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Metal Jay Still At It.


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That confirms what I was thinking. The part about emus being so damn similar to ostriches... That's what I was thinking.


Hope you get better soon so you can be 'at it' full-throttle again.

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That confirms what I was thinking. The part about emus being so damn similar to ostriches... That's what I was thinking.


I just knew you were gonna say that...knew it!!!! Just let it be .... please ..sob! :crying:

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Pineapples - Only really move a long long way if


1)They are picked then put in a truck and sent to a store




2) Fall from the tree and roll down a hill into a river then float to who knows where.



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Pineapples - Only really move a long long way if


1)They are picked then put in a truck and sent to a store




2) Fall from the tree and roll down a hill into a river then float to who knows where.



unless you eat them,get on a plane and fly to a far away country,get dysentery and

crap'em out in the hallway of your hotel room after coming back from the pool and

your swimming trucks are too big cause you left yours at home so you had to buy

some new ones that didn't fit and your running to your room to crap but

don't make it...that would be a way I suppose. :blink:

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Okay, this is my first post in this thread... and I don't understand a single thing that's been said in it thus far, despite the fact that I read all 39 (!) pages of it. I think this is a sign that I desperately need a life.

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Pineapples - Only really move a long long way if


1)They are picked then put in a truck and sent to a store




2) Fall from the tree and roll down a hill into a river then float to who knows where.



unless you eat them,get on a plane and fly to a far away country,get dysentery and

crap'em out in the hallway of your hotel room after coming back from the pool and

your swimming trucks are too big cause you left yours at home so you had to buy

some new ones that didn't fit and your running to your room to crap but

don't make it...that would be a way I suppose. :blink:



No no no no no no no no no no no no nononononononononnononoooooo NO! :P

They have to be whole pineapples


Okay, this is my first post in this thread... and I don't understand a single thing that's been said in it thus far, despite the fact that I read all 39 (!) pages of it. I think this is a sign that I desperately need a life.


This is Metal Jay's gift to you!

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Okay, this is my first post in this thread... and I don't understand a single thing that's been said in it thus far, despite the fact that I read all 39 (!) pages of it. I think this is a sign that I desperately need a life.


Welcome. Everything makes sense if nothing makes sense. Feel free to babble or pee in the corner.


Would the dog faced boy be miserable working for a flea circus? Just a thought.

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Metal Jay has been busy delivering toys to all the little boys and girls.


:::disclaimer:::The above statement is a holdiay secret. Exposing this secret into everday society will result in a special team of Black Op elves being sent to your home to eliminate you.


Hahaharrrghhhh! I told the secret and I've been waiting for 5 months now and nothing no elves nowt ! Hah!

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Metal Jay has been busy delivering toys to all the little boys and girls.


:::disclaimer:::The above statement is a holdiay secret. Exposing this secret into everday society will result in a special team of Black Op elves being sent to your home to eliminate you.


Hahaharrrghhhh! I told the secret and I've been waiting for 5 months now and nothing no elves nowt ! Hah!


They wouldn't be black op elves if they came while you were waiting for them, now would they?

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Metal Jay has been busy delivering toys to all the little boys and girls.


:::disclaimer:::The above statement is a holdiay secret. Exposing this secret into everday society will result in a special team of Black Op elves being sent to your home to eliminate you.


Hahaharrrghhhh! I told the secret and I've been waiting for 5 months now and nothing no elves nowt ! Hah!


They wouldn't be black op elves if they came while you were waiting for them, now would they?

Curses ... never thought of that...(looks worryingly over his shoulder).

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I think a dog faced boy would be pretty miserable, whether he worked with a flea circus or not.


A pinapple could also travel a long distance if a marathon runner plucked one from a tree and carried it for the entirety of his 10km run.

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Okay, this is my first post in this thread... and I don't understand a single thing that's been said in it thus far, despite the fact that I read all 39 (!) pages of it. I think this is a sign that I desperately need a life.


Welcome. Everything makes sense if nothing makes sense. Feel free to babble or pee in the corner.


Would the dog faced boy be miserable working for a flea circus? Just a thought.


I think I understand, Sensei Metal Jay. No, wait, I don't. Or maybe I did for a second and now it's gone.


The question is... can you pebble a snatch from my hand, Grasshopper?

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Okay, this is my first post in this thread... and I don't understand a single thing that's been said in it thus far, despite the fact that I read all 39 (!) pages of it. I think this is a sign that I desperately need a life.


Welcome. Everything makes sense if nothing makes sense. Feel free to babble or pee in the corner.


Would the dog faced boy be miserable working for a flea circus? Just a thought.


I think I understand, Sensei Metal Jay. No, wait, I don't. Or maybe I did for a second and now it's gone.


The question is... can you pebble a snatch from my hand, Grasshopper?



Understanding this thread only detracts from it's beauty.

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I bow to your wisdom, Master Metal Jay. I shall do my best to give in to the surrealism.


You are green.

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Wotta maroon!

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Don't cry Jay, it's only thunder

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It was a movie?

Nah, I'm kidding. Of course I knew that

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I have no idea what the hell is going on in this thread.


Join the club H&H...

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Apparently the idea is to post the most surreal, off the top of your head crap that you can come up with. I'm down with that.

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Apparently the idea is to post the most surreal, off the top of your head crap that you can come up with. I'm down with that.


crap!!!! CRAP!!!! :yikes::P


Surely not....This is a thread to help you free your mind and have the world caress your very spirit and feel the love that is Metal Jay ..... do you not feel enlightened yet??

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