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Amazing flood escape... wathc the video


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2 people are on this boat.


watchcwhat happens when they try to escape at the last minute as their boat is going down.


apparently they were resuced down stream.

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I am absolutely stunned at the level of flooding parts of Australia have been enduring. B/c the Australian heartland and cattle industry have been significantly impacted, global food prices are set to rise even faster than they aready have been increasing......Not to mention the poor people who have lost, in some cases, their lives and in many more instances their property.


I know Justin (Fahrenheit) lives in the Brisbane area, just sent him a CD a couple weeks back in fact....I hope he's making it through dry and intact- some of the most recent overhead pics. of Brisbane show the city practically submerged :blink:

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Incredible that they weren't both killed, especially the guy on the dinghy, as the yacht looked to land on top of him. Sad that others have not been so lucky.

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I am absolutely stunned at the level of flooding parts of Australia have been enduring. B/c the Australian heartland and cattle industry have been significantly impacted, global food prices are set to rise even faster than they aready have been increasing......Not to mention the poor people who have lost, in some cases, their lives and in many more instances their property.


I know Justin (Fahrenheit) lives in the Brisbane area, just sent him a CD a couple weeks back in fact....I hope he's making it through dry and intact- some of the most recent overhead pics. of Brisbane show the city practically submerged :blink:


Yeah it has been a very wet and mild summer so far here is Queensland. Whilst the recent flooding in Brisbane was severe and affected the city centre quite badly, Brisbane was lucky enough to have had warning that the floods were coming, allowing people to get themselves to safety. The same cannot be said for the Lockyer Valley and Toowoomba (West of Brisbane) where people had no warning of what was coming, and that is where all the lives were lost. As far as my situation goes (and thanks for the thoughts Jeff), I am on the Northern side of Brisbane which got let off lightly by the floods. In fact in most parts of Northern Brisbane it was business as usual.

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