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Would Smith have gotten niners to superbowl?


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And would he have won?

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Yes. Kaepernick made way too many rookie mistakes (e.g., throwing the ball away on 4th down, throwing the ball away on a 2-point conversion, not getting the play off in the redzone and burning a timeout, and throwing an interception that was well off the mark). I'm not saying Kaepernick did not have his share a victories, and that Smith would not have had his share of mistakes, but 3 or the 4 examples I gave were absolutely inexcusable (any experienced quarterback can throw an interception from time to time). The timeout burned in the redzone was extremely costly on the 49ers final possession. And who the hell throws the ball away on a 4th down and on a 2-point conversion?

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One one hand maybe Smith doesn't make some of the mistakes that were made in the Super Bowl but I'm not sure they make it that far with Smith. Alex got better as his career went on and he had that magical season in 2011 but I'm not sure if he would have gotten them to the Super Bowl.

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One one hand maybe Smith doesn't make some of the mistakes that were made in the Super Bowl but I'm not sure they make it that far with Smith. Alex got better as his career went on and he had that magical season in 2011 but I'm not sure if he would have gotten them to the Super Bowl.


What was Smith's quarterback rating among the rest of the league? Oh yeah, he was 3rd in the nation behind Aaron Rogers and Peyton Manning. I'm not saying that quarterback rating is everything, but I'm pretty sure he would have got the 49ers to the big dance.

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Just glad he is a Chief now. It's their loss...

we will see. If they do what they should with him and the talent around him they could contend with the Broncos for that divsison title. But then again, the team will be learning a new system, a new QB so I expect their potential to show up next year, not this year

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You guys want to hear something hilarious about Smith, who's uncle is the legendary shitbag John L Smith, when McBride recruited him out of high school, he redshirted, the following year, the McBride retired, Urban Meyer was hired as the replacement, Smith was going to Utah for the Medical school he was going to be a Dr. this brand new offense Urban brought in called the spread, eliminated every QB on the Utes roster, including Dan Fouts nephew, here thats left is this loley scrawny unheard of quarterback named Alex Smith, with whom they began looking for players from other positions to convert to QB just to run this offense, from the very 1st snap Alex Smith made this offense look like it was developed specifically for him, the only problem was, he was 4th on the depth chart for a reason, cause In McBrides offense he couldnt do shit from under center, he was so bad from under center we began wondering exactly what it was that McBride even saw in him to begin with, well Meyer eliminated any under center problems Alex would ever have, he made the spread look so easy that the Utes never won a game in that undefeated season by any less then 28pts, check it out yourself, they fucking steamrolled everyone they played, it was almost boring after awhile just because they never were even in any of the games, they just completely steamrolled everyone, thats why it was such a shame they had to play Pitt in the BCS game, I wouldve truly liked to see them play for the national title that year, I fully believe they wouldve beaten anyone, now Smith gets to the NFL and guess what he has to do? play under center, I for one havent given up on him because of one thing, I know and most people outside of Utah dont, he has an IQ of about 153, which i believe is genius, one he figures shit out, I believe he could be a dominating force, in San Fran he was in a new offense every year, a new coach every year, really until Harbaugh got there he had no stability, now he's being put into an even worse situation, and I just have to wonder how long he cares to tough out another unstable go at it, he might just quit and become a DR, but mark my words, if he gets it figured out, he will be an elite, that my friends is a fact from someone whos watched him from his worst to his best

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You guys want to hear something hilarious about Smith, who's uncle is the legendary shitbag John L Smith, when McBride recruited him out of high school, he redshirted, the following year, the McBride retired, Urban Meyer was hired as the replacement, Smith was going to Utah for the Medical school he was going to be a Dr. this brand new offense Urban brought in called the spread, eliminated every QB on the Utes roster, including Dan Fouts nephew, here thats left is this loley scrawny unheard of quarterback named Alex Smith, with whom they began looking for players from other positions to convert to QB just to run this offense, from the very 1st snap Alex Smith made this offense look like it was developed specifically for him, the only problem was, he was 4th on the depth chart for a reason, cause In McBrides offense he couldnt do shit from under center, he was so bad from under center we began wondering exactly what it was that McBride even saw in him to begin with, well Meyer eliminated any under center problems Alex would ever have, he made the spread look so easy that the Utes never won a game in that undefeated season by any less then 28pts, check it out yourself, they fucking steamrolled everyone they played, it was almost boring after awhile just because they never were even in any of the games, they just completely steamrolled everyone, thats why it was such a shame they had to play Pitt in the BCS game, I wouldve truly liked to see them play for the national title that year, I fully believe they wouldve beaten anyone, now Smith gets to the NFL and guess what he has to do? play under center, I for one havent given up on him because of one thing, I know and most people outside of Utah dont, he has an IQ of about 153, which i believe is genius, one he figures shit out, I believe he could be a dominating force, in San Fran he was in a new offense every year, a new coach every year, really until Harbaugh got there he had no stability, now he's being put into an even worse situation, and I just have to wonder how long he cares to tough out another unstable go at it, he might just quit and become a DR, but mark my words, if he gets it figured out, he will be an elite, that my friends is a fact from someone whos watched him from his worst to his best


