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Leno's last show


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Tonight, Jay Leno did his last Tonight Show. On Monday, the new host is :puke: Conan O'Brien. :puke:


I have never liked Conan so I guess I'll start watching Letterman again.


What do you all think about the change?

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I don't stay up late enough to watch any of them anymore (it sux getting old! haha) so it doesn't really make much difference to me. Gimme Jon Stewart on "The Daily Show" at 11 PM and then zzzzzzz.... snore.....


For what it's worth, when I used to watch late night shows I preferred Letterman, but it's been years since I've seen him. I could take Conan O'Brien in small doses and Leno I could take or leave.

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In Australia we never got Leno, thankfully in my case. I've seen bits and peices, but I FAR prefer Letterman. He's on every night here and whilst I don't religiously watch it, I see bits as I go to sleep and he always gets a smile or two from me. Big fan of Letterman. Martin Short's sort-lived talk show was great too.

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Remember that week back in like 1994 or something when Chevy Chase had a talk show. I thought he would rule the air for years to come.....boy was I wrong.

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When I used to watch these types of shows I always prefered Letterman and couldn't stand Leno at all and never understood all the hype about him as I don't think he's funny. Now I do think that Conan O'Brien is funny but I'll never stay up late enough to watch unless I have a case of Insomnia.

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I watched about half of Conan O'Brien's first "Tonight Show" before nodding off the other night... his intro was pretty funny stuff (he forgot that he was supposed to move to L.A., so he ran across America to the "Tonight" studio with Cheap Trick's "Surrender" playing in the background)... I also liked his joke, "I've come on board the Tonight Show at the perfect time... NBC is the last place network, I'm now living in a state that's bankrupt, and my new sponsor is General Motors." :lol:

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