oh almost forgot..(well I actually did) FUCK!!!

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what can I fuckin say, I move the smoothest with my pants off :nyanya:


You're fuckin' KILLIN me today Widda! :lol:

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:whistle: I was flicking through the fuckin'music channels earlier and thought I'd come across the fuckin' Grand Ole fuckin' Oprey.There was some old band chirpin' out Lost fuckin' Highway y'all.So imagine my fuckin' surprise when I fuckin' realised it was them fuckin' Good Ole fuckin'Boys,Eanus,Roscoe,Jesse,Festus and Big fuckin' Daddy Jonny,yes fuckin' Bo..Bon Jo...Aarr the price of doing fuck-all today,yee-fuckin'harr :whistle:
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Fucking mundane... that's all this is. Fucking mundane...


Anyway, was walking the streets at lunctime with my discman, firstly listening to Greenwheel when my fucking headphone cord gets caught on my fuckin' pocket or something and the discman flicks out my hand and topples to the ground in the middle of a crowded street. I wanted to smash the fuckin' thing but I picked it up and continued walking.


About 20 minutes later, disc has changed and I'm now listening to my brand new Stereoside CD when the same fuckin' thing happens - cord somehow get's caught on my pocket and the fuckin' thing rips out of my hands and crashes to the ground. Smashes one of the fuckin' buttons and disc goes flying out under this lady's legs as she's walking by. An older lady, going to a tanning salon or something, and she says to me, 'That must have been a spin out.' I was all like, 'Yeah, exactly what I was thinking.' I thought my brand new CD, lying on the fuckin gravel, was probably completely ruined, but it was okay. All was okay... the day went on. But for fuck's sake, did either of those incidents really have to happen?

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Fucking mundane... that's all this is. Fucking mundane...


Anyway, was walking the streets at lunctime with my discman, firstly listening to Greenwheel when my fucking headphone cord gets caught on my fuckin' pocket or something and the discman flicks out my hand and topples to the ground in the middle of a crowded street. I wanted to smash the fuckin' thing but I picked it up and continued walking.


About 20 minutes later, disc has changed and I'm now listening to my brand new Stereoside CD when the same fuckin' thing happens - cord somehow get's caught on my pocket and the fuckin' thing rips out of my hands and crashes to the ground. Smashes one of the fuckin' buttons and disc goes flying out under this lady's legs as she's walking by. An older lady, going to a tanning salon or something, and she says to me, 'That must have been a spin out.' I was all like, 'Yeah, exactly what I was thinking.' I thought my brand new CD, lying on the fuckin gravel, was probably completely ruined, but it was okay. All was okay... the day went on. But for fuck's sake, did either of those incidents really have to happen?

Have you sold the fuckin' film rights yet ?? :unsure:

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Fuck Michigan.....





Go Buckeyes!!!!



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Buck Michigan.....





Go Fuckeyes!!!!





"Fuckeyes" would be an excellent fuckin' name for a fuckin' band!! :beerbang:

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Buck Michigan.....





Go Fuckeyes!!!!





"Fuckeyes" would be an excellent fuckin' name for a fuckin' band!! :beerbang:

:rofl2: Yeah it would be...good thinkin Keef!!! :drink:


Don'cha mean good FUCKIN thinkin'? :lol:


They could go on fuckin' tour with Mickey fuckin' Kickbitch!

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Buck Michigan.....





Go Fuckeyes!!!!





"Fuckeyes" would be an excellent fuckin' name for a fuckin' band!! :beerbang:

:rofl2: Yeah it would be...good thinkin Keef!!! :drink:


Don'cha mean good FUCKIN thinkin'? :lol:


They could go on fuckin' tour with Mickey fuckin' Kickbitch!

FUCK YEAH!!! The Fucking the Bitch Tour!!! :drink:

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If Russia fuckin' beat Israel,England are fucked !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuckin' footie I hope!!

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If Russia fuckin' beat Israel,England are fucked !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuckin' footie I hope!!


Yes - but it could be any other Fucking sport the English try to fucking play at the moment.

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If Russia fuckin' beat Israel,England are fucked !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuckin' footie I hope!!


Yes - but it could be any other Fucking sport the English try to fucking play at the moment.

I was just hoping Russia wouldn't fuckin' invade Israel then you Brits would be fuckin' next.. :yikes:

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fuck. just plain fuck, nothing fuckin fancy.

I don't know,I thought it was eloquently fuckin' put.. :whistle:

Fuckin' poetry in motion!!

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