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ebayer id mooninitesrawk

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i see we have a new ebayer gracing ebay with alot of very very sought after cds.. here is the link to his/her auctions http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQgotopageZ1QQsa...osortpropertyZ1


from my experiences with alot of scammers..this guy/gal sounds too good to be true...i would preceed with caution.....but if he\she is legit i will be the 1st to publicly appologise to them......but i will take a wait and see stance.......

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i see we have a new ebayer gracing ebay with alot of very very sought after cds.. here is the link to his/her auctions  http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQgotopageZ1QQsa...osortpropertyZ1 


from my experiences with alot of scammers..this guy/gal sounds too good to be true...i would preceed with caution.....but if he\she is legit i will be the 1st to publicly appologise to them......but i will take a wait and see stance.......


I bet my 2 cents a lot of people are going to receive CDr's, if anything :).


If you really drooling over some of the CDs, the best bet in my opinion would be to inquire if he/she accepts GayPal and pay using CC. GayPal is very seller unfriendly, but offers good buyer's protection and one would be able to get their money back, or can initiate CC chargeback as last resort. In any case it would be tedious, but you can get your money back if screwed.

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Boy, these auctions surely LOOK too good to be true...all kinds of warning signs here:


Brand new eBay user ID; no feedback.


Auctions on such rare CDs only being run for 3 days, yet seller knew to use keywords such as rare and OOP to draw the attention of collectors.



Payment methods accepted:

Personal check

Money order/Cashiers check

Other - See Payment Instructions for payment methods accepted

(Nothing listed about accepting Pay Pal)



Here's a couple more interesting things ..the seller obviously is a Heavy Harmonies user, as he links to HH on some of his auctions...see http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...4062633991&rd=1 for example. Note what happens when you click on the band personnel links...


All but one or two of the CDs just happen to be in the Heavy Harmonies rarities section...


Another interesting tidbit...it looks like this person gathered most/all of their CD pics from Dale Platz' website: http://users.oasisol.com/dazbuff/wanted_compact_discs.htm


Check 'em out, and compare for yourself.


Yup, something stinks! :eviltongue:

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I`m gonna wait a day or two so I can bid on the Friction, Rock Blvd., Hotboy, Ram, Sweet Teaze this seller will undoubtedly put up for auction.... Or better yet, Ill wait until this seller puts out the stuff we all know was never released to CD, but was miraculously available on CD only in Minnesota when this guy was ordering CDs for his shop... :D And no reserves on any of these too! Wow!

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the s.o.b just listed a bunch more rarities..and most are from dale plantz`s page..what is next with this bastard..i wish i woulda worked at his "local rock shop"...LOL

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the s.o.b just listed a bunch more rarities..and most are from dale plantz`s page..what is next with this bastard..i wish i woulda worked at his "local rock shop"...LOL


I bet you can ask him about particular title and he gladly wuill put it on for you :P:banana:


EDIT: I went ahead and asked him for American Angel - s/t CD, let's see what happens

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Yeah-I think Whiplash is on to something... I honestly think some lame HH person (more like someone who cruises it to find out what he'll get big $$ for) went and saw the rare pieces that Dale listed then used his pics, the info on this site, and then just took to Ebay to see what he'd get, and who will be dumb enough to give it to him... I don't think it's anyone who we know that well, such as Dale... Cuz who in the right minds would come up with that array of rare indies and say basically nothing about them, and make it seem like they just happen to come up on them while working at some recod shop?? YEAH RIGHT!! We all know how hard it is to track these bad boys down, and if someone were to list their whole collection, they'd be giving up a lifetime of searching with what he has listed, and they surely would've made it known and said more, as it seems like he has little or no knowledge of what he has listed... Now who in the world would be able to gather those CD's and not know what they have? Maybe one, even 2 is pushing it, let alone like 25 top rare/indie CD's at once...? PUH-LEEZE!! NOT A CHANCE IN HELL...

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I just want to clarify my original post by saying that Dale Platz is a helluva good guy, and would never be involved in something shady; it just so happenes that this mooninitesrawk person is snagging the majority of the pics he/she is using from Dale's site. This person could have just as easily used the pics from here on HH, but I guess they wanted their pics to have that "real" eBay look to them! :P

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I asked him/her for a scan of the Surrender back insert,still no reply.The scan he is using for Tlc-Serious Trouble is from one of my past auction that Dale took and placed on his web site.You can see that cd is still sealed.How can someone nobody knows have all these rare cd's in his collection?????He said he used to work in local cd shop,most of the cd's he listed were released between 1988-1995 and the Syder cd in 1998.How long did he worked in that shop!!!!I guess he/she has tons of other rare cd's!!!!!!!!!!!!!I wouldn't bid on any of them.

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He adds the Syder describing it as a 1997 cd, when in fact its a 1998 release (printed on both the cd and the backcover), if he had the original he'd surely know that, its on the HH database as 1997 so he's obviously getting the info here.


By the way - i also asked him one question - he didn't reply - and this was when he was getting all the other "gems" up, so he was online.


This is obviously a scam

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Somebody needs to warn those poor folks who are bidding on his stuff. Not sure if they will believe us but it seems like the right thing to do. If no one has already emailed them, I will try to contact them. I HATE SCAMS!!!!!!!!!

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Somebody needs to warn those poor folks who are bidding on his stuff. Not sure if they will believe us but it seems like the right thing to do. If no one has already emailed them, I will try to contact them. I HATE SCAMS!!!!!!!!!

