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Mornin' Eric.


To hell with this! I don't need this! I'm going down to the Geisha House where it's free!!


Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.

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Good morning Eric Brittingham,


Happiness... whoops, I mean the weekend is over. Why?



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Salutes and hoots, Monsignor Brittingham.


Lovely weather today if you're a duck.



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Good morning Eric Brittingham,


Tuesday has sliced my wrists like an emo kid.



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Good Evening Eric.


Due to illness, tonight the part of Steve Clark will be played by Vivian Campbell.

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15 minutes goes by in the blink of an eye sometimes.

Sadly, only on Saturday and Sunday, but never from Monday to Friday. Unless they are holidays.

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Good afternoon Eric Brittingham,


Are hamsters born in Papua New Guinea instantly referred to as guinea pigs?


PNG local

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Mornin' Eric.


They're right, it does taste like chicken. Who knew?

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Good Morning Eric Brittingham!!!


Pam will you rub butter on my foot? No Michael.



Do you remember when Pamela Anderson first made it (just after 'Home Improvement' - when she REALLY made it), back in the 'Baywatch' days? I'm reading Tommy Lee's 'Tommyland' and it's bringing back all those memories. My obbsession for her at the time was so intense it scares me today. My walls were Pamela Anderson wallpaper pretty much. I had every poster, picture, photo, every video... everything she was in I had it. I saw her once at Narrabeen Beach too, in the flesh, so I even had photos of her. I am such a creep.


Forgive me, Eric Brittingham, for it not being you I worshipped until now.


BTW, how stunning was she back in the early days!

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Good afternoon Eric Brittingham. The book "Chicken Soup for the Vegan Soul" is nonexistent due to the fact that vegans don't eat chicken!

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Good morning Eric Brittingham,


This sober state of self is unappreciated... especially on this filthy Monday morning.



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Greetings Pope Eric B:


It's a little known fact that cats and dogs used to be best friends...until some thoughtless cartoonist started stirring up trouble in search of cheap and easy gags.

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Good morning Eric Brittingham,


I need to find salvation in a pocket of nachos.



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