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The F*%K Thread


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For a country that all but designed beer and the English fuckin' language you'd think someone over there could at least have had a decent stab at it when naming fuckin' beers!


What like fucking Fosters, Coopers Premium & fucking Crown Lager. :lol:

And who can fuckin' forget XXXX.. :whistle:

XXXX means it tastes so good it's better than XXX sex. I can't fuckin' agree... but some do, I hear.


As for the other 3... yeah, they're just normal beer names. I don't see what's wrong with them. No mention of a diseased and dying rooster or some museum or something. Just beer, the way it should be fuckin' named.

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XXX Means it tastes of fucking Piss and that is official Brother. It is so bad they don't even fucking sell it over here anymore, unless it is a select few supermarkets, and Guaranteed, the shelves are always fucking full. Truly awful piss weak lager is the name of the game here.

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XXX Means it tastes of fucking Piss and that is official Brother. It is so bad they don't even fucking sell it over here anymore, unless it is a select few supermarkets, and Guaranteed, the shelves are always fucking full. Truly awful piss weak lager is the name of the game here.

Fuckin' :rofl2:

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XXX Means it tastes of fucking Piss and that is official Brother. It is so bad they don't even fucking sell it over here anymore, unless it is a select few supermarkets, and Guaranteed, the shelves are always fucking full. Truly awful piss weak lager is the name of the game here.

Fuckin' :rofl2:

For the record, I don't drink XXXX either. It's only 3.5% isn't it? Fizzy fuckin' water, if you ask me.

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XXX Means it tastes of fucking Piss and that is official Brother. It is so bad they don't even fucking sell it over here anymore, unless it is a select few supermarkets, and Guaranteed, the shelves are always fucking full. Truly awful piss weak lager is the name of the game here.

Fuckin' :rofl2:

For the record, I don't drink XXXX either. It's only 3.5% isn't it? Fizzy fuckin' water, if you ask me.

You would fuckin' say that,wouldn't you ?? :whistle:

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Fuckin' hell.I've just seen some fuckin' little oik destroy Snow Patrol's "Chasin' Cars" on the X-Factor..


Fuckin' hell,.. it's come down to this.. :crying::crying:

How far the fuckin' mighty have fallen... :crying:

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Fuckin' hell.I've just seen some fuckin' little oik destroy Snow Patrol's "Chasin' Cars" on the X-Factor..


Fuckin' hell,.. it's come down to this.. :crying::crying:

How far the fuckin' mighty have fallen... :crying:

But the little fuckin' shit got fuckin' voted off.. :rofl2::rofl2:

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Fuckin' hell.I've just seen some fuckin' little oik destroy Snow Patrol's "Chasin' Cars" on the X-Factor..


Fuckin' hell,.. it's come down to this.. :crying::crying:

How far the fuckin' mighty have fallen... :crying:

But the little fuckin' shit got fuckin' voted off.. :rofl2::rofl2:

Well I guess there's some fuckin' justice in this world!! :rofl2:

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Fuckin' hell.I've just seen some fuckin' little oik destroy Snow Patrol's "Chasin' Cars" on the X-Factor..


Fuckin' hell,.. it's come down to this.. :crying::crying:

How far the fuckin' mighty have fallen... :crying:

But the little fuckin' shit got fuckin' voted off.. :rofl2::rofl2:

Well I guess there's some fuckin' justice in this world!! :rofl2:

Not enough fuckin' justice,you should fuckin' see what's left..

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FUCK!!!!!!!!! Buckeyes lost 28 ~ 21. My local high school team, Bulldogs, lost too. 18 ~ 14. We're not going to state. :(


Hey......but our band took NUMBER ONE!!! :dance::bananamac::dance:

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I am so fucking hungry. I can't wait to eat. I think it's going to be a cheap meal from Hungry Jacks on the fuckin' menu today.

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I can't open any fuckin' threads on the 2nd or 3rd pages. I keep getting the cannot display fucking message... it's driving me fuckin' insane. Why won't they fuckin' open??? Every thread on this first page of recent posts (evidently) works. Fuck computers!!!

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I can't open any fuckin' threads on the 2nd or 3rd pages. I keep getting the cannot display fucking message... it's driving me fuckin' insane. Why won't they fuckin' open??? Every thread on this first page of recent posts (evidently) works. Fuck computers!!!

A tad fuckin' testy or what ??? :whistle:

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I can't open any fuckin' threads on the 2nd or 3rd pages. I keep getting the cannot display fucking message... it's driving me fuckin' insane. Why won't they fuckin' open??? Every thread on this first page of recent posts (evidently) works. Fuck computers!!!

A tad fuckin' testy or what ??? :whistle:

Right, somebody woke up on the wrong fuckin' side of the world... :rolleyes:

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I can't open any fuckin' threads on the 2nd or 3rd pages. I keep getting the cannot display fucking message... it's driving me fuckin' insane. Why won't they fuckin' open??? Every thread on this first page of recent posts (evidently) works. Fuck computers!!!

A tad fuckin' testy or what ??? :whistle:

Right, somebody woke up on the wrong fuckin' side of the world... :rolleyes:

Does he fuckin' think that as well ?? :whistle:

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Fuckin' hell !!!! This months Classic Rock magazine is a right fuckin' snoozefest.It's nearly all about Led fuckin' Zepzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Fuckin' Led Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

zzz -_-

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Fuckin' hell !!!! This months Classic Rock magazine is a right fuckin' snoozefest.It's nearly all about Led fuckin' Zepzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Fuckin' Led Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

zzz -_-

:yikes: FUCK...Guess I'm the Only ZEP Head...FUCK

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