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Dave Mustaine's bookstore tour

Fat Freddy

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Dave Mustaine's upcoming autobiography (titled simply MUSTAINE in the U.S. and MUSTAINE: A LIFE IN METAL in the U.K.) is being released soon (Aug. 3rd in the US and Sept. 30 in the UK), and he's about to embark on a U.S. bookstore/signing session tour to promote it. Dates can be found here:




Dave's stop in Ridgewood, NJ is somewhat close to me, I'm gonna see if I can make it. It would be sweet to say hi to Dave and get a signed book. I'm sure it'd be interesting reading too. Though I have to say, the cover of the U.K. edition is WAY cooler than the U.S. one. :rofl:

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I would like to read it, but a have a huge backlog of books to read, CDs to listen to and DVDs to watch, so will leave it for a while if he doesn't get himself over to the UK to do some signings. Would be great to meet him and hear some of his pearls of wisdom (which would probably be "Right, f**k off. Next!"). ;)

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I can't believe that this loser has anything still left unsaid.

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I plan on picking this one up as well as the upcoming Steven Adler book.


Adler's stopping at the same bookstore near me that Dave Mustaine is on July 28th. That happens to be my day off (Wednesday) so I'm considering stopping by. I've met Steven before but I'm sure he wouldn't remember it, hell he probably doesn't remember much of the 1990s at all. :rofl:

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I plan on picking this one up as well as the upcoming Steven Adler book.


Adler's stopping at the same bookstore near me that Dave Mustaine is on July 28th. That happens to be my day off (Wednesday) so I'm considering stopping by. I've met Steven before but I'm sure he wouldn't remember it, hell he probably doesn't remember much of the 1990s at all. :rofl:



Yea WE did meet Steve Adler, didn't We??? He was Wasted though, so yea I DOUBT He remembers.. He DID sign My casette of Appettite For Destruction though.. Course I was an IDIOT and gave it to My girlfriend at the time.... :doh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welp, never did make it to Steven Adler's book signing here in Jersey, but I just had lunch with an old Metal buddy who happens to live in the same town as the bookstore where Dave is appearing on August 10th... and we have made tentative plans to attend. Hope it happens. I have been waiting 20 years to tell Dave that Megadeth totally wiped the floor with Judas Priest when I saw them opening Priest's PAINKILLER tour. :banger:

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I might go to the signing in Portland. It all depends on what I'm doing at that moment in time. It may not be feasible. Really not sure what I would say if I did go. Countdown To Extinction was the only Megadeth album I really listened to and it's been several years since I've heard it. Perhaps I should ask him why there is a song about a guy being raped in prison?

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I just had lunch with an old Metal buddy who happens to live in the same town as the bookstore where Dave is appearing on August 10th... and we have made tentative plans to attend.


It's now officially official, my buddy Brian and I are definitely going to the Mustaine signing this coming Tuesday. In fact, he's going to pick up copies of the book for each of us over the weekend (since he lives only a few blocks from the bookstore) to save us from having to wait on line to do so on Tuesday night. We just have to make sure we hang onto the receipts showing we bought the books at their store when we go to the signing. I'm hoping that I can get a fanboy photo of myself with Dave while I'm there, and if so I shall post it. :beerbang:


So anyway, I'm thinking of bringing one of my Deth CDs along to the book signing to see if I can get that autographed as well. Dunno if he'll sign anything other than the books but what the hell, it's worth a shot. So which Megadeth CD cover do y'all think would look coolest with a Mustaine sig on it - RUST IN PEACE or PEACE SELLS? I'm trying to decide between those two. :lol:

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I just had lunch with an old Metal buddy who happens to live in the same town as the bookstore where Dave is appearing on August 10th... and we have made tentative plans to attend.


It's now officially official, my buddy Brian and I are definitely going to the Mustaine signing this coming Tuesday. In fact, he's going to pick up copies of the book for each of us over the weekend (since he lives only a few blocks from the bookstore) to save us from having to wait on line to do so on Tuesday night. We just have to make sure we hang onto the receipts showing we bought the books at their store when we go to the signing. I'm hoping that I can get a fanboy photo of myself with Dave while I'm there, and if so I shall post it. :beerbang:


So anyway, I'm thinking of bringing one of my Deth CDs along to the book signing to see if I can get that autographed as well. Dunno if he'll sign anything other than the books but what the hell, it's worth a shot. So which Megadeth CD cover do y'all think would look coolest with a Mustaine sig on it - RUST IN PEACE or PEACE SELLS? I'm trying to decide between those two. :lol:


Reckon I'd go for Rust In Peace, just 'cause I think it's the better album, one of the best thrash albums ever, could even be the best imo. To have a signed copy would be nice.

