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Threshold - Legends of the Shires

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Bite thy tongue, infidel! Persecute the heretic!

Seriously though, the various lead vocalist eras of Threshold are decidedly different IMO, with the Mac era being by far the best. The choruses are stuperb.

As a starting point, I would recommend the albums Hypothetical (2001), then Subsurface (2004). The former is my favorite album of all they've released.

See the vids I posted earlier in the thread about 3 years ago.

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I try not to judge based on what others say and if its in a genre I'm not really in to.
Last year I was watching TV late and on cam a concert by Old dominion.
Couldn't be bothered getting up for the remote so watched the whole show and actually enjoyed pretty much all songs.

Anyway, I listened to the rest of Threshold and enjoyed it enough to commit to.
Not sure when I'll get to older albums, but not opposed to it.

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imo the Mac era albums are essential. Especially Subsurface & Dead Reckoning which are 2 of the best progressive metal albums you will hear.

I've been through Spotify quite a few times searching for any other bands as good as Threshold in the progressive arena and there aren't any. 

except Fish era Marillion but that a different sub genre of course.

As for Legends its the best album since Mac passed away.

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When I think rogressive I think Dream Theatre, and I've tried many times to get into that, and I can appreciate the musicianship, but I just can't get into the songs.

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8 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

When I think rogressive I think Dream Theatre, and I've tried many times to get into that, and I can appreciate the musicianship, but I just can't get into the songs.

mainly overrated 

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