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Did you guys see this about Anthrax Drummer Charlie Benante


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Isnt this about American justice at it's most usual? you get fucked up by your ex wife, and not even defend yourself going out of your way to NOT!! fight back, and guess what? your ass still gets arrested, so guys if your ex attacks you and trys to whoop your ass, fuck it! your going to jail anyway, might as well make sure you defend yourself.




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(ala "I'm The Man")


"Chaaarrrrrrlie...beats the beat, his wife she beats, the only thing harder is the smell of my feet"

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I does sound like, "SHE'S THE MAN" LOL,

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No shit, im surprised she had the "Time" to Discharge all that H8Red, boy I hope his daughter aint like that, or she will Keep It In The Family!!! man imagine when they were married, it must've been a Madhouse, don't you think?

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Charlie Benante's Attorney Issues A Statement Regarding His Client's Arrest Over The Weekend

charliebenante-mugshot.jpgBelow is a statement from William L. Hotopp, the attorney for Charlie Benante.


Last Friday night, Charlie Benante, drummer for the rock band Anthrax, was assaulted several times during an altercation that sent him to the emergency room with a gash at the back of his head that required several staples to close.


Mr. Benante and his six-year old daughter Mia had traveled to Elkart, IN to meet Mrs. Benante and her 17-year old son who was participating in a weekend baseball series. At some point, words were exchanged between Mr. Benante, Mrs. Benante and her male companion that led to a scuffle. Mrs. Benante hit Mr. Benante in the face, he pushed her away, and as he turned around to leave with Mia, Mrs. Benante assaulted him from behind, hitting him multiple times on the back of his head with a cell phone. Police were called, and both Mr. Benante and Mrs. Benante were detained for domestic battery in front of a child.


Mr. Benante is understandably distraught by this incident and that his daughter, who he dotes on, witnessed it.


Mr. Benante will appear in Elkhart County court this Friday, August 3, and we expect complete vindication.

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Sh*t! Ridiculous, I really hope he gets off any charges. Although from what I've read about US "justice" over the last few years, I wouldn't be surprised to hear of a travesty...

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Sh*t! Ridiculous, I really hope he gets off any charges. Although from what I've read about US "justice" over the last few years, I wouldn't be surprised to hear of a travesty...


What exactly have you read about "us justice" it is the most fair, equal, unprejudiced justice in the world, if your a dude, and it has anything to do with a chick, and it involves, money, or violence, or both, your fucked, just roll up and try to make sure you have had your best friend open up a bank account under his name, so you can make sure you have somewhere to put money to live on, or your in a hole that not only doesn't have a bottom, but is having dirt filled up above you, it's a fucking ridiculous joke, and some guys really do get fucked for the rest of their lives, for doing absolutely nothing, that's exactly why i emphasized making sure you get your licks in, whatever they need be, because your going to be fucked in the ass regardless, if you fight back, or totally take the bullshit without a mean face, doesn't matter, I mean how else do you explain, a man being attacked, not just slapped, full fledged assaulted, and not even raising a fist to defend himself, and the fucking man ends up in handcuffs at the county jail??? I mean really if one didn't know better, you would almost laugh about the absurdity of the whole scenario, but it's really not funny at all, it's fucking ridiculous, and despicable.

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