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Fuckin Bastards!


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I knew absolutely 100%, and even said so back then. That...when the CRB and the RIAA and the conglomerate mega record companys (that dont give a shit for you or I) raised hell about Royalty Rates this would happen. :cussing::taz: ASCAP now wants money for music snippets/sound bytes!! And you know the consumer will be the ones paying in the end.



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What's next - If you say the name of a band or song in public you have to cut ASCAP/BMI/RIAA a check?


Talk about going out of their way to kill an industry.


Don't get me started on the fuckers wanting to collect on 30-second samples. Been there. Done that. BMI wanted thousands from me for mono 30-second samples. That's why I took them all down the first time around.


Now I only post samples from labels or artists that either submit directly to me or with whom I have blanket agreements with.


As the economy tanks further and these leeching organizations look for ways to pad their pockets, look for it to only get worse...



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These are the death throes of an industry that is spiralling into extinction because of greed.


There was a record store over here that the PRS took to court because they played music in store and refused to pay a performance/licence fee......what these numbnuts don't realise is that the store provided free advertising by doing this for artists. Incredibly the store eventually backed down and paid the £70, not a huge sum but it's the principle.


If they actually employed people who cared about music rather than a bunch of suits then their marketing strategies would be much more focussed and productive. This is what happens when you leave anything to bean counters, they screw it up for everyone. This is also what happens when you employ someone straight out of business school rather than someone who knows how the industry works (or doesn't work in this case). They don't understand their core customers, be it the shops they supply or the people who buy from these shops - and they don't seem to be able to comprehend that the glory days of the 70's 80's and even mid 90's where record companies make sheds of cash are gone due to their incompetence....yet they expect people to pay over the odds to keep the cash coming in.


They carp on about illegal downloads depriving them of royalties but I read on the BBC News website that "a study" deduced that people who ilegally downloaded music spent 4 times as much on physical product than those who don't.

Then to compete with illegal downloading they come up with the idea of legal sites ...all well and good but the prices are too expensive and the approach so half assed to make it laughable...and in the end you pay for a bit of music yet you don't own it, I know if I wanted to sell my CD's I'd make a fair bit of cash, I don't think I'd get much trying to sell a hard drive full of tunes, so I'm seriously never going to buy a download as it's worthless. What a great business model!


I hope and pray the main labels go to the wall and fail, then the independant labels can start the process of getting proper music out there again as opposed to the homogenised souless junk foistered on us by the likes of Cowell. Again they have no idea who buys music and who they should really invest in, it's not the grandma or little girl who buys the X-Factor winner single at Christmas or who latches onto the latest manufactured pop sensation. The ones to focus on are people who love music who will be long term buyers rather than people who buy on whims or raging adolescent hormones.

It's all about the quick money with them which may be not a bad thing, but when it's destroying the thing your making the money from then it sucks...I'm fine me, forget everyone else.


These companies screw up everything they do...what about the DRM technology they trumpeted about to stop CD copying hahahaha! All abandoned now and it cost millions upon millions...and could be completely circumvented by using a felt tip on the edge of of a CD rendering it completely useless....what a bunch of chumps.


What the companies fail to realise is through their own incompetance that they have killed the goose that laid the golden eggs.

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