Actually, the Air Force Falcons came within 14 points of Utah in 2004. Though I should mention that Utah was the only team that didn't allow anyone to come within 14 points in 2004. And I'm not 100% on this, but to my understanding, Alex Smith was 2nd on the depth chart going into the 2003 season. He got thrown into the driver's seat when Brett Elliott got injured. Not that any of this Utah Utes trivia matters to anyone outside of Utah :)

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You guys want to hear something hilarious about Smith, who's uncle is the legendary shitbag John L Smith, when McBride recruited him out of high school, he redshirted, the following year, the McBride retired, Urban Meyer was hired as the replacement, Smith was going to Utah for the Medical school he was going to be a Dr. this brand new offense Urban brought in called the spread, eliminated every QB on the Utes roster, including Dan Fouts nephew, here thats left is this loley scrawny unheard of quarterback named Alex Smith, with whom they began looking for players from other positions to convert to QB just to run this offense, from the very 1st snap Alex Smith made this offense look like it was developed specifically for him, the only problem was, he was 4th on the depth chart for a reason, cause In McBrides offense he couldnt do shit from under center, he was so bad from under center we began wondering exactly what it was that McBride even saw in him to begin with, well Meyer eliminated any under center problems Alex would ever have, he made the spread look so easy that the Utes never won a game in that undefeated season by any less then 28pts, check it out yourself, they fucking steamrolled everyone they played, it was almost boring after awhile just because they never were even in any of the games, they just completely steamrolled everyone, thats why it was such a shame they had to play Pitt in the BCS game, I wouldve truly liked to see them play for the national title that year, I fully believe they wouldve beaten anyone, now Smith gets to the NFL and guess what he has to do? play under center, I for one havent given up on him because of one thing, I know and most people outside of Utah dont, he has an IQ of about 153, which i believe is genius, one he figures shit out, I believe he could be a dominating force, in San Fran he was in a new offense every year, a new coach every year, really until Harbaugh got there he had no stability, now he's being put into an even worse situation, and I just have to wonder how long he cares to tough out another unstable go at it, he might just quit and become a DR, but mark my words, if he gets it figured out, he will be an elite, that my friends is a fact from someone whos watched him from his worst to his best


Actually, the Air Force Falcons came within 14 points of Utah in 2004. Though I should mention that Utah was the only team that didn't allow anyone to come within 14 points in 2004. And I'm not 100% on this, but to my understanding, Alex Smith was 2nd on the depth chart going into the 2003 season. He got thrown into the driver's seat when Brett Elliott got injured. Not that any of this Utah Utes trivia matters to anyone outside of Utah :)

No your right it was 2004 the year they went to the bcs, Elliot was the starter and Barnes was the 2nd stringer, when Meyer came in, Barnes couldnt make the grades, and Elliot questionably couldve played, but was a pussy, he wouldnt have lasted a game in Meyers spread, Smith aced it. and nope, nobody gives a fuck but us in Utah, but some in KC might, as they will surely be frustrated watching Alex get his wheels underneath him

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  • 3 months later...

Just glad he is a Chief now. It's their loss...


Mullethead, I think it was a great move for both teams. I am a huge Niner fan and I was fired up when I heard the Niners got a 2nd rounder and a second or third rounder in 2014.


Alex will be in an offense where he can flourish. You wouldn't believe all the hate spewed towards Smith; it was pretty sad. I was a fan of his, and realized that a lot of his shortcomings were due to having 6 offensive coordinators, etc. The chiefs are lucky to have a guy like Smith running the show now.


That being said, I really think Kaepernick is the real deal. Yes, we need to see him play a full season, but this guy is the future. It's great to be a Niner fan...

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