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BAI BANG "Living My Dream"


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Yeah, I should shoot out a reminder that shithouse production or not, this album is still sitting at number 5 in my best of 2011 list. I totally agree that songs are the most important thing, and at the end of the day, I've still heard many worse production jobs than this.


Just with regard to what you're saying about producers per label, maybe AOR Heaven should use Steve Newman on every disc because he always goes well.


At the end of the day, I'm curious to know why Tommy Newton's name doesn't come up more for production duties? Does he not want to do it, or do people purposely not consider him? As far as I'm concerned, he's about as good as there is in the business at the moment.

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Newton's last job is on Victory - 'Don't Talk Science' right ?


there's a possibility that they think he's too metal / too hard rock for AOR/MHR production ? don't know for sure, but it might be something related to the fee ?

yeah i remember him as a prominent one on this job

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Newton's last job is on Victory - 'Don't Talk Science' right ?


there's a possibility that they think he's too metal / too hard rock for AOR/MHR production ? don't know for sure, but it might be something related to the fee ?

yeah i remember him as a prominent one on this job

He did work on the last Victory CD, BUT, not all songs. Herman Frank produced the CD for the most part. On their own those songs sound good, but Newton produced I think it's 3 or 4 tracks. And as far as I'm concerned, they absolutely glow. And only after hearing those ones do I then start to think that Frank's work is maybe a little muddy by comparison. Jeez Tommy Newton's tracks sound bombastic, though.


I'm pretty sure you're right about the fact he only works with heavier stuff. Correct me if I'm wrong, but was he not also responsible for Crytal Ball's first 2 incredible CDs? That's why I wonder if he only selects more metal related projects to involve himself with, but jeez I wish he'd just produce every CD in all melodic/hard rock genres.

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  • 2 months later...

I just got the Best of Bai Bang and to be honest I don't think there are enough great songs to make me rush out and buy more Bai Bang cds. While there are a handful or more great songs there are at least that many fillers with a few really bad songs for what is called a Best Of.

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I just got the Best of Bai Bang and to be honest I don't think there are enough great songs to make me rush out and buy more Bai Bang cds. While there are a handful or more great songs there are at least that many fillers with a few really bad songs for what is called a Best Of.

That's sheer craziness! You'd love their 'Ridin' High' CD, and 'Attitude' too. 'Cop to Con' is their best, imo, but admittedly probably a little to AOR-ish for someone as metal as yourself. ;)

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I think 'Cop To Con' is quite average actually, the first one is a disaster because it's new wave style with poor songs if I recall correctly.


I kinda like 'Ridin' High' and 'Attitude' but probably the latest one is their best to date, despite the production.

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I think 'Cop To Con' is quite average actually, the first one is a disaster because it's new wave style with poor songs if I recall correctly.


I kinda like 'Ridin' High' and 'Attitude' but probably the latest one is their best to date, despite the production.

'Cop to con' has a few fillers, just like Jagged Edge's 'Fuel for your soul.' The common denominator; Matt Alfonzetti (chief song-writer on the 'Cop to Con' album) matched every filler he penned back then with a song that was 10 times as excellent. ;)


Their new CD is their most consistent, but I'd probably still give the nod to 'Cop to Con.' A long standing personal fave of mine.

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