Hey Mike, well - yeah - maybe somebody should warn them, but bottom line is, we have no proof (yet) of what we're assuming, so it all comes down to common sence and some people ... well... have none :blink:

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I have emailed those that are bidding and directed them to view this discussion before going crazy with their bids. I am also in contact with "wearesocrazy" aka Steve, who won Sgt. Roxx from this guy a few days ago. but I am sure this person won't send anything out till his/her auctions end so no one can blow the whistle until it's too late. I take it personally when someone tries to scam any of us. If I am wrong with this I will apologize, but I don't think thats the case. More to follow......

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your right Paulo, we don't have any proof so I just asked them to check out the site and make up their own mind. Unfortunatly it will take someone getting scammed before we will know, but by then someone will have thrown $500 or more down on surrender, let alone the rest. This just stinks, it has no sign of being legit, 3 day auctions, no paypal, mega rarities, no description, pics off of sites not his own. what I think he is going to do is take the cash from these folks, send out cd-r's then claim he did not state in the auction they were originals, hmmmmm.........




Somebody needs to warn those poor folks who are bidding on his stuff. Not sure if they will believe us but it seems like the right thing to do. If no one has already emailed them, I will try to contact them. I HATE SCAMS!!!!!!!!!

Hey Mike, well - yeah - maybe somebody should warn them, but bottom line is, we have no proof (yet) of what we're assuming, so it all comes down to common sence and some people ... well... have none :blink:

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Yep, and no longer a registered user either.


Just a shot in the dark, but I'd say someone asked eBay to look into the personal info that mooninitesrawk provided when he/she signed up, and something wasn't quite kosher. A quick way to become NLaRU! <_<:P

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I can't believe I got so overwhelmed that I started bidding without even paying attention to all the "fishy" factors mentioned above!! Hell ye it's a scam!!

I just did something I have never done in my life:retracted my bid. I was bidding on Surrender and was ready to go as far as...well doesn't matter now. That could be another good lesson for the future. Special thanks to one of the HH members for the friednly e-mail. I won't mention his/her name just because maybe he/she doesn't want to go public. If you are reading this message-THANK YOU SO MUCH.


I just got so overwhelmed, that I totally forgot: 10 rockers cannot be wrong.

And one more thing: even if you here something from the guy who won one of those "rarities" still be careful-they might be playing together.


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I can't believe I got so overwhelmed that I  started  bidding without even paying attention to all the "fishy" factors mentioned above!! Hell ye it's a scam!!

I just did something I have never done in my life:retracted my bid. I was bidding on Surrender and was ready to go as far as...well doesn't matter now. That could be another good lesson for the future. Special thanks to one of the HH members for the friednly e-mail. I won't mention his/her name just because maybe he/she doesn't want to go public. If you are reading this message-THANK YOU SO MUCH.


I just got so overwhelmed, that I totally forgot: 10 rockers cannot be wrong.

And one more thing: even if you here something  from the guy who won one of those "rarities" still be careful-they might be playing together.



I think a lot of people got excited about that Sgt. Roxx Cd. I see that even PJ tried his luck on it too, and almost won it for $137... I'm a bit puzzled, though, as I always thought both www-kissmydisc-com & endangeredcds are his own aliases, but both were bidding on that auction, huh? Maybe I misunderstood and they are different persons?



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Hi Denis,


Glad you did not get ripped off, and also that all those auctions got cancelled. See what happens guys and gals when we all keep an eye out for each other? Good things happen, Denis, the folks on this board are good folks, so you can feel confortable in dealing with anyone on here, but if you have a question about someone, ask someone on HH, I am sure you will find out one way or another who is cool. Now not everyone will offer Surrender, Jillson, etc. but you can feel good about not losing your hard earned cash! take care!





I can't believe I got so overwhelmed that I  started  bidding without even paying attention to all the "fishy" factors mentioned above!! Hell ye it's a scam!!

I just did something I have never done in my life:retracted my bid. I was bidding on Surrender and was ready to go as far as...well doesn't matter now. That could be another good lesson for the future. Special thanks to one of the HH members for the friednly e-mail. I won't mention his/her name just because maybe he/she doesn't want to go public. If you are reading this message-THANK YOU SO MUCH.


I just got so overwhelmed, that I totally forgot: 10 rockers cannot be wrong.

And one more thing: even if you here something  from the guy who won one of those "rarities" still be careful-they might be playing together.


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Storm, www-kissmydisc-com is PJ's account name and endangeredcds is Tony's/koogles account name, they do work together but seperate accounts and 2 different folks. 2 Very good guys who there is never any question about! hope that helps. Michael



I can't believe I got so overwhelmed that I  started  bidding without even paying attention to all the "fishy" factors mentioned above!! Hell ye it's a scam!!

I just did something I have never done in my life:retracted my bid. I was bidding on Surrender and was ready to go as far as...well doesn't matter now. That could be another good lesson for the future. Special thanks to one of the HH members for the friednly e-mail. I won't mention his/her name just because maybe he/she doesn't want to go public. If you are reading this message-THANK YOU SO MUCH.


I just got so overwhelmed, that I totally forgot: 10 rockers cannot be wrong.

And one more thing: even if you here something  from the guy who won one of those "rarities" still be careful-they might be playing together.



I think a lot of people got excited about that Sgt. Roxx Cd. I see that even PJ tried his luck on it too, and almost won it for $137... I'm a bit puzzled, though, as I always thought both www-kissmydisc-com & endangeredcds are his own aliases, but both were bidding on that auction, huh? Maybe I misunderstood and they are different persons?



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Storm, www-kissmydisc-com is PJ's account name and endangeredcds is Tony's/koogles account name, they do work together but seperate accounts and 2 different folks. 2 Very good guys who there is never any question about! hope that helps. Michael


Thanks for the clarification. I never questioned PJ or koogles, just somehow asusmed those two accounts are PJs and got very puzzled seeing both bidding on same auction :) .

I appologize if I offended anyone.

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