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Metal Jay Still At It.


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Good morning, Eric Brittingham. Late to bed, late to rise makes one healthy, wealthy and wise. Man, am I such a night owl!

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How y'all doing Eric Brittingham?


Who's up for a trip to the dollar store??



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Good morning Eric Brittingham,


My teeth are communicating with an apple as we speak. The meeting would be considered violent by the apple.



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How ya doin' Eric?


Triple digits! F*ck yeah!!

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Good afternoon Eric Brittingham


There is a Belgian amongst us!!


Moules Frites

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Good morning Eric Brittingham,


Like clovers, the pod embraced the dawn's end and the petals weep tears, sent from the overhanging fluff.



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Good morning Eric Brittingham,


I look outside yet all I see if greyness and rain and misery. I want to set it alight. Is this possible?



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Mornin' Eric Brittingham.


Listened to your masterwork (LONG COLD WINTER) yesterday. Despite the chilliness implied by its title, it warmed the cockles of my heart.


Thanks, Eric.

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Good morning Eric Brittingham,


My life is a series of unfulfilled events. When will they be fulfilled?



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Good Morning Eric Brittingham.


Thank goodness for Lil' Tummies Gas Drops. Next time we need to use them sooner. Poor kid.

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Good morning Eric Brittingham,


It's Friday. Yay. Woo. I am excited. Woo. It doesn't make the next eight hours any easier.



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Good afternoon B-Bop,


Okay, *nursing broken face* I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.



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Greetings Eric Brittingham.


Back to work.



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