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scientifically proven to be the catchiest pop song ever


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The song is a classic no doubt. Performed by my favourite vocalist of all-time and the song is part of the HH database, so it's got to be good....plus who would argue with scientific fact?!?!


Catchiest ever

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The song is a classic no doubt. Performed by my favourite vocalist of all-time and the song is part of the HH database, so it's got to be good....plus who would argue with scientific fact?!?!


Catchiest pop song ever


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The song is a classic no doubt. Performed by my favourite vocalist of all-time and the song is part of the HH database, so it's got to be good....plus who would argue with scientific fact?!?!


Catchiest pop song ever


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'We are the champions' but that link is f*cked. I would not advise clicking it personally.


I didn't read an article or anything, because said page is f*cked and froze up my computer but I'd love to see a reason why that's scientifically the catchiest ever.

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File under ‘weird science.’ With a cure for cancer apparently just too much of a hassle to bother finding, researchers at London’s Goldsmiths University set out to determine the catchiest song ever written using a voodoo mix of “maths, science, engineering and technology.”


The winner, according to a recent study quoted by Britain’s NME is Queen's “We Are the Champions,” followed by the Village People’s “Y.M.C.A,” Sum 41's “Fat Lip,” Europe's “The Final Countdown” and The Automatic's “Monster.”

And here’s my finding having read these findings: evidently, there is no correlation between “catchy” and “any damn good.” “Y.M.C.A.?” Really? What about that impossible-to-escape Eiffel 65 song, “Blue (Da Ba Dee)?” Or that Blind Melon song with the Bee Girl… “No Rain?” Or anything Bieber?


Anyway, according to the NME, in order to get the results, the Goldsmiths team observed thousands of volunteers singing a selected list of tracks. During the course of the research, they discovered that sing-along songs contained four key elements: Long and detailed musical phrases, multiple pitch changes in a song's 'hook, male vocalists, and higher male voices making a noticeable vocal effort.


The NME quotes music psychologist Dr Daniel Mullensiefen as saying: “Every musical hit is reliant on maths, science, engineering and technology; from the physics and frequencies of sound that determine pitch and harmony, to the hi-tech digital processors and synthesizers which can add effects to make a song more catchy.”


Zzzzz… oh sorry about that. Must have nodded off there. So, in conclusion, it appears there really IS such a thing as formulaic songwriting, as many a music critic has alleged. Guess that settles it. Aspiring rock stars should swap their Led Zeppelin posters for handbills of the Village People. ‘Nuff said.

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I wouldnt necessarily have said that 'We Will Rock You' is catchy?


However that 'Monster' song is probably the most irritating and annoyingly catchy song ive ever heard. First heard it a few years back whilst holidaying in the Lake District and couldnt stop singing the bastard for a week.


the formula is easy - pick a simple hook & repeat 4 times - does the trick.

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'We Are The Champions' is undoubtedly a great tune (as many Queen songs are) and has that great singalong chorus - definitely gets embedded in the brain when you hear it, even now after 30 odd years of hearing it.

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