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Robert Downy Jr.


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Well a few years back he seemed to be hitting rock bottom, drug and alcohol problems and all. But I really think since he has become a serious family man & father he has realized that lifestyle is self destructive. And he has changed. He really has started coming back. And his next release is more proof of how talented he is.




Ive been checking out the trailers for this one since I first heard about it. I like Robert Downey Jr.. And this looks like another great role he easily fits into. As usual Im looking forward to the DVD release. ;)


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Yeah it looks like a great movie as does the new Iron Man.


He was really amazing in the Tropic Thunder movie IMO and is one hell of an actor and has been for a long time.


Another kind of missed out on gem of a movie for him from a few years back was 'Kiss Kiss Bang Bang' with Val Kilmer.

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Gotta give props to him. I usually dont pay much mind to people after they have hit rock bottom cuz I feel they had the choice to do right or wrong from the start, but I always liked what he had done in the past. Seeing the big flicks he has made in the last few years has proved to me that he appears to have shifted gears and (hopefully) turned around and got on the right path.

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Yes, backed ! I have also liked him in most movies. I am looking forward to this one !

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