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Reckon I'd go for Rust In Peace, just 'cause I think it's the better album, one of the best thrash albums ever, could even be the best imo. To have a signed copy would be nice.


I'm probably going to end up flipping a coin the day of the signing to decide which one to bring. :lol:


My friend and I were joking about showing up to the signing wearing Metallica shirts and asking Dave to autograph a KILL'EM ALL record. Imagine his reaction! The headline in the paper the next day would probably be "LOCAL WISE ASSES SEVERELY BEATEN BY ROCK GUITARIST" :rofl2:

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Reckon I'd go for Rust In Peace, just 'cause I think it's the better album, one of the best thrash albums ever, could even be the best imo. To have a signed copy would be nice.


I'm probably going to end up flipping a coin the day of the signing to decide which one to bring. :lol:


My friend and I were joking about showing up to the signing wearing Metallica shirts and asking Dave to autograph a KILL'EM ALL record. Imagine his reaction! The headline in the paper the next day would probably be "LOCAL WISE ASSES SEVERELY BEATEN BY ROCK GUITARIST" :rofl2:



Although I'd get more pleasure from seeing it the other way round, as I like Megadeth a lot more than Metallica.

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Tomorrow is the big day. I am stoked. I hope Dave's not a dick. :lol:

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I'm probably building it up way too much in my imagination. It'll probably be a cattle call with a huge line of sweaty fanboys lined up outside the store comparing their Vic Rattlehead tattoos and screaming "WOOOO! FUCKIN MEGADETH!!!! DAAAAAAVE! METALLICA SUUUUUUUCKS!" and then I'll see Mustaine for a grand total of five seconds. :rofl:


I hope to at least get a photo with him!!

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So hey, okay, I met Dave Mustaine tonight. It was a good time. My friend Brian and I got to the bookstore around 6 pm (signing started at 7) and there were only a few dozen people ahead of us. So we stood out on the sidewalk sweating our asses off till the line finally started to move. Brian had already bought our books in advance so we didn't have that extra hassle.


The line went thru the store (boy were we glad to finally get inside the building, where there was AC!) and downstairs to the "fun & games" room (in addition to books this store also sells board games, educational toys, etc.), where Dave was sitting at a table in the corner. He's a lot shorter than I pictured him, haha.


Brian was on line in front of me so he got to say hi to Dave first. They were moving people thru the line pretty quick so we had maybe five seconds to talk to him, if that. Brian told Dave that both of us had seen Megadeth open for Judas Priest @ the Meadowlands 20 years ago, and Dave sez "Wow, that was a long time ago huh?" When it was my turn I told him I'd been a fanboy ever since that show and said "You totally wiped the floor with Judas Priest that night. I've been waiting 20 years to tell you that." He shook my hand and said "Well, hey, thanks a lot."


Dave wasn't taking photos with fans but people were snapping random pix all the while as they were waiting on line, so I took a quick snap with my phone too so I had something to show the young'uns.



Mustaaaaaaaaaiiiiine!! (and random bookstore people)





Afterwards Brian and I walked a few blocks to a pub that had 60 different beers on tap and had a pint or three, then I hit the road for home. A very good (and METAL) time was had by all. Can't wait to start reading the book!

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Nice one! :tumbsup:


Great experience, 5 seconds you'll never forget! Although Dave can be a bit obnoxious at times, he is a complete metal legend (and for me wipes the floor with Metallica creatively). Then onto a pub with 60 beers? Awesome!

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Then onto a pub with 60 beers? Awesome!


Yeah, it was a nice place. Sadly, I didn't have time to sample all 60. :chug:

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I'm about halfway thru the "Mustaine" book already, it's been a very cool, fast, funny as hell read. Even though I've been a Megadeth fanboy for over 20 years at this point, I've still learned a few things about the band that I didn't know. Even if Dave isn't coming to your town, this book is well worth picking up! :beerbang:


Check out this video someone posted on YouTube from the signing. The chick with the red hair and "Nunslaughter" back patch (!) was right in front of my buddy and I on the line outside; we were chit-chatting with her and her boyfriend the whole time we were waiting to get in.



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