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Kings X in Sioux Falls this Friday...

Evil Rick

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I just found out Kings X will be at a club in Sioux Falls tomorrow night. Tickets are $15 which isn't bad. I'm just wondering if they are worth seeing live. I only have one of their cds so I'm not a huge Kings X guy but if they put on a good show I'm all for it. The club they are playing at is famous for booking crap bands that I wouldn't go see if they paid me so I'm thinking Kings X may have really changed their sound in the last few years.

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I have their latest album and I don't think they've changed their sound at all, still stripped-down harmony-laden rock. Their recorded material is mostly great, only issue is that so much of their sound is based upon vocal harmonies I wonder how they'd pull that off live... If they played near me I'd go see them...

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You must go!!Great live band.I have seen them twice live and they are were fantastic.They are very nice guys also.Lets us know if you go and what you think.



Agreed 1 zillion %%%%!!!!!!!


I have seen KX a half dozen times and they sound better and have more fun each time I see them!




Besides the venue sizes are teeny and they always do a meet and greet after!


Btw: they are frickin' LOUD as well.

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Thanks for all the great input everyone! I am leaning heavily towards going, but I've got a friend coming to town today who is not a huge fan of their music. Plus I have to run a 5k at 8:30am tomorrow and found out the band probably won't be going on until after 10pm. Sounds like I'll be missing a heck of a show if I don't go though.

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I've seen them in a bar in Grand Forks ND a few (5?) years back. I am not a fan of the band other than the song Over My Head. The guitar player is really good live. If they do an acoustic show, I would pass on it. If I had a chance to see them again, I would decline. Especially if I had to pay for the ticket and the drinks.

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Thanks for all the great input everyone! I am leaning heavily towards going, but I've got a friend coming to town today who is not a huge fan of their music. Plus I have to run a 5k at 8:30am tomorrow and found out the band probably won't be going on until after 10pm. Sounds like I'll be missing a heck of a show if I don't go though.


Truly, if you have never seen them, you owe it to yourself to do so. If ever a group could sound as good if not better live than KX is it.


Even you are not in love with them, they are phenominal musicians and look at the staying power...what like 20 years and still make the rounds every year!


Buy Dug a shot of Petrone (sp) and watch the fun begin. :)

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