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Metal Jay Still At It.


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Good afternoon fools behind masks,


You needn't hide in this ball for your contribution is timeless.


Pre-Surface of Pain

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Good Morning Pepper Keenan, Woodroe Weatherman, Mike Dean, and Reed Mullin.


If I stare too long, I might not see you, right?


Volume Dealer

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Good Morning to the Snow-God.


Please don't bury Keef in your snow tomorrow. I don't want him hatin' on me because I live in Florida.



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Good Morning Joey Ramone.


I'm looking for something to believe in.


Hands across your face

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Good afternoon License Holders,


Envy is like a hand grenade hidden beneath your skin, but you're not sure where it is and when it'll explode.



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Good morning My Own Finger,


So, uh, about me stepping on you this morning. It still f*cking hurts. What are you, a car door?


Angry Finger

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Good Morning Glenn Tipton.


So you've come of age and you want to meet God?

Sure you can, he's right here next to me.



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Good Morning DG, Tin Man, Raw and Glitch.


That was one hell of a ride through the O.Z.


Mystic Man.


Could Alan Cumming be any better as Glitch? I think not. First an excellent Nightcrawler, and now this. He is good. So far, it's been a great miniseries no? Obviously the D in DG stands for Dorothy, but what does the G stand for?


We're off to see the wizard was more like we see she offed the wizard. :tumbsup:

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Good Morning Ray Gillen, Jake E. Lee, Eric Singer and Greg Chaisson.


Falling leaves are changing colors, winter's on its way.

I'm looking for the sunny part of town.


Winter's Call

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Good Morning DG, Tin Man, Raw and Glitch.


That was one hell of a ride through the O.Z.


Mystic Man.


Could Alan Cumming be any better as Glitch? I think not. First an excellent Nightcrawler, and now this. He is good. So far, it's been a great miniseries no? Obviously the D in DG stands for Dorothy, but what does the G stand for?


We're off to see the wizard was more like we see she offed the wizard. :tumbsup:



Yeah I loved the whole mini-series. I think it was the best sci-fi channel mini-series.

I agree the guy that played Glitch was great. To be honest the whole reason I wanted to watch the series was to see the acting of the guy that played Tin Man, since he'd been in 'Band of Brothers' and 'Medical Investigation', two shows I really liked.

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Good afternoon meeting room,


So, any way you can arrange to have the last two hours of my life returned?


More Tired than I already was

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Good afternoon meeting room,


So, any way you can arrange to have the last two hours of my life returned?


More Tired than I already was



Geoff the Meeting Room just called and they said that the only way to get those two hours back is to show them a valid drivers license. ;